
Regarding the fit bit, I am really torn. I went to target yesterday to purchase one and just couldn't do it. I really worry about whether it will be good for me. I lost 60 lbs using myfitnesspal before I had my second baby so I know I can do it, but it is much harder this time with two little ones. I need the motivation. I do alot of gym workouts (spin class, treadmill, elliptical) now that it is winter, but will do more walking/running in the spring. Just wondering if the fit bit is going to be good for me??? I hate the thought of spending the money and letting it go to waste. I have done that so much in the past with fitness things.


  • blgmw2
    blgmw2 Posts: 171 Member
    I have a Fitbit One and don't leave home without it. It works for me. It sounds as if you can do this from past experiences with weight loss. The. Fitbit is definitely a motivational tool. You can set a goal of so many steps per day and work towards your goal, increasing that goal as time goes by. I now have a daily goal of 15,000 steps per day. I started at 5,000 in May 2013. You probably need to determine if it fits you, if in the past gadgets have not worked for you, think twice. I love gadgets! Good Luck!
  • cruzcrzyMarie
    cruzcrzyMarie Posts: 251 Member
    I understand what you are saying about the money because I am also frugal. With that said, it is worth it. I wanted one for a long time and I received it for a birthday gift. It is VERY motivating. Do it for yourself. You are worth it.
  • piersonj
    piersonj Posts: 62 Member
    The answer to whether it will be a good purchase or not comes down to what are you wanting it to do. I love my Fitbit, but when you boil it down to basics it is a souped up pedometer. The exercises you do now will be better monitored by a heart rate monitor. If you are looking for something that can help you more accurately gauge your average activity level, than a fit bit is a good purchase. It will help you track and monitor a daily goal. Mine is to get 10,000 steps in a day, there are others you can choose. I really like the sleep monitoring feature, being able to see the improvements in my sleep patterns with only a couple changes have been very helpful. Over all I am less tired though the day.

    What are you wanting out of the fitbit if you purchase one?
  • Shellz31
    Shellz31 Posts: 214 Member
    I love my fitbit, but like someone else mentioned it really is just a smart pedometer. I like seeing how active I am on any given day. I was amazed how many more steps I took while at work in the office than I did working from home. It's helped me incorporate more movement into my day. But don't expect it to accurately track activities outside of walking and running because it's just not built for that.

    I have a fitbit Zip, which you can find for $50 (though full price is $60) so it's quite a big saving over the later versions. It doesn't track sleep or stairs, though when I take the stairs it does count them as steps. So if you're looking for a cheaper option I highly recommend it. I never leave home without it, and at home my boyfriend laughs at me because even when just lounging in my underwear I'll have it on :laugh: It's a great tool.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    The answer to whether it will be a good purchase or not comes down to what are you wanting it to do. I love my Fitbit, but when you boil it down to basics it is a souped up pedometer. The exercises you do now will be better monitored by a heart rate monitor. If you are looking for something that can help you more accurately gauge your average activity level, than a fit bit is a good purchase. It will help you track and monitor a daily goal. Mine is to get 10,000 steps in a day, there are others you can choose. I really like the sleep monitoring feature, being able to see the improvements in my sleep patterns with only a couple changes have been very helpful. Over all I am less tired though the day.

    What are you wanting out of the fitbit if you purchase one?

    This hits the crux of the matter IMO. Also if you're worried about the cost you can follow my plan for my FitBit Zip (the cheapest model they have) which is: Buy on ebay, spend $20-35 less than in retail establishment (I got mine new in box for $40 with free shipping, three days ago). If you don't use it as you hope or it demotivates you or whatever else, resell on ebay. ta-da!
  • kshaw5501
    kshaw5501 Posts: 390 Member
    I got the Fitbit Zip for Christmas and it's been one of the biggest motivators for me to get off my butt and get moving. For me, right now this inexpensive pedometer is perfect, but in the future I may want/need to upgrade to a more techy heart rate monitor. It's all personal preference and what you want it to do. My syncs every night to the fitbit website and to MFP, so I get to see my progress. Good luck with your decision.
  • phoebe2488
    phoebe2488 Posts: 106 Member
    Thank you! I think like some said, I might be better with a heart rate monitor. :-) I appreciate your advice!