Eating Disorder Recovery - Support Needed

Hi there

My name is Dani, I'm 24 yrs old, and live in England.

I am 5 foot 6-7, and currently weigh about 120lbs.

I have suffered with an Eating Disorder (Not otherwise specified) for about 4 years now, sometimes restricting and other times binging. I am 100% committed to recovering! but I'm finding it difficult to get the right balance.
The thing I struggle with most is having a 'normal' lunch instead of multiple snacks!

I am looking for MFP friends who are around the same stats as me, who are seeking to maintain their weight. I am happy at this weight for now and may look to gain a few pounds once I've gotten my eating a bit more on track.

I've forgotten what 'normal' eating is! I know everybody is different, but maybe It would help to have some support & diaries on here.

I'm looking to friend some people who don't have issues around food in the same way I do! As well as others in recovery!

Anyone? :) x


  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    Well, I DO have issues around food in the same way as you (the vicious cycle of starve-binge), but I love supporting others in their goals of recovering from such issues. I am 5'9" and about 125 lbs, so similar stats as well. :)
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    are you getting professional help with your recovery?
  • cmb3457
    cmb3457 Posts: 5 Member
    My heart goes out to you in your recovery. Like any disease, ED is not an easy thing to overcome. Last year our 20 yr old daughter asked to be sent away for treatment because she felt she needed more that the monthly 1-on-1 visit with her therapist. So, we sent her away for 30 days to a treatment center. After she returned, we expected her to be 'fixed', but soon realized that EDs are an ongoing struggle for those affected. She told me that the kitchen made her nervous and the thought of having to prepare food made her nervous. So, most days I would prepare her meals and even pack her lunch. It has been almost a year since she has returned home and I'm happy to say is doing a lot better. I belive that had she not gone to the inpatient facility, she won't have been at this stage. She's back to living the liive of a happy young adult.

    You stated that you have problems with lunch. I think if you are able to plan ahead and prepare a healthy lunch it would cut down on the snacking.I tend to cook all of my meals for the week on the weekend. I grill/bake chicken, slow cook a beef roast, cook potatoe/rice and steam vegetalbles. Then portion them into containers. The beef and veges are for supper. The chicken I add to salads for lunch - sometimes I substitute can tuna. I tend to make 2 days worth of salads at a time. I have almonds and yogurt as my snack.
  • Hi there im new on here, i used to have binge eating disorder and i learnt to eat properly in a food addiction treatment centre in ireland called hope house in foxford.

    We all went on a food plan....which meant weighing and measuring our food instead of our bodies!

    We all went to the support group every monday night called food addicts anonymous.

    We all text or phoned each other for support.

    It was awesome.

    i learned how to have meals again something i never did as we never got meals growing up, (my mum has problems with food) she passed it onto me....

    But i recovered! she has not!

    To this day i have 3 to 4 meals a day. I eat meals! and this is a miracle.

    I dont do compulsive exercise anymore.

    3 years ago something happened (lots of things happened at the same time! I was around my mum alot and i binged big time....after 3 years no binge... i stacked on 2 and a half stone and learnt to love me what ever size i am.

    my weight has been a protection.

    now i have moved away from my mum and hardly any contact and i have decided to lose weight slowly and sensibly with 3 meals a day and snacks inbetween....its happy.

    The food addiction group is the foundation of me having a healthy mind.

    For this im grateful.

    I can reccomend a wonderfull book

    food addiction the body knows . by kay sheppherd.

    all the best.

    getting slim 734
  • I have the same problem! I'm willing to support you! I'm 5"4 and 8st 5
  • charlestongirl2012
    charlestongirl2012 Posts: 9 Member
    add me if you want to