How much did you lose in your first week?

I'm new and never stuck to a diet in my life, iv lost 8lb in my first week. Will this slow down do you think. I have stuck to the diet rigidly except for Friday night I had 3/4 of a bottle of rose wine oops. Looking for some MFP friends too. Good luck everyone with your targets


  • zenalasca
    zenalasca Posts: 563 Member
    I didn't lose anything in the first week cause I didn't know how to log things and for the first couple of days I was like "I won't eat like this everyday so it's okay to eat 1300 calories in a single meal." But even when I started making a genuine attempt, it was several weeks before I saw any change.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    I hate to be negative, but 8lbs per week is unlikely to be sustainable. There is a good chance a lot of that was water weight. To lose a pound you need to burn 3500 calories less than you consume. To lose 8lbs of fat/muscle you need to have a 28,000 calorie deficit.

    I more realistic expectation if you have a lot to lose, like I do, is a 2 to 3 lb per week loss. And to be honest, some weeks I don't even get that.
  • I lost 2.5lbs the first week, but I'd definitely expect it to slow down. Usually the first week is a big loss due to a sudden change in your diet and also a lot of water weight. So yeah, it'll slow down.

    Usually the healthy expectation for losing is around 1lb a week. And you don't want to lose it all super fast anyway because, depending on how overweight you are, it can 'cause more loose skin than if you'd lost it slowly.

    But don't give up! Even if you're not losing 8lbs a week, every little bit helps. :)
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    ugh! I havent lost crap!
    this MFP sucks!

    hahaha im just kidding. im actually working the opposite. im trying to gain and MFP helps me with that.

    you need to lose? been there done that, let me help you out.

    add me!
  • kjtyd
    kjtyd Posts: 10 Member
    I am at my 6th day and i have lost 2.8 kilos. I have followed my calorie count everyday and made/found great food choices. I do believe that the first week is when you lose the most but still a loss is a loss..
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    My first week I lost about 7lbs...after that I lost about 2lbs a week. Now sometimes I go 2 or 3 weeks and don't lose any but then drop 5lbs in a week. I still average 2lbs a week.

    If you don't lose as much as you think you should...look at your average at the end of the each month.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I lost 5 pounds the first week. It was probably the single biggest motivator to keep me going in the early days. I did lose a total of 44 pounds in the first 8 weeks, which did keep me motivated, but I did have a huge amount of weight to lose.

    8 pounds a week is probably not sustainable, and it probably will slow down, but everyone is different and a lot depends on how much you have to lose and how accurately you log everything you eat/drink.
  • Billybegood
    Billybegood Posts: 32 Member
    On week 2 but lost 1.9kg in first week, certainly not expecting this to happen again though. I'd rather loose it slowly as for me it's a lifestyle change and changing habits xx
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I lost 11.2 in my first week back on track, but I had been heavy on the processed foods for a few weeks prior and I know it was mostly water weight. My second week I had a bad sodium night the night before weigh in and *gained* lol. But oh was the dinner worth the water retention - because that's all it is/was.

    The very first time I used MFP seriously, I lost 14lb total in my first 2 weeks, then lost at a rate of about 2.5lb a week for the next ~3 months, then it slowed again to ~1lb/week, then I fell off the wagon. It's exciting to see dramatic losses. It's also terribly unrealistic to expect them to continue :)
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I lost 4 lbs my first week. The second and third week both I lost 2.6 lbs. After that things dropped down below 2 lbs/week. Some weeks there's a "gain" which is just water weight from things like ovulation, period, muscle repair, etc.

    So realistically, expect it to drop in the next couple of weeks. Good luck.
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    The first week or two you'll lose water weight, if you are a person who tends to hold on to water like me. I lost a lb every couple of days for the first 3 weeks but now have slowed down to a more realistic 1-2 lbs/week.
  • kelseyjsnyder
    kelseyjsnyder Posts: 219 Member
    in my first week ihad lost 8 pounds!! (mostly waterweight im sure) then 2 more in week 2!!
  • Suelle613
    Suelle613 Posts: 12 Member
    This was my first week back too. I lost 2.5 Kilos which is 5 pounds. I expected this much. I stuck to below my calorie goal, didn't exercise though and I'm pleased with the result. I went to a dinner party Saturday and managed to stay under my calorie limit for the day. I MUST exercise and move around more vigorously. I think that I wouldn't have done it if I didn't keep track of my food.

    Congratulations on your terrific weight loss this week. Keep up the good work and keep us posted.
  • LisaMS83
    LisaMS83 Posts: 41 Member
    I started on Tuesday (1/7/14) and so far I've lost 5 pounds. However I have done a complete 180 of how I was before. I stopped drinking diet soda the week before (ran out and just didn't buy anymore). I also switched cookies, or brownies and chocolate out for a 1 or 2 light yogurts a day. I've started exercising 30-50 minutes a day. Since I work at home at a desk all day. The new eating habits and exercise is what's really helping me. Fingers crossed the weight doesn't stop coming off anytime soon! I'm also going to go out today and get some light weights to add into my exercise and get a stability ball to switch it for my desk chair. That way I can bounce or do some quick crunches every so often! I promise myself I will get fit this year, I'm going to be way healthier in my 30's then I was in my 20's!!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I lost about 5 Lbs and then settled into what averaged out to be about 1.3 Lbs per week for a total of about 40 Lbs. You lose water weight in the beginning and then it tapers off. You will also have weeks with little loss, bigger losses, no losses, isn't is a general trend over time.
  • marystokes2014
    marystokes2014 Posts: 4 Member
    We'll I've lost 3 pounds n only 5 days in