25yo. Have put on 27lbs in last few months. Started out at 163lbs last October time. Almost hitting the 180lb mark at the moment.

Finding it increasingly difficult to find motivation to get fit again as lost my pace/run times that I was setting in Autumn last year. Now with the additional Festive pounds added after having nearly a month off on paid leave!

I know the level I can be at, just cant seem to get the motivation to get it back. Seems like its a vicious circle and never going to get out of it.

Starting the Insanity programme next week when a mate gets back from skiing trip. But the more I try and exercise, the more I eat so kind of scared to exercise as know will in crease appetite. Even eating the right things in the week doesn't seem to be working. Quite good, eating plenty of fruit and balancing food groups, keeping daily calories around the 800-1300 range but that alone is not working!!! Let myself down at weekends when home with Family, takeaway and drinking.

Just looking for some motivational tips really, what's getting people out there and getting fit.



  • keeptehpeace
    keeptehpeace Posts: 189 Member
    Stop getting takeaways and drinking if you lose control. 800 is not enough you should be aiming for at least 1200 net, no wonder you're finding it difficult
  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Your probably binging as your eating too little most of the time. 800 calories is not enough. Look up your TDEE via an online calculator, be honest, and log truthfully.
  • I'd try finding friends on here... maybe find something in common like insanity or a your diet, like keto or whatever it is your doing... I only have about three but there is one who motivates me, advises me and asks how I am mentally. I find this incredibly comforting.

    Oh and definitely more cals chap!

  • meaganrh19
    meaganrh19 Posts: 20 Member
    Don't give up!! you CAN do it! Just keep working at it. You might have to try a few different things to find out what works for you. Maybe you are eating to little? Feel free to add me and try to find some other friends on here. It really helps!! Just remember to never give up. You will never reach your goals if you do.
  • Starting anything is tricky but at least you're starting out. I kinda agree with the others in that you're not eating enough which is probably then causing the binges. Check the simple things first...

    1) Are you eating breakfast? It really is the most important meal of the day as it kickstarts the metabolism. If you're not a breakfast person just have a smoothie or a banana with a few almonds.

    2) Are you drinking water? Aim for 2 litres a day - rehydrates the skin, keeps energy levels up, helps you feel fuller and flushes out the sodium from your system

    3) Are you logging what you eat? I aim for 3 meals and 2 snacks a day to keep my sugars/energy balanced. This has led to less binging for me. A good pattern for calories that seems to work is 350/150/400/150/350 - this leaves 100 cals as leeway if you need a third snack or if you go over on the meals. Mind you, I have more to lose than you so you might want to adjust a LITTLE!

    Incidentally, going from 163 to 180 is a gain of 17lbs not the 27 you quoted so it's not as bad as you think!

    You can do this :)
  • ibboone
    ibboone Posts: 10
    At 800 to 1200 calories a day you're loosing LBM (lean body mass). Once you do some research and see how much you really have to eat to maintain your weight, (TDEE) you will be surprised at how much you are under eating.

    You can't loose weight efficiently if you body is in starvation mode.

    I weight 250 with a LBM of 180 and my TDEE is 3220. I cut my calories to loose weight to 2500. This is a good number for me loosing weight.

    Anything below 50% below your TDEE is extreme starvation.

    One more thing, The more you exercise the more you have to eat. Just like the more you drive your car the more gas you have to put in it.
  • BamaJohn3
    BamaJohn3 Posts: 6 Member
    As you have heard from others - you must not go below 1200 calories - your body goes into starvation mode below this point and it actually will stop burning calories because it's being trained that it's not getting enough. Increase your calories to at least 1200 (more when you start doing more activities) - when you body knows it's going to get more, it will burn more. Activities can be as simple as walking (it's what I did to lose 30 in 3 months). Fitnesspal works - monitor your intake and record it. Same with exercise. Increase your water intake - why? Because it flushes your system and also will help to make you feel a bit fuller. Once you see a few pounds come off....the motivation should increase. AND...then as you exercise more, you can eat more (that's why I love to exercise, cause I love to eat, LOL). Stick to the plan but allow yourself some treats - as long as they fit in the numbers. Set modest goals at first - don't go crazy. If you're lacking motivation right now, just go for 1/2 pound a week - later you can adjust when you are doing more. BTW...I dropped those pounds in the last 3 months of 2012 and have used fitnesspal to maintain the next 12 months - so I know what's going in and what I am burning. It does work - but it's part of my routine now. You CAN do this,
  • I also have trouble with the lack of motivation, but I am determined that this year I am going to do it!! If you need people to help you through this please feel free to add me:) Good Luck!!
  • nikifavorido
    nikifavorido Posts: 41 Member
    Try getting your family on board to help you with the weight loss/exercise. Also set a small goal each week, even if it is to lose just 1lb. Better to be slow and steady. As for the takeaways, there ARE low cal options out there, or just have a smaller plate. I know it's easier said than done. I personally hate any form of exercise, but.. my hobby is photography, so yesterday I was out for 2 and a half hours walking around the local town taking photos. To me then that didn't feel like exercise, just a very enjoyable morning out.
    Today is a new day, a new start, cross out what has gone before and look forward, not back. Take one day at a time. Hope that helps :) Ps.. if it is any help I have over 250 lbs to lose... <sigh>
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    The only person that needs to get on board in this equation is YOU. When you are ready to lose weight and get healthy - YOU will do it. Motivation is very fleeting. Some days you have it - others not so much.

    The most important things you can do is learn moderation of your daily calories and start building some habits. Weigh/measure/log every bite you eat. If you still love running - no matter the pace today - get back to it. Or, find something else that you like to do - and DO IT.

    Habit is what makes each day successful. In the long term, it's what keeps us going. Have patience & don't quit. Good luck.
  • jetblue11
    jetblue11 Posts: 3 Member
    Hay. I was the same as you at the start. But it's not exercise that gets you to lose the weight. It's 80% food control and only20% exercise. The best way to start it to give up one thing totally. That for me was sugar. For 40 days don't look at anything with sugar. This will give you a strong mind to say no to anything. I guarantee you that when the month is over. You will be able to say no to chips, cake, take aways ex. You will be motivated to move and have more energy. Starting off big with gym every day and starving yourself just won't work. Just give up sugar. Then go from there. It's al life change to keep the weight off. Good luck.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Hay. I was the same as you at the start. But it's not exercise that gets you to lose the weight. It's 80% food control and only20% exercise. The best way to start it to give up one thing totally. That for me was sugar. For 40 days don't look at anything with sugar. This will give you a strong mind to say no to anything. I guarantee you that when the month is over. You will be able to say no to chips, cake, take aways ex. You will be motivated to move and have more energy. Starting off big with gym every day and starving yourself just won't work. Just give up sugar. Then go from there. It's al life change to keep the weight off. Good luck.

    Unless you have medical issues that would require you to "give up" sugar - there's no reason to. If you did it and felt like it gave you a stronger mind - that's great. I, on the other hand, have to able to sustain my diet changes for the rest of my life. Complete denial of food groups can lead to binging on said foods when you get so worn out from abstaining.

    The most important lesson I have learned is moderation. I stay within my calorie deficit every day and have learned to eat one or two cookies - not the whole bag. Moderation is a hard thing to learn for some people. It is essential for leading the rest of your life in a healthy way.
  • Thanks for all your comments guys... I'm sure once I start seeing some results it will turn around and into some quality motivation. I did it last year, I can do it again :)

    Just need to focus and take on board the advice from you guys to help me along...