HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok here's the thing, when I started to loose weight a year and a half ago now, I was pumped I was ready, I went for it. Now down almost 50 lbs, on my last 10 pounds I have turned around and am ruining it. I had 2 babies and went from 150 to 177, I was un happy and didnt want to look at myself. I got married when my first child was 10 months and I was huge, I had to pay extra for a bigger dress, I was un-happy and hated myself, after my son I vowed to have some resemblance of my old body back. I did it, I worked hard and went from 177 to 134 WOW thats less then my pre-pre pregnancy. NOW at 134, and with less then 10lbs to my goal , I have gained 2 pounds back. I am still tracking everything, working out, eating healthy, but at night I shove every bad for you thing in my mouth, not just a little but ALOT. I keep telling myself that its ok to have one bad day, I'll start again tomorrow, that we all have hurdles that we need to face and I can do it, I give myself a mirror pep talk and am ready to make a U-turn, then the next day comes I do it again. Today I thought to myself its ok to have a bad week or two. ( now comeone) I'm letting go. I am loosing motivation and slowly loosing faith in me.
I think about the first time I steped into a size 4 and floated out the store crying I was so SHOCKED and so happy, why am I ruining it for myself.
What is going on, I need motivation, I need support, and most of all I need to do this for me, and learn how to keep doing it naturally without all the fighting and the negative self talk. Anyone out there have advice, or MOTIVATION??????????????????????? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

PS, My spelling/ grammer is not a strong suit I appologize for that now, if I confuse someone :)


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Hang in there you can do it. The best advice I can give you is to substitute things you are eating for other things that are similiar but better choices. Like if you love ice cream then start eating skinny cow ice cream or weight watchers ice cream bars. Also eating popcorn helps because you can eat alot for not alot of calories. Maybe also try chewing gum. Maybe take up a new hobby to keep you hands and mind busy. Good luck I hope this helps
  • Elaine_NZ
    Your've done such a great job, Kick those negative self talks to the curve, you can do it! Sounds like the evenings are difficult time for you, maybe changing your routine at night so your mind isnt racing with thoughts of food! You could try some "you time" and do things that make you happy, even the small things like a nice long bath at night and relaxing your mind! You deserve to be happy & to reach your goal, you are fantastic and your story is a inspiration to me!!