Anyone Looking for Support?... Because I Am

I am trying to lose 20 lbs by April- I need to lose about 60 and am having a REALLY hard time doing this on my own, willpower only. I start off with the best of intentions and then I slip and fall and I am back where I started. I tried looking for weight loss support groups in my city but can not find any suitable for me. I wish there was a support line I could call! Anyway, I really need someone to talk to about weight loss, exercise, calories and everything in between! I will not bother you ALL the time, but on days like today, I think someone to talk to would be a nice change. (I over ate. Again. Dammit!) And if you do decide to reply to this or message me (I don't know how this works, I'm fairly new on the site) I will support you too and you can message me anytime. If anyone is reading this and feeling how I am feeling, please message! We can help each other!
Take care.
