Ticker Envy

OK I just started and I have been looking around the message boards and noticed peoples weight loss tickers. Some people have like 50lbs lost on there ticker. I had a moment of ticker envy that I am now turning into ticker motivation. I can't wait to have something other than a big fat 0 on my ticker. But for now I am just going to have to deal with the facts: praying for 1lb and working toward the rest. lol


  • rw4004
    rw4004 Posts: 157
    I hear you.I have been stuck for a long time.So I'm changing things up.What workout& types of food are you eating?
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    I still get that! I kept thinking 'I cant wait for it to say 8lb' and 'I cant wait for it to say 16lb' and now I can't wait for it to say 28lb.
    You'll definitely get there, it does take time, motivation and just not giving up!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    It's easy to have ticker envy, especially when you're just getting started. I just started MFP three weeks ago, so I haven't had a huge amount of time for change. Definately use it as a motivator though, don't let it make you feel bad. It just shows the potential for success this website provides!:-D If they can do it, you can too!!!

  • Val_from_OH
    Val_from_OH Posts: 447 Member
    I hear ya! I used to have one of those tickers (on another site) that said 50lbs lost! Then I gained 30 of it back from being undisciplined while pregnant! I will get there again, though the losing is painfully slow this time around!
  • JudiMacS
    Hi, I have been doing this for 15 days and have lost 5 lbs.. It is taking time and I too look at those ticker #'s and see the spectacular weight loss and have a moment of envy but then I tell myself that it surely didn't happen over night. Bottom line I am losing and if I keep going I'll make it. The eating part is easy, reallly just cutting down portions to match caloric,,etc. goals, but don't forget to exercise. Even a 30 minute walk 3X a week helps. Good Luck You Can Do It!:happy:
  • NightskyDeity
    I understand, Rosie! It is going to be hard not to have "ticker envy" but whenever I think of that phrase I think of my heart. "Ticker" is another word for heart and I want to put all of my heart into this! Also, I realize that if I don't get my head in the game when it comes to my health and weight loss; I may be susceptible to cardiovascular disease like much of my family. So let us all keep each other motivated to get fit and stay healthy!
  • Rosehawk
    I lost 3lbs!! YAY!! I am really excited..its workiing!!! Now lets just not gain anything back, which has been my problem for the last few years. I am excercising and watching what I eat but I am still not good with the calorie counting. I don't have internet at home so I don't get on everyday..therefore forget to log food. So I am going to try to write it all down then log it every few days. Well, now I want the ticker to say 10lbs!!:laugh:
  • chamuel
    Hi, I havent been doing this for long and already am feeling frustrated. This week I didnt lose anything at all :sad: and so I decided (as it is my day off) that I will eat a plate of cheese and biscuits.
    I am trying to lose weight for an operation on 6th December - managed 11lbs so far, would like to get another 4 or 5 off if possible - doing the cambridge diet but only did sole source for one week. Really havent been at all well and need this operation to improve my quality of life. However feeling ill and trying not to eat when you feel low is really hard, so I understand the need to let yourself off now and again, like for crisps or small piece of cheese.:smile:
    Just hang on in there - I have decided that even 1lb at a time is very good - 1lb of fat feels quite heavy if you were to hold it, and its 1lb less your body has to carry around.
    Take care x
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I just visualize the ticket as how mine will look some day. I want mine to say 50 pounds or 60 pounds. It keeps me motivated. Good for you all at your success.