Finding it hard to keep on track..

I am so determined to lose weight and get fit, but then I go back to old habits after a couple of weeks :( I believe that the support of friends and family is really important. I have a busy lifestyle but it is mostly sitting down - my job is a desk job, and in the evening I study because I am starting a degree. Are there any similar people out there? Please add me and we can support each other with honesty - tell each other off when we lapse, and praise each other when we don't. xx


  • I never felt like a slave when I worked until my daughter was born...... Having a busy schedule such as yours is very stressful, but it depends if you're willing to put your goal of health as high as how much as you want that degree. I tell myself that I will be able to to catch up to my daughter and play the sports she's interested in doing as she grows up.....unless I have to wear pink.

    You have it harder than me, but I know that if you start slow and steady you'll have the ability to do it. Never cut calories drastically so that you lose weight faster. Taking shortcuts only leads you to gain weight in the long run. Making healthier decisions works best when the family is involved. Start with small steps at the family dinner table, for a healthier family as well. I did. Be well.
  • Agreed Matt... cutting calories drastically, only leads to weight being gained quickly in the long run. Good luck wendy... add me if u wish guys x