Need friends :) (girls please!)



  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    I would love another supportive friend! I enjoy motivating all my friends! Add me if you want to! I wont be leaving here anytime soon!!!
  • I'm in if you still want co-support! :)
  • wheezeybouncer
    wheezeybouncer Posts: 122 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I'm Geina, SAHM to 3 monkeys, carer to my parents and a zumba addict! Feel free to add me. I'm in it for the long haul!
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    Glad to have you back!

    I am a consistent logger, supporter, and workout-er! :smile:
  • Krad81
    Krad81 Posts: 6
    Hi girls!

    I joined MFP on Monday (6 Jan). I am a South African, living in Pretoria. Mommy to a beautiful 4year old girl. Unfortunately I work full time, would love to be a SAHM though.

    I had to quickly convert kg to lb as you all work in lb hahahaha so... My first big goal is to loose 61lb! After that I will set another goal.

    So I am in it for the long haul too... add me if you want and we can all support each other :) I'm definately going to need it!
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    hey i lost weight and gained most of it back cause i got pregnant,but im taking this baby weight off like a champ!
    add me if you like:drinker:
  • shannylove9
    shannylove9 Posts: 24 Member
    hey everyone! I am starting back at losing weight this year as well. Lost 40 last year but still have a long long way to go. I would love for positive feedback as well and whoever wants to add me! :) It could be nice if we could all talk together somewhere on here. Kind of a newbie to the website though... is there a way to form groups/support group/chat group kinda things on here?

  • xkimberlee007
    xkimberlee007 Posts: 44 Member
    Me and my kids got really sick for like 2 months and I was just too tired do I gave up :(
    I lost it just by counting calories(1200) and jogging a little
  • hey my names carys,feel free to follow>.<
  • DeltaZero
    DeltaZero Posts: 1,197 Member
    have you ever read the Beck Diet Solution? it helped me deal with my food demons (inherited from my mother). sounds like you're ready to face yours.

    That must be my problem. Food Demons.
  • Jenn842512
    Jenn842512 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! They say most people gain back what they've lost but at least you know if you did it once you can do it again!
    I was around 180lbs at my highest a few years ago and have gotten down to 120 and pretty well maintained for a long time now. It's a lifestyle.
    We can talk whenever you need motivation!
  • dpaden25
    dpaden25 Posts: 99 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
    I'm also just beginning this journey.. It is definitely hard, but totally worth it! Let's support each other!!
  • Crateria_
    Crateria_ Posts: 253 Member
    I'm new here! I would love to be your friend :)!! I'm excited to finally make this happen!
    Any other ladies feel free to add me as well! :)
  • ravenribbs
    ravenribbs Posts: 289 Member
    Count me in. I'm Rhonda, need all the help I can get, and like cheering on my MFP friends!
  • Hello, Getting started today! As soon as I am done logging my breakfast I am heading to the gym.
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome back. I also lost weight on MFP, but gained some of it back. But I hopefully can do it again. I have Joined challenges on Everymove and am on Earndit as well as have a Fitbit which helps. :happy: Feel free to add me also.
  • aliceconnors
    aliceconnors Posts: 12 Member
    thats really good well done x
  • brinaz88
    brinaz88 Posts: 30 Member
    hey! i gained my pounds back! now i'm ready to lost it again! i search some friend too! so i juste send you a request! come on Ladies!
  • aia4
    aia4 Posts: 10
    Feel free to add me:)
  • mlkambalimath
    mlkambalimath Posts: 5 Member
    I'd love to have some lady friends too in this journey! My name is Melissa and I just started back. I've lost 70lbs and have 50 more to go :)