Over 40 Friends w/ 25-50lbs to lose, I need you!!



  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    Me tooo!!!! Anyone can add me as well - looking to keep motivated and hopefully encourage some others along the way! :happy:
  • I fit the parameters. Need to lose 25-50lbs and supporting on-line friends would be nice.
  • Darcie45
    Darcie45 Posts: 52 Member
    i am 45, have lost 34 pounds and I have 13 to go to my goal. I log in everyday and am great at giving encouragement and a way to go! Feel free to send me a friend request
  • missg47
    missg47 Posts: 8 Member
    HI There, I'm 47 and want to lose 40 lbs. I have 2 crazy, busy kids, work full time and am just trying to figure out how to make this work. I'll offer any support and motivation that I can and would love to hear what has worked for you. Feel free to friend me. Good luck to all!
  • bitshred
    bitshred Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 44 with 25+ pounds to lose. Feel free to add me, anyone. Thanks.
  • I'm 40 and I have a total of 70 Pds to loose my short goal is 20 Pds . Please feel free to add me any support is needed :))):flowerforyou:
  • I'm 41, also work from home but I have about 75lb to lose, am I too fat to join in? :D:D
  • I am over 40 and need to lose 50lbs, Feel free to add me:)
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    Over 40 and need to lose 50 +. I workout at home. I have an elliptical, treadmill BoFlex and free weights. Good luck to you!
  • newladykb2016
    newladykb2016 Posts: 34 Member
    I am 59 years old and this is my goal this year to log in each day. I have a lot to lose also. I am taking this a day at a time. Trying to eat normal and keep calories 1400 ,or close to it. I have been on Weight watchers,HCG, Fat burners,you name it. I then go back with the weight gain. My son lost his weight his senior year and has kept if off for years,counting calories and watching his fat intake. He said Mom try the calories and stick to it where your metabolism, can function and you will lose the weight. You can add me as a friend. Sounds like you got this down pat. YEAH!!!!!:smile:
  • Hi there, i am 40 and looking to lose 35 lb. A surprise pregnancy has left me struggling with extra weight gain and prior to that i had given up smoking.Ready for the challenge and would love the support.Feel free to add me :smile:
  • Hi! I am 43 and looking to lose about 20 lbs. I joined weight watchers last year and lost 10. I quit weight watchers and just used this app and found it helpful. However, I eventually fell off track and stopped looking at my calories and I started cooking higher calorie meals again. I love cooking and I have a habit of watching the food channel and then making what I watched. So I gained some of the weight back. I'm trying to get back on track and would love to friend anyone on here too.
  • Hi! I'm 41 and have 50+ pounds to lose. I have a desk job but love the idea of taking my 15 min break to go walking around the block. If my coworkers can take breaks to smoke, I can take lunch and do some walking instead of eating at my desk! I find preparing healthy meals challenging. I'm going to try doing some cooking on the weekend for meals I can have during the week. I'll let you know how it works out!
  • tinamariecleg
    tinamariecleg Posts: 99 Member
    Sent you a friend request :)
  • bacn60s
    bacn60s Posts: 33 Member
    Don't let your age disappoint yourself.
    I am 64 male and had the same weight problem. I took care of it, you can too.
    Stick with MFP and exercise 60 min a day! Drink a lot of water!!
    I shed approx. 60 lbs in 6 months doing this... 1200 calories a day!!
    Good luck, add me if u wish..
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Nearly 47.....gulp with 45 lb so still to lose! Took me all of last year to lose 14!...hope to get rid of this this year!
    Add me! I need all the help I can get! Love food! Just starting to love the gym!
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    42.. released 205 pounds.. 30 pounds to goal..

    lets do this ladies

    you can join my group if you like

  • wendy_j441
    wendy_j441 Posts: 35 Member
    sent you a request
  • Hi
    Im on track to loose 35 pounds
    Ive managed to drop 6 since 01/01 but this is probably water weight.
    Good luck and keep at it
  • Craneski
    Craneski Posts: 1 Member
    I am also 50 years young, have worked out on and off since my teens. I have always had a weight issue, weighing as much as 255lbs at one point. Finally managed to lose 75 lbs about 4 years ago, but starting backsliding about a year ago. I have been wearing a Fitbit for almost a year, it's amazing how accountable that makes you. Was back down about 10 lbs, but then the holidays hit. Starting over at 198, but having a fresh attitude helps. Love that Fitbit links to MFP, what a great thing. You have to take 1 day at a time, make the best decisions you can every day. If you slip, be better the next day. Try not to get overwhelmed and don't allow any negative self talk!