New Help

cbouchard03 Posts: 10 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all! New to this website and trying to stick with it. I gotta say, I'm having a hard time staying under my 1384 calories per day. That doesn't seem like a lot when you factor in things like an apple (which I discovered is 80 calories, who knew!). Anyone else having this problem?


  • irtata43
    irtata43 Posts: 37 Member
    My cousin introduced me to this site about a month ago. I had a health scare and now Im trying my best to do something about it. Im and trying to stay within a recomended 1200 cals. per day. I also am having to watch my fat intake as well as carbs. I felt overwhelmed at first, even angry. But Im taking it one day at a time and have lost 11 lbs. so far. I have found that by counting fat and carbs the cals. are taking care of themselves. Just doing my best to make healthy choices. I have truly found this site to be a HUGE help. Hope you do to. Hang in there, you can do it.:happy:
  • NickCasey
    NickCasey Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I am also new to this website... its almost a week I am on here ... my problem is the opposite .... I am allowed 1200 Cals a day and I always have remaining cals at the end of the day. However, I have been walking on the tredmil and riding an indoor bike everyday which adds cals to my day ..... I would recommend, Walking on a tredmill everyday or at least walk for a 1/2 hour everyday out side if you can. It really helps. I found now that I am walking, I find myself less hungery. ... Good Luck! :bigsmile:
  • NickCasey
    NickCasey Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I am also new to this website... its almost a week I am on here ... my problem is the opposite .... I am allowed 1200 Cals a day and I always have remaining cals at the end of the day. However, I have been walking on the tredmil and riding an indoor bike everyday which adds cals to my day ..... I would recommend, Walking on a tredmill everyday or at least walk for a 1/2 hour everyday out side if you can. It really helps. I found now that I am walking, I find myself less hungery. ... Good Luck! :bigsmile:
  • Do you excercise? That can help a lot, even just walking at a brisk pace. You should actually be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water every day!! This will help you feel full more often and help clear out any of the "bad" food. You will need to go to the bathroom more often at first, but your body will adjust and you will go less often after about a week. Chicken is great, not a lot of calories and tons of protien, which I have found out you need more of then what myfitnesspal states. If you drink pop, you should try to stop, completly!! It was hard for about the first for me, but it has helped. I hope this helps, at least a little.
  • Do you excercise? That can help a lot, even just walking at a brisk pace. You should actually be drinking half your body weight in ounces of water every day!! This will help you feel full more often and help clear out any of the "bad" food. You will need to go to the bathroom more often at first, but your body will adjust and you will go less often after about a week. Chicken is great, not a lot of calories and tons of protien, which I have found out you need more of then what myfitnesspal states. If you drink pop, you should try to stop, completly!! It was hard for about the first for me, but it has helped. I hope this helps, at least a little.
  • exercise and you can have more calories. lean protein and high fiber foods more filling and lower fat. drink water. as much as you can. don't forget to save calories for your favorite foods. good luck.
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