23 y/o female, 5'4". Starting weight 176lbs...

Hi everyone!

Well I'm feeling quite happy and motivated this morning. I started my weight loss journey on Jan 6, 2014 and here I am one week on. I stood on the scale this morning expecting a one or two pound loss and turns out I've actually lost five pounds so far. Of course that's the lifestyle change etc so I don't expect every week to be like this (and wouldn't want to, far too unhealthy!) but I'm very happy as a starting point.

So like I said, I started at 176lbs and as my first goal, I'm trying to get down to what I ''should be'' (according to BMI etc) for my height, which is 130lbs (that's 12 st 8 lbs down to 9 st 2 lbs). Once I hit that weight, I'll be able to think about where I want my figure and healthy weight to be.

I've starting planning my meals and making healthy choices, and I'm really enjoying doing this so far! I love cooking and so getting to experiment with new foods that are good for me feels amazing. I've also joined my local gym. My first day there was Friday. I'm going again later today.

So that's the journey I'm on at the moment... I'd love some MFP Friends so please add me if you think we could support each other!

Finally, I'm sending 'thanks in advance' to all of you. MFP seems like a great place to get help and support and I'm confident that I can reach my goals with this kind of network.

Best of luck everyone!



  • rachael1805
    rachael1805 Posts: 72 Member
    Awesome first post and awesome first week! Friend requesting you now!
  • baudilus
    baudilus Posts: 9 Member
    You're right, all of the weeks won't be like that, but it's a great first motivation isn't it? The same thing happened to me, it seems to come in fits and starts.

    Anyway, congrats on your decision and good luck to you! Friend request sent.
  • LoriAnn1021
    Sounds like you are off to a good start. I just joined this week as well. I actually started working out about six weeks ago and have lost about eight pounds so far and want to lose eight more. Of course the muscle weighs more than fat so it is slow going but i'm ok with that. What kinds of exercising do you do? I recently added spinning. It was so hard at first but am loving it now!
  • votkuhr
    votkuhr Posts: 276 Member
    Heya vegehippie!

    Welcome! Your thread title struck me because I'm 22 and 5'4" too! Funnier thing is that when I started my weight loss journey, I was ~176 lbs as well - that was 4 months ago.

    Now, I'm at 152 lbs and all I can say is that whatever you're going to do and no matter how hard it's going to be, it's all worth it. Let 2014 be our time to shine and knock everyone's socks off!

    Best of luck to you! :) xx
  • seventhwun
    Hello! I have a similar goal and Iooking for a community that encourages each other. just got serious on Friday. I am a 31 yr old female, 5.2" and I weigh 170lbs. My goal is 130. I went to my doctor who is also a CenterFor Medical weight loss partner. They gave me Phentermine 37.5 pills to suppress my food cravings. I have to visit monthly so that they can monitor my progress. I was told low carbs, so I threw out the junk and replaced it with higher protein foods, I plan to exercise at least 30 minutes on my Nordic Track Incline Trainer daily, I am drinking water as much as possible and I am trying to retrain myself how to eat to live versus living to eat. I am nervous about the pill that prescribed because it is only temporary and I worry once im off the pill, ill be starving and eat like a mad woman again.