Finding Strength Around You?


I'm am somewhat new to this side of MFP!

I am struggling to find the strength and motivation to keep to my diet when I have a partner who can eat all she wants and still remains stick thin and who often enough buys me sweets or high in fat products without even thinking about my diet - I don't eat them, I now have a cupboard in my kitchen dedicated to 'crap' foods!

I'm currently 23 stone at the age of 25 (almost 26) and I have struggled with my weight since the age of 14. I stopped gaining height at 14 and grew in width instead.

I'm looking for a supportive network that will be able to help me through this process as I believe that doing this is easier and possibly more beneficial than doing it alone.

Feel free to add me.

Thank you for listening :)

Kelly x


  • asaffell
    asaffell Posts: 43 Member
    Oh man, that is so tough, isn't it? My husband has done the same thing in the past. You really have to set boundaries and look for support - so these message boards should be a great help. Also, make your goals REAL. Focus on how you want to look and feel, and how things will be if you stay disciplined. Set small goals daily and check them off towards your big goals. Reward yourself and you'll get there!
  • Hi

    It is so much easier to lose weight when you have a supportive group of people around you so feel free to add me. I keep a stack of fruit by the cupboard by husband keeps his goodies in so if im in the mood to graze and raid the kitchen I always raid the fruit bowl before the cupboard. my husband tries hard to help me out too; he puts the naughty stuff on the top shelf which im too short to reach.
  • callyart
    callyart Posts: 209
    This is the 3rd time I have tried to lose weight in my long term relationship. Like you, my partner is healthy and fit, and he doesn't need to lose weight or watch what he's doing. I have had this problem for nearly 4 years and this time, I just sat him down and told him how important it was to me and that he really needs to support me.

    It wasn't a case of losing weight, I want to be healthy and live a healthy life - and not doing this will put a strain on our relationship.

    After the talk he has been really supportive, encouraging me, helping me choose meals, not shoving foods in my face (I still cook his meals but he doesn't bring extra rubbish in - he eats it at work.)

    I have found this website to be a great help because it has helped me calculate where I have been going wrong all those years.

    If you're feeling like you may struggle, start small (losing half a pound or a pound a week) so your calories aren't cut too much.
    Stock up on lots of fruit and healthy snacks so you can have those instead of junk. I have been doing this for 6 days and fruit is my new best friend! I also love peppermint tea.

    Add some people on here too. I am finding it a great help to have so many people in my shoes to communicate with - I don't feel alone in it :)

    The main thing you need to do is get your partner on board though, her support is the main thing you need to get through it.
  • GiantMadness
    Hi, thanks for your kind messages.

    I am thankful for this site as it certainly makes you realise that you are not alone.

    My partner is supportive but she forgets herself alot. She is also vegetarian and I'm not so I'm used to keeping our foods separate but on the same hand it has introduced me to quorn which can be tasty and a healthier alternative.

    It has been hard finding a supportive network as I moved to Essex from Yorkshire and I still need to make my own friends here.
