New to My Fitness Pal

Hi Everyone! I'm new to My Fitness Pal, and so far I think it's fabulous! I am looking for friends to help me stay focused and motivated. I have about 50 pounds I am trying to lose. I love Zumba and dancing. I try to workout everyday and so far in about 2 weeks I've lost 5 pounds. I did not gain all this weight in one day and it will not come off in one day...I just need positive people to be my cheerleaders! :)


  • LoveMePerfectly
    I'm new as well. Feel free to add me.
  • gerry_jamison
    gerry_jamison Posts: 22 Member
    Just started as well! Have about 30 to lose. Feel free to add!
  • nnleibig
    Im new as well! My goal is to lose 100 lbs. Id love to lose 30 by May 1st for my wedding in May, so we will see. Good luck!!
  • karen15mfp
    Im new here too, just started out yday. Im a bokwa girl now. 5 lbs in 2 weeks is a fab loss tho, well done!
  • prettyinpink86_123
    hi there I have around 100lbs to lose I log everyday so feel free to add me people too :tongue: good luck everyone xx
  • kym117
    kym117 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi, I am not new here I started MFP in Jan 2010 and lost 36lbs with it, I came off it last year as I needed a break but I am back with a vengeance to reach my goal weight. I also love Zumba I go to classes at my local leisure centre once a week and I do the Zumba Exhilarate DVD's from home 4/5 nights a week. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • swissmish
    swissmish Posts: 183 Member
    Good morning everyone! I am new to Fitness Pal and have started my weight loss journey. I need to lose about 50 pounds to achieve my goal. I would love to meet new friends to make this journey together. Please add me!
  • dawnygirl17
    Me too ladies. Joined on Monday. Lost 8lb so far. Looking for motivation and some low cal recipes. Everything is so bland lol
  • MattHartman87
    New here as well. Unfortunately, my cheerleader can't walk yet. But I offer you a variety of smiley faces to cheer for the both of us. :smokin: :smile: :tongue: :happy: :ohwell: :glasses: :devil: :smooched: :drinker: :bigsmile: :wink: :laugh: :happy: :love: :flowerforyou: :glasses: :smooched:
  • margaretsewall
    margaretsewall Posts: 8 Member
    my name is meg. i am 34 years old and work in health care giving personal care to elders
    with dementia and Alzheimers. I have also been a musician since i was 5 years old! :)
    i have bipolar, add and low thyroid--sometimes i feel that the meds i am on don't make it
    any easier for me to loose weight!

    starting weight is 234lbs. weight loss wishes: to loose 100lbs
    more obtainable goal: loose 80lbs
    i'd like to be 134 again so i can fit into the wedding dress i bought the first time.
    had to buy a 2nd one cuz i'd gained too much in between :(
    happily married kids....not planning on any either

    i love to ski, down hill an cross country, hike (especially that--hubby and i love
    to do that together) read, practice piano, help people and be a good friend and daughter.

    best of luck to you all and may we all reach out and support each other without
    judgement at this difficult transformation/transition time in our lives! <3
  • margaretsewall
    margaretsewall Posts: 8 Member
    that did cheer me up -- thanks
  • margaretsewall
    margaretsewall Posts: 8 Member
    meant the last comment as a reply to the smiley faces above my comment :)
    and oh yeah--i am taking this journey 5lbs at a time :)
  • Violettaff
    Hi Margaret,
    Maybe you need to take a fresh look at your thyroid meds - synthetic thyroid (Synthroid/Thyroxin) don't always give the right support you need - have a look at sites like Stopthethyroidmadness and Thyroid Patient Advocacy. It was only when I saw a private doctor and started on alternatives did I feel the benefit. Still have to watch weight but that really is down to big portions and lack of exercise and that is why I am here, hoping to change my lifestyle.

    Violettaff x
  • danigriffiths86
    I'm dani. Single and looking to lose as many pounds as I can. Not quite sure how many as I am in a wheelchair and cannot weigh myself! Had a rubbish day yesterday as I have been a little under the weather and chose to comfort eat into oblivion :-(.
    I go to gym twice a week atm and am looking to begin self propelling instead of using my electric wheelchair.

    Just looking for people to chat to, perhaps we can encourage each other x
  • footprints007
    Hi I'm Bev and I am so desperate to lose weight I was going to join weight watchers and Im still considering it although it looks like this sight is so much better and best of all free. I hope I can get my head around using it, any feel free to add me to support each other on a weight loss journey x
  • oligard
    oligard Posts: 141
    Welcome aboard,feel free to add me
  • mommashell39
    mommashell39 Posts: 5 Member