help help help

The more I try to eat healthy and diet and watch my food
The more I eat crap, crave crap and eat bad food

What can I do ????


  • twicethespice
    I sometimes feel the same way. What I do is not buy 'crap' so if it's not in the house I won't want to eat it. If I am invited out to eat, I try to eat before I go so i will order something small. Sometimes I give in and eat something i know I shouldn't ... it's hard!
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    Give it'll get past it. In the meantime, water, water and more water. Some nicely flavored herbal teas can help, too.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    knock it off!

    Just kidding...kind of. Only you are in charge of your choices, and it does take awhile to shift those habits, but the other poster said it well, don't bring crap into your house so temptation is reduced.

    You can do this!
  • Gershwyn
    Stick with a healthy diet long enough to appreciate that the crap REALLY IS crap.
  • SarahBC
    SarahBC Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks guys... I have been having heaps more water and also exercising first before eating brekky so i have brekky later so i dont snakc so much during the day..

    Thanks heaps Im trying not to have stuff in my house, but when you partner can eat whatever he wants its hard
  • Haleyedwyna
    Haleyedwyna Posts: 2 Member
    There is always junk food in my house. My husband is addicted. It will get easier to ignore it with time but I have also found that if you do not let yourself have a treat every now and again you are more likely to just go crazy and eat a bunch. I make myself earn my treat. If I want something I have to burn the extra calories in my cardio... above and beyond my usual. But I DON'T do every day.
  • mab0669
    I stopped buying all junk. Even though my hubby and son can eat it, I don't want them to. I buy a lot of fruit and yogurt for snacks and they've learned to like Cherios to munch on. The thought of some of the stuff we use to eat turns my stomach anymore. If I crave chocolate, I keep some no fat pudding cups in the fridge for emergencies:)
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    I actually schedule my snacks and meal times. This way I have a snack/meal every few hours. So when I feel the need to munch I hold out cause I know in an hour or so I'll get to have a snack. I keep high fiber snacks around that help keep me full longer. Kellogs fiber pop tarts, nutrigrain eggo waffles, yoplait light yogurt are all snacks that make me feel I'm eating something "naughty" but really getting lots of wonderful fiber instead. :D I also reward myself with a skinny cow ice cream sandwich when I do well that day. So the reward at the end of the day really helps the whole day seem good. Hope this helps!
  • suzukigrl
    ha, first, admit you are human. we naturally want what we can't have. i never drink water but if i know i can't have it, i'm dying of thirst and only water will do. don't give up all your favorite things at once. in fact, i was reading that instead of cutting things out, you should start adding good things in first. the bad stuff, in theory, will slowly wane. makes sense, especially to a carb addict like me. still have your faves, just moderated with good stuff. good luck.
  • odatcindy
    Stop thinking about the weight loss. You are giving your mind the idea that you are sacrificing food for health, when in reality your are changing the focus to healthy foods for a healthy life. Get active - move your body or occupy your mind with something else you enjoy, like reading or writing.
  • Robyn120
    Robyn120 Posts: 249
    I try to eat healthy for the most part but don't stress if I don't get it perfect. I still eat junk basically when I want to but I don't go over my calories when I indulge in naughty food..
  • SyreetaJayne1
    keep healthier choices of "junk" in the house, dark chocolate in moderation is good for you, i eat lots of fiber and that keeps me full longer, so i don't crave the "crap". The longer i eat better selections the more i want to eat better and don't crave the junk. it takes time but is well worth it!!! you can do it!!! and don't beat yourself up when you crash, just keep going cause you're worth it!!!
  • blueelephant1212
    blueelephant1212 Posts: 100 Member
    i agree with the not buying the junk food. i went to walmart and weis markets and bought a bunch of different "healthy" snacks to taste test. so far i like the nature's path pumpkin-spice trail mix flax plus granola bars, the chococonut ones too, popcorn indiana's movie theatre popcorn (in moderation of course) and wheat thins garden vegetable crisps. i am going to try very very very hard this week to not buy any potato chips or junk when i'm at work. i also bought a bunch of fruits to take with me.

    hope that helps!