Was anyone able to flip flop from a night person to a mornin

NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I am a night person, which on average isn't a big deal. But I would really like to do the Zumba class in the AM instead of 8pm at night (after a long day I just want to unwind at the point...not wind back up)...but its at 5:15am....I'm still groggy and out of it till noon usually lol. Which is not very functional for something like Zumba. :(

So I was just curious if anyone started out their healthy lifestyle being more of an evening person...but have progressed into getting up early for work outs?

It doesn't seem possible at this point...I don't even eat breakfast for like 4 hours after I wake up because it feels like to much work lol.


  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    i'm not much help. i am a day light person. if the sun is up so am i but once it sets i am toast
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I have! I used to stay up till 1 or 2 am and have to drag my *kitten* out of bed around 7 to get the kids to school then sometimes go back to sleep. Now I go to bed around 9 or 10(very latest lol) and am up around 5 (weekdays) 6 (weekends). I LOVE it, too!!!

    Good luck!!!
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    I feel your pain... I actually have to be both, because I work swing shift. I work 2 weeks on day shift, then 2 weeks on night shift.. making it so I can't attend anything like that, though I'd LOVE to do Zumba.

    There's no other available classes besides those two? It's difficult transitioning over to days... but once you do it for a few weeks, you'll find it is not only easier, but you'll have more energy. Our bodies were meant to be Day dwellers, and you'll be healthier for it.

    You just need to decide if it is worth it to you. =)
  • I don't go into work until 9am on Tuesdays, so I always promise myself I'm going to wake up and work out. It NEVER happens. However, I have transitioned to being more of a morning person. I used to wake up at 1pm every day. Now I wake up at around 6. I still hate life a little in the mornings, but it's not as bad as it was.
  • I was a night owl in undergrad. When I started professional school I found that unless I made myself get up in the morning to work out I didn't do it. My alarm goes off at 4:50 every morning and I am out the door by 5am for a run. I don't eat till I get back. It takes a few weeks (4ish) to make the transition, and unfortunately it gets harder to get up before it gets easier. I would also suggest getting up early even on the mornings you don't go to Zumba class to help your body re-establish your day night cycle.
  • My wife is a RN who works at night and has to do the flip flop all the time if she wants to spend time with us day dwellers. It is always a struggle and I think that it takes a lot out of her and forces her to sleep a lot.

    I used to be a night person, but when responsibilities meant that I had to get up early I made the change and am not a not person any more. You can't do both for long.
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    You just have to go to bed earlier. I would advise starting on a weekend. Get up early, no naps and hang in there until 9 or 10 pm.
  • Once you get up early for a workout a few times, you'll probably get used to it and look FORWARD to getting up to be active. I would give it a try for a week or two!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    You have to make a schedule and stick to it for a couple weeks. Try to always go to bed and get up within half an hour of the same time everyday, and get to bed early! This might be hard at first, I use to work rotating shifts as well, and I'd always have to take melatonin on the first few nights of day shift so I could fall asleep early enough, but then your body adapts and it gets easier.

    Now I have steady hours, and I always go to bed by 11, and get up at 7:30, usually before the alarm goes off. Once you get used to a nice, non hectic, early morning (all the extra time you have is insane!) it will be well worth it, and you'll be glad you made the transition. Just hang in there!
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    After working out for the past 3 months in the morning, I have become a morning person. It's just a matter of getting to bed early, getting up earlier than needed, having a good breakfast, and getting out the door. Rinse and Repeat.
  • I was like this too..but then i had my son. Just start going to bed earlier! You'll get so much more accomplished if you go to bed at a good time and get up at a decent time!
  • I am a night person who has (somewhat) successfully made the switch to mornings LOL! part of it was making myself go to bed at a decent hour, and being motivated enough and valuing myself enough to get my butt outta bed and exercise!
    MISTTIMG Posts: 136
    A Serious Night Owl here, I always have trouble with day chores. sometimes I just stay up and do the morning chores or Dr. appointments or what ever then take a nap. It's kinda hard keeping tract of the calories too, I just go from 12 midnight to 12 midnight. But so far I can't " flip flop" into a day person. I wish I could.
  • I was able to make the transition from night shift to day shift. It took about 2 months before my routine felt established. I was also exhausted while making the transition often napping through lunch! I am now up by 5am and in bed by 10p at the latest. It is all about establishing a pattern. Try to wake up and go to sleep at the same time. Of course I don't think there is anything wrong with a couple of weeks of benydral to make sure you sleep through the night! You can do this, be patient through the process:smile:
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    This was extremely helpful everyone!!! :o) I've been SO entirely EXHAUSTED the past few weeks and I know I have plenty of medical reasons to be so tired, I just want to know that I'm doing everything in my power to prevent it. Recently I've started thinking...hmmm...maybe my sleeping habits need to be reexamined. I kind of just let myself sleep whenever I can since I tend to have pain on and off again during the week. But my goal is to become a morning person. And by morning person I don't mean the fall asleep at 3 in the morning person that I am. Ha ha! It will be hard but I'm ready to try it so that I'm not ready to drop at 2PM. :o)

    Okay, I'm done hijacking the post. I just wanted to say great topic and great answers! Thank you!
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