new looking 4 friends for motivation

Elaine_NZ Posts: 30
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Starting back on here today, hopefully I can stick to it & will try really hard! Im adding friends for a motivation kick so if you need a diet buddy add me as a friend! I also enjoy just reading how everyone else is doing, it helps me alot! Thanks


  • nonoark
    nonoark Posts: 153 Member
    I am new to the site as well. If you are needing a new friend, you can add me. I am on everyday like clockwork. Between this and the gym I think my life did a 360 and would love to share and inspire. I have a lot of work, so I will be here for a while.
  • brice02
    brice02 Posts: 64 Member
  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    I added all three of you! :smile:
  • fthoodbaby
    fthoodbaby Posts: 52 Member
    Sent you all friend requests. :)
  • added all 4 of you!!! :smile:
  • I too would like to add people for motivation. I am having a bad week, I just feel hungry all the time :embarassed:
  • mathgirl
    mathgirl Posts: 61 Member
    Count me in, girl ;)
  • added you, hope you feel better, Im having a crap year so maybe we can help eachother!!
  • Thanks everyone for the ads! feeling very inspired because you are all great!!!
  • Hi there, I'm new too! I'm going to add all of you as well :)
  • I just discovered this site yesterday and I already feel a night and day difference in my attitude towards health
  • cbouchard03
    cbouchard03 Posts: 10 Member
    I just started this about a week ago too. Don't have any friends on here yet, but I could use some for motivation:) Don't know how to add friends either. Hmmm.....gonna try to figure it out...:tongue:
  • Dreaaa
    Dreaaa Posts: 319 Member
    I too recent'y started officially using this site. It's awesome! :) I"ma add all of you! I hope we can all inspire, motivate, pat each other on the back, and just be here to hear us when we're having a horrible day. :)
  • Jayms
    Jayms Posts: 17
    I definitely wouldn't mind being diet buddies!:happy: Half the people that I friended on here aren't getting on anymore, so I am getting like no support myself.
  • I'm also looking for new friends:smile:
  • I'm also looking for new friends for motivation.. had a bad week this week and really want to get on track.
  • I just joined too and could also use some buddies. I've gone ahead and added everybody upthread as well. :)
  • I just joined as well and could really use some friends too! Add me if you want! I would love the motivation of having people cheer me on, and being able to do the same in return! It's just me, myself, and I doing this aside from everyone on this website, which is really helping!
  • would love /fitness buddy to help me along the way losing the weight to being my summer body i did last year!! motivation with someone would be great!
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