Back on It

Hi everyone,
It's been quite the year! Lost 30 lbs in the first half of the year, went from no exercise to accomplishing a huge goal of mine, which was running a half marathon, and in the training gained some weight back. After half marathon, lost a little bit of my focus, and then November and December hit with the holiday's so I gained some more weight back. Now it's January again, full circle, and I am here to do it all over again. Going to try to sign up for a few runs in the spring to get my focus back and I'm going to very much try to keep the weight off this year and not do this up and down again!

Here's to all of us on here trying and trying and trying to keep at it and keep going and never quit. Let's do it!


  • Dawnms1
    Dawnms1 Posts: 3 Member
    I too am back at it. Its been way too long! I tried getting my hubby involved and that does not seem to be working, so I am back here. We will be celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary in June and would like to be down 30 lbs by then.

    Good luck!
  • jscupp1016
    jscupp1016 Posts: 52 Member
    25 years, that is awesome! It's hard to get hubby's involved, I agree! I signed mine up for a local Color Run in May and I told him guess what, time to get moving! He joined the gym and has (so far) not gone, but it's only January 11th, so I have been happy he at least went and signed up and didn't grumble too much. I am hoping for a healthier us by next year as well. Thirty pounds by June is definitely do-able! When I originally lost all my weight last year I did the intermittent fasting (if you've ever heard of it?) two days a week and if you do it, it really does work. Only problem with that is... you really have to think about what that means long term, you can't just do the fasting for, say, a few months then eat whatever you want after or it'll definitely come on back. That's what I keep telling myself, whatever it is I have to do, I have to do it forever! Working out and eating less just seems like the ticket, there really isn't any easier way! But here we are, so we are doing the best we can to start. Good luck to you too!
  • imjennn
    I started my weight loss journey 2 years ago at 163 and a size 12 (I'm 5'4"). During that year, I lost about 20 pounds, and got down to a size 6. I stopped focusing on my eating, and gained all of the weight back.

    The bright side is that about a year and a half ago, I decided I wanted to become a runner. I took a 11 months to complete an 8 week couch to 5k program. Since then I took up swimming, started going to a gym and taking a body pump class, and I completed a sprint triathlon. I have goals of being able to do 10 push-ups (I can currently do 0) running a 10K, Half marathon, a couple triathlons and a Ragnar Relay this year.

    I currently weigh 156, but I wear a size 8. I know that with a little paying attention to what I put in my mouth, I will be able to lose the weight. My weight goal is to weigh somewhere in the 120's for one day (I just want to see it on the scale) then to live happily in the 130's.
  • sarahmichel101
    sarahmichel101 Posts: 158 Member
    I am much bigger than you guys ever were, but I am sure I can make it there someday! My problem is the concept of running! I am 23 and have never been able to run. Sure I can sprint 5 minutes to class, but anything longer than that seems out of reach! At walking 4mph I feel pooped! How do you even start running?
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    I am much bigger than you guys ever were, but I am sure I can make it there someday! My problem is the concept of running! I am 23 and have never been able to run. Sure I can sprint 5 minutes to class, but anything longer than that seems out of reach! At walking 4mph I feel pooped! How do you even start running?

    I started running when I weighed 250 pounds. Well---"running" is a relative term. It started with more walking than running and eventually I worked my way to running a 5K. It can be done!
  • sarahmichel101
    sarahmichel101 Posts: 158 Member
    I am much bigger than you guys ever were, but I am sure I can make it there someday! My problem is the concept of running! I am 23 and have never been able to run. Sure I can sprint 5 minutes to class, but anything longer than that seems out of reach! At walking 4mph I feel pooped! How do you even start running?

    I started running when I weighed 250 pounds. Well---"running" is a relative term. It started with more walking than running and eventually I worked my way to running a 5K. It can be done!
    Can, but how? like I said right now all I can handle is swimming and walking at 4mph. I like the elliptical too because its easy on my knee, but I don't have access to a full gym anymore.
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    I am much bigger than you guys ever were, but I am sure I can make it there someday! My problem is the concept of running! I am 23 and have never been able to run. Sure I can sprint 5 minutes to class, but anything longer than that seems out of reach! At walking 4mph I feel pooped! How do you even start running?

    I started running when I weighed 250 pounds. Well---"running" is a relative term. It started with more walking than running and eventually I worked my way to running a 5K. It can be done!
    Can, but how? like I said right now all I can handle is swimming and walking at 4mph. I like the elliptical too because its easy on my knee, but I don't have access to a full gym anymore.

    Walking at 4mph is actually pretty amazing. Ok here is what i did. I downloaded a c25k app. It stands for Couch to 5 K and it literally is for anyone who is new to running. It lasts around 8 weeks or so. For example the first week was something like "walk for 1 minute, light jog for 30 seconds and repeat". Each week you get a little stronger. Your muscles and ligaments have to work up to this so give it time. The walking you are doing is going to be huge for you.

    I had to repeat a week or two on the program and there is no harm in doing that. I wasn't a "failure" because I had to repeat a week. I just simply needed some extra time to get stronger.

    Hope that helps. Feel free to send me a message if you have any other questions.
  • sarahmichel101
    sarahmichel101 Posts: 158 Member
    Maybe I will walk and swim for another week or two to get into the swing of things then try that out! I have a windows phone, so it doesn't have a lot of apps. Is that app thing for an android?
  • bridgieNZ
    bridgieNZ Posts: 113 Member
    Hi, I've always wished I could run, I've Come across something online that I thought I'd try

    Week 1 - walk fast 4 minutes and 1 slow x4 total =20 min
    Week 2 - run 1 & walk 3 x5 = 20 min
    Week 3 - run 1 & walk 2 x7 = 20 min
    Week 4 - run 1 & walk 1 x10 = 20 min
    Week 5 - run 2 & walk 1 x7 = 21 min
    Week 6 - run 3 & walk 1 x5 = 20 min
    Week 7 - run 4 & walk 1 x4 = 20 min
    Week 8 - run 6 & walk 1 x3 = 21 min
    Week 9 - run 9 & walk 1 x2 = 20 min
    Week 10 - run 12 walk 1 run 7 = 20 min
    Week 11 - run 15 walk 1 run 4 = 20 min
    Week 12 -run 20! Phew

    Because it builds you up slowly I thought it might be feasible, hmm now I've just gotta do it... It's only a 20 min a day :) that's gotta be do-able right?
  • jscupp1016
    jscupp1016 Posts: 52 Member
    My take on running. I barely could run half a mile in October 2012, so that's when I decided to do something about it. I started running two short runs and one longer run every week. Short, like 25 minutes and at 4.5 mph on the treadmill for as long as I could maintain, and long started at 45 minutes to 1 hour for as long as I could maintain until I had to walk it out.
    I signed up for a 5k to motivate myself. So by March 2013, I was able to run for an HOUR at 4.5 (with some exertion, but still, from hardly half a mile to 4.5 miles was amazing). In April, I ran the 5k and loved it so much, and actually finished it in thirty minutes for a ten minute mile which was much faster than my treadmill time. The power of people and excitement around you helps! Sign up for one if you haven't and motivate yourself to try!! After that I lost my mind and decided, 3 miles, well why not 13.1! So I signed up for the half marathon right after and trained for that all spring and summer and fall and ran it successfully in October 2013 (took me 2 hours and 56 minutes but I did it).

    You do not have to be thin to be a runner, I am 5'4" and when I ran it I was probably around 185. Anyone who can run a 5k can train I feel for a 10k and a half if they put their minds to it. Most of it is mental to be honest, our bodies can take a lot more than we think. It's our heads that need to wrap around the idea that we can do this if we work hard enough towards it!