
kish1818 Posts: 7
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Help!!! I have DVD's, a gym membership, and weights at home....I cannot get motivated to do anything. Can anyone give me some suggestions


  • What has been motivating me is how unhealthy I was eating. I downloaded the app for my ipod and looked up how many calories I would normally eat in a day, which would consist of cereal in the morning, 2 hot pockets or something similar and a whole tony's pizza for supper. I was shocked at how many calories I would consume on a normal day. That was my "ah-ha!" moment. The best motivation comes from within. You have to ask yourself, why should I lose weight?
  • just give it a try for a day or two, you will find that you feel so much better and you will want to keep it up.....good luck
  • Jamaica2
    Jamaica2 Posts: 91 Member
    My new thing is something Bob Green or Harper said "Sometimes you just have to show up to the game." You may not be motivated but if you just show up and push play even for 15 min. , you may find that you'll be motivated the next day. I'm realizing that if I wait for motivation to hit, I'll talk myself out of the workout every time. I've only been going strong for 3 weeks this round but I'm showing up and not making excuses, not even really thinking about it anymore. That's the genius behind the "just do it" slogan. Good luck to you.
  • anewpath
    anewpath Posts: 200
    Figure out what is most important to you in your life. What do you live for, children, grandchildren, your other half? For me right now its my wedding in April, after that it will be staying healthy in order to start a family. Ultimately I want to be healthy so that I can enjoy my life with my fiance and the children we hope to have.
  • I have been having the same problem. What I have begun to do (it seems to be working) remembering why did i want to lose weight to begin with? Was it your clothes, the kids, how you felt about your self. For me it was about not feeling comfortable in my own skin. It was about walking from the car to the store and being somewhat winded. What is your reason? I begin to write down all the things that I hate about being overweight. I stuck it on my bathroom mirror so that when I get up in the morning, their is no way that I could not see it. Next I put a little card in my purse where I get my money that says, "Joyce, you are worth it! Is what you are getting ready to buy supporting the change that you are making to your health?"

    I know that you can do it. You are worth it. Just think when you become discipline in this area, what other things can open up for you. The bottom line is do you believe you are worth it! I hope this helps.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Get off your butt and do it!! Tough love my friend.
  • Help!!! I have DVD's, a gym membership, and weights at home....I cannot get motivated to do anything. Can anyone give me some suggestions
    log in here for a few days, i'm sure you'll get motivated. first, just say to yourself, "i'm going to do one, just one, positive thing today." and do it. whether it is meeting your water intake to adding another vegetable to a meal or just bypassing the vending machine. as for exercise, maybe start with some light weights. a few reps in the morning before you shower. believe me, this changes your body composition faster than anything. you'll feel it the first day. you'll want to do more. i don't really recommend paying all that money for the gym but since you have, you may as well use what they have to offer. if they have a sauna, that could be so relieving after a good weight workout. classes are great. use it for all it's worth. positve self talk is how you motivate yourself. and the rest of us can help you keep going. good luck.
  • Don't go all out right away, just start small, walk a mile for a day or two, then see if you can beat that, either by walking farther or the mile in faster time. Give it awhile, the more you do, the more energy you will have, and eventually you won't want to just sit. Once you start to see some progress, you will want to keep doing more. We all want it to happen overnight, but unfortunelty it doesn't.
  • You know, I don't know if anything can motivate a person until they're really ready. I've done different diets and have tired to change the way I eat many times over the years, but nothing ever stuck. I started using MFP on my phone early October, as a way to see how many calories I was eating (not really dieting), and even then, nothing came of it.

    It wasn't until the past week or so that I had my "moment" where I realized it's time. As long as you're trying though, that's all that counts. <3
  • When ur not busy just pop a dvd in and give it a try. Im the same way sometimes and I feel that when I just talk about it and then do it I feel good.
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