Question about 1200cal diet

bvar1 Posts: 48 Member
Hi guys,

I have started dieting this last week, and at first I started at lose 1lb/wk, but I noticed for me it was only about a 130cal difference to do the 1.5 or 2lb/wk and limit my daily caloric intake to 1200. The first week went well - I was in my calorie limit every day and I was de-bloated and think I dropped about 2-3lbs. Yesterday, (the day before my cycle), I went about 300cals over, as I was feeling very hungry, and today I'm up a pound. Can that just be contributed to my period? I'm going to try to be strict and I've been exercising every day so hopefully after my period the weight and bloating will go back down.

My only other concern is that even though I'm in my calorie limit, I'm often like -30g with fat and sugar. I don't eat starch (bread/pasta), or artificial sugars or fast food or anything. My diet basically consists of protein (eggs, chicken, meat), and fruits and vegetables. Is the extra fat/sugar okay if it's from natural, healthy sources? I eat about 2-3 servings of fruit per day and I usually will have eggs, cheese, etc, all within the 1200 limit.

Thanks for any advice.


  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Is 1200 cl your TDEE or you just crashing?
    Stop getting gon the scale every day -if you really have to do it every other week! Your weight will go up and down every day based on ,any factors!
  • bvar1
    bvar1 Posts: 48 Member
    my BMR is about 1470cals and I think the TDEE is about 2000. Ive been told that to just maintain weight I'd have to eat ~1800cals. I had heard 1200 is too little, but otherwise I'm not sure how to accomplish my weekly weight loss goal. I usually eat more than that, but factoring in the calories I burn exercising the net caloric consumption is 1200.

    and I know, I'd just been so anxious to see how the first week went but I'll stop weighing everyday! I'd probably drive myself crazy. Thank you!
  • AMiner11
    AMiner11 Posts: 2 Member
    I personally can gain upward to3- 5lbs difference the week of my period.. I wouldn't sweat it much, bloating and retaining water is a major part of the monthly. Mine usually drops right off right after.. (my favorite time to weigh bc it looks like i lost so much.. jedi mind trick)
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    my BMR is about 1470cals and I think the TDEE is about 2000. Ive been told that to just maintain weight I'd have to eat ~1800cals.
    TDEE, by definition is maintenance; 1800 would still be a deficit. You should also not net under your BMR, as that is the amount your body needs for basic functions.
  • bvar1
    bvar1 Posts: 48 Member
    haha I may have to use that tip because little confidence boosters are always nice. thank you! i think i'm just going to wait until after my period to step on the scale and then just pick a day for weekly weigh-ins
  • bvar1
    bvar1 Posts: 48 Member
    Frood, so should I just ignore the 1200 limit for losing 1.5-2lbs/wk? If I ate at around my BMR, for example 1500, would I be able to lose weight still?
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    Yeah, anything under your TDEE would be a deficit and, therefore, lead to loss. Usually people take TDEE and subtract 10 or 20 percent from it to create a deficit.

    One thing to note: as you lose weight, you'll want to recalculate your TDEE every 10 lbs or so since weight is a factor in that equation.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,028 Member
    Frood, so should I just ignore the 1200 limit for losing 1.5-2lbs/wk? If I ate at around my BMR, for example 1500, would I be able to lose weight still?

    You're not really going to lose 1.5 to 2 lbs a week on 1200, if 1380 (I think that's what you said, can't see the first post right now) is your calorie level to lose 1 lb a week. 1200 is the lowest number MFP will recommend. If 1380 is the right number for 1 lb a week, 1200 should let you lose about 1 and one-third lbs a week. At 1500, you should be able to lose about three-quarters of a pound a week. (Every 500 calories of daily deficit should let you lose a pound a week.)

    ETA: OK, I went back to look at the OP, and it looks like you're saying your 1-pound-a-week number was 1330, which means you'll lose about 1 and a quarter pounds at 1200 and about two-thirds of a pound at 1500.
  • bvar1
    bvar1 Posts: 48 Member
    Yeah, anything under your TDEE would be a deficit and, therefore, lead to loss. Usually people take TDEE and subtract 10 or 20 percent from it to create a deficit.

    One thing to note: as you lose weight, you'll want to recalculate your TDEE every 10 lbs or so since weight is a factor in that equation.

    Okay, makes sense. I'd never head of TDEE before, so I'll have to re-evaluate. I had been worried that 1200/day would lead to a minor "starvation" mode state and then the body grabs on to everything you eat so it slows down weight loss
  • bvar1
    bvar1 Posts: 48 Member
    Frood, so should I just ignore the 1200 limit for losing 1.5-2lbs/wk? If I ate at around my BMR, for example 1500, would I be able to lose weight still?

    You're not really going to lose 1.5 to 2 lbs a week on 1200, if 1380 (I think that's what you said, can't see the first post right now) is your calorie level to lose 1 lb a week. 1200 is the lowest number MFP will recommend. If 1380 is the right number for 1 lb a week, 1200 should let you lose about 1 and one-third lbs a week. At 1500, you should be able to lose about three-quarters of a pound a week. (Every 500 calories of daily deficit should let you lose a pound a week.)

    ETA: OK, I went back to look at the OP, and it looks like you're saying your 1-pound-a-week number was 1330, which means you'll lose about 1 and a quarter pounds at 1200 and about two-thirds of a pound at 1500.

    Thanks so much. So is 1200 "unsafe"? I don't want to enter starvation mode b/c too few calories impede weight loss. At the same time, however, 1 and a quarter pounds is still pretty good
  • RelevantKnowledge
    RelevantKnowledge Posts: 41 Member
    1200 calories a day isn't going to kill you, but you may want a plan that will be more sustainable in the long run. TDEE -20% would be a healthy way to lose, then reevaluate every 5lb or so.
    My TDEE -20% is less than my BMR and also less than 1200 cal/day. :grumble:
    Also, gaining weight during your TOM is perfectly normal and nothing to fret. Good luck on your journey. :flowerforyou:
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,028 Member
    I don't know that I would say it's "unsafe," but it's certainly unnecessary and probably ultimately self-defeating. You've said you feel hungry at 1200 calories, and it led you to overeat by 300 calories. 1200 + 300 = 1500. 1500>1330. If you can stick to 1330, that's than better trying to limit yourself to 1200 and eating 1500 instead. Also, you may have a hard time meeting all your nutritional needs at 1200 calories.
  • bvar1
    bvar1 Posts: 48 Member
    I don't know that I would say it's "unsafe," but it's certainly unnecessary and probably ultimately self-defeating. You've said you feel hungry at 1200 calories, and it led you to overeat by 300 calories. 1200 + 300 = 1500. 1500>1330. If you can stick to 1330, that's than better trying to limit yourself to 1200 and eating 1500 instead. Also, you may have a hard time meeting all your nutritional needs at 1200 calories.

    I'm actually not hungry at 1200 usually, that was just the day before my period so I think that's the only reason. But thanks for all the advice, I'll try -20% TDEE. I googled a few calculators, do you have a reliable one to recommend? I got different numbers.
  • bvar1
    bvar1 Posts: 48 Member
    1200 calories a day isn't going to kill you, but you may want a plan that will be more sustainable in the long run. TDEE -20% would be a healthy way to lose, then reevaluate every 5lb or so.
    My TDEE -20% is less than my BMR and also less than 1200 cal/day. :grumble:
    Also, gaining weight during your TOM is perfectly normal and nothing to fret. Good luck on your journey. :flowerforyou:

    thanks so much :) good luck to you too and i'll remember to reevaluate
  • cruciia
    cruciia Posts: 94 Member
    You still have a deficit even eating 300 calories over your diet. I find that when I have days like that and i find I have gained weight, my weight will remain that way for a day and then go back down. I tend to just take a percentage of what I've eaten over and take it off another day(s).

    But like others have said, I too can gain up to 2kg (4.5lbs) while I'm on my period.
  • bvar1
    bvar1 Posts: 48 Member
    thanks. ugh, just hate that time of the month haha
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Frood, so should I just ignore the 1200 limit for losing 1.5-2lbs/wk? If I ate at around my BMR, for example 1500, would I be able to lose weight still?

    You're not really going to lose 1.5 to 2 lbs a week on 1200, if 1380 (I think that's what you said, can't see the first post right now) is your calorie level to lose 1 lb a week. 1200 is the lowest number MFP will recommend. If 1380 is the right number for 1 lb a week, 1200 should let you lose about 1 and one-third lbs a week. At 1500, you should be able to lose about three-quarters of a pound a week. (Every 500 calories of daily deficit should let you lose a pound a week.)

    ETA: OK, I went back to look at the OP, and it looks like you're saying your 1-pound-a-week number was 1330, which means you'll lose about 1 and a quarter pounds at 1200 and about two-thirds of a pound at 1500.

    Thanks so much. So is 1200 "unsafe"? I don't want to enter starvation mode b/c too few calories impede weight loss. At the same time, however, 1 and a quarter pounds is still pretty good

    You are not going to go into starvation mode eating 1200 calories a day. But it is difficult to get all of the nutrition you need in 1200. If you can eat more and still lose weight, by all means do it. Eating below your BMR could cause a number of things, including excessive hunger and loss of lean body mass.
  • bvar1
    bvar1 Posts: 48 Member
    alright, i'll see how i can adjust my diet a bit. thank you
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    With 7 lbs left to lose, your goal should be no greater than 0.5 lbs per week. The greater deficits are meant for those who have more fat mass to lose. I really, really, really wish MFP would clarify that for new members on that goal selection section.
  • bvar1
    bvar1 Posts: 48 Member
    With 7 lbs left to lose, your goal should be no greater than 0.5 lbs per week. The greater deficits are meant for those who have more fat mass to lose. I really, really, really wish MFP would clarify that for new members on that goal selection section.

    okay, thanks. i suppose i was thinking the less time to lose it the better, but you're right. especially for keeping it off long term