hello from Canada

(I can't see my initial post I wrote earlier...apologies if it is here and I just didn't see it.) Well I am looking to lose some weight...more for my health sake than anything else. Of course, weighing less in itself is a draw...however to 'feel good' outweighs the 'looking good'. I tend to think of losing weight in 10 pound amounts. It just feels more do-able than 50. And also think of it this way...for every 10 pounds thats like tossing off 1 big bag of flour or sugar. Doesn't seem like much when you say 10 pounds...but imagine shedding a bag of flour. *lol* I have arthritis so it will help me move around easier and it will also help me lower my blood pressure.
Anyways I am hoping to lose weight and also hope to keep motivated...will talk after.
