Anyone here in MN?

Hi - I'm Laurel. I live in a very rural area in Central Minnesota. I'm a 37 year old married working mom to a crazy 3 year old. I've been on MFP now for about 5 weeks and have lost 8 lbs so far (out of the initial 48 I want to lose), which is something I never dreamed I would be able to do or that it would be as easy as it has been. I'm not saying that weight loss is easy by any means, but for some reason this time (I've "tried" to lose weight many times) it just seemed to finally click - MFP works for me! I'm looking for friends to help keep me motivated and accountable as I am doing this on my own. My sister is also using MFP, but we live 730 miles apart, so I thought that having additional online friends would help make things easier. So, hey there!
