New to My Fitness Pal

Hi Everyone! I'm new to My Fitness Pal, and so far I think it's fabulous! I am looking for friends to help me stay focused and motivated. I have about 50 pounds I am trying to lose. I love Zumba and dancing. I try to workout everyday and so far in about 2 weeks I've lost 5 pounds. I did not gain all this weight in one day and it will not come off in one day...I just need positive people to be my cheerleaders! :)


  • I'm new as well. Feel free to add me.
  • gerry_jamison
    gerry_jamison Posts: 22 Member
    Just started as well! Have about 30 to lose. Feel free to add!
  • Im new as well! My goal is to lose 100 lbs. Id love to lose 30 by May 1st for my wedding in May, so we will see. Good luck!!
  • Im new here too, just started out yday. Im a bokwa girl now. 5 lbs in 2 weeks is a fab loss tho, well done!
  • hi there I have around 100lbs to lose I log everyday so feel free to add me people too :tongue: good luck everyone xx
  • kym117
    kym117 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi, I am not new here I started MFP in Jan 2010 and lost 36lbs with it, I came off it last year as I needed a break but I am back with a vengeance to reach my goal weight. I also love Zumba I go to classes at my local leisure centre once a week and I do the Zumba Exhilarate DVD's from home 4/5 nights a week. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • swissmish
    swissmish Posts: 183 Member
    Good morning everyone! I am new to Fitness Pal and have started my weight loss journey. I need to lose about 50 pounds to achieve my goal. I would love to meet new friends to make this journey together. Please add me!
  • Me too ladies. Joined on Monday. Lost 8lb so far. Looking for motivation and some low cal recipes. Everything is so bland lol
  • New here as well. Unfortunately, my cheerleader can't walk yet. But I offer you a variety of smiley faces to cheer for the both of us. :smokin: :smile: :tongue: :happy: :ohwell: :glasses: :devil: :smooched: :drinker: :bigsmile: :wink: :laugh: :happy: :love: :flowerforyou: :glasses: :smooched:
  • margaretsewall
    margaretsewall Posts: 8 Member
    my name is meg. i am 34 years old and work in health care giving personal care to elders
    with dementia and Alzheimers. I have also been a musician since i was 5 years old! :)
    i have bipolar, add and low thyroid--sometimes i feel that the meds i am on don't make it
    any easier for me to loose weight!

    starting weight is 234lbs. weight loss wishes: to loose 100lbs
    more obtainable goal: loose 80lbs
    i'd like to be 134 again so i can fit into the wedding dress i bought the first time.
    had to buy a 2nd one cuz i'd gained too much in between :(
    happily married kids....not planning on any either

    i love to ski, down hill an cross country, hike (especially that--hubby and i love
    to do that together) read, practice piano, help people and be a good friend and daughter.

    best of luck to you all and may we all reach out and support each other without
    judgement at this difficult transformation/transition time in our lives! <3
  • margaretsewall
    margaretsewall Posts: 8 Member
    that did cheer me up -- thanks
  • margaretsewall
    margaretsewall Posts: 8 Member
    meant the last comment as a reply to the smiley faces above my comment :)
    and oh yeah--i am taking this journey 5lbs at a time :)
  • Hi Margaret,
    Maybe you need to take a fresh look at your thyroid meds - synthetic thyroid (Synthroid/Thyroxin) don't always give the right support you need - have a look at sites like Stopthethyroidmadness and Thyroid Patient Advocacy. It was only when I saw a private doctor and started on alternatives did I feel the benefit. Still have to watch weight but that really is down to big portions and lack of exercise and that is why I am here, hoping to change my lifestyle.

    Violettaff x
  • I'm dani. Single and looking to lose as many pounds as I can. Not quite sure how many as I am in a wheelchair and cannot weigh myself! Had a rubbish day yesterday as I have been a little under the weather and chose to comfort eat into oblivion :-(.
    I go to gym twice a week atm and am looking to begin self propelling instead of using my electric wheelchair.

    Just looking for people to chat to, perhaps we can encourage each other x
  • Hi I'm Bev and I am so desperate to lose weight I was going to join weight watchers and Im still considering it although it looks like this sight is so much better and best of all free. I hope I can get my head around using it, any feel free to add me to support each other on a weight loss journey x
  • oligard
    oligard Posts: 141
    Welcome aboard,feel free to add me
  • mommashell39
    mommashell39 Posts: 5 Member