Anyone doing Slimming World?



  • sharonpryke
    sharonpryke Posts: 13 Member
    I used the Slimming World diet last year and successfully lost weight with it - although like a previous poster, I found a lot of fluctuation in my success, some weeks I'd lose 3 lbs, others none.

    I would not describe it as a 'fad diet' because it doesn't exclude food groups (like Atkins), or ask you to only to eat special milkshakes/bars, or starve once or twice per week. It simply encourages people to eat a healthy diet heavy in fruit/veg and exercise a bit more. Basically what we all should be doing! My problem with the diet is that I love fruit too much and can easily 'overeat' on grapes, mango, cherries etc. I think someone else mentioned it doesn't really 'teach' portion control, and that is the one downside I'd echo - although most people at the groups I've attended don't seem to have a problem with that and lose weight easily. Also, the group leader is there to give extra advice if needed.

    I haven't rejoined yet this year because it does cost money, and I don't need the incentive of being weighed each week to keep to my diet. I may switch to Slimming World later in the year if having to weigh everything I eat becomes too annoying.

    Good luck to all the Slimming World dieters - interested in why you're following MFP as well though, and do you log your food on here as well as keeping to the Slimming World diet? I tend to see them as alternatives rather than doing both.

    I'm in Derbyshire too, by the way! Small world.
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    Sounds too simlar to Weight Watchers. I even ended up working for them for a almost zero pay so I got a free meeting. I totally believed it was so healthy for a very long time. Now I know it's way too low calorie and MFP is free so why pay when you can get much better knowledge and health on here?

    Its FREE?

    whoa baby...more food for me!
  • katmits
    katmits Posts: 16 Member
    Sounds too simlar to Weight Watchers. I even ended up working for them for a almost zero pay so I got a free meeting. I totally believed it was so healthy for a very long time. Now I know it's way too low calorie and MFP is free so why pay when you can get much better knowledge and health on here?

    Actually, for a while I did log on MFP whilst following the SW so I can tell you that when you follow it as described it certainly is not 'way too low calorie'.
    I can't comment on the pay structure as I've never worked for them but presumably it must pay enough for the consultants who are still running groups?

    I love MFP but to be honest, it's an anonymous internet forum so how can we know who is giving out the free knowledge and health care - I've read some stuff here that is complete bollox and some stuff that (biologically at least) is very sound. I take stuff put on these type of forums with caution and back it up with my own research if necessary (that said, I just do everything in moderation and have good health so it's quite easy for me to get the information I require)
  • Hi, ive tried sw in the past, didnt reallybhave that much success withit tho as I needed more syns. Lol thats why im still over weight!
    I do hpwever think its a really good eating plan as it does encourage lotsvof fruit and veg, and I believe ww has just changed there plan to something very similar to sw!
  • zezelryck
    zezelryck Posts: 251 Member
    Hi, I Joined slimming World on May 31st 2013 and up to 8th January 2014 I have so far lost 8 stone. That is 112lb lost in 32 weigh in's. You can see in my profile picture. I haven't read all the comments in this post so I don't know if they are negative or positive, I have found that food optimising really suits me and with body magic I train a lot more and have got all of the awards. Like most diets you have to work hard at it but my results show for themself what a little hard can do.

    Looking for a few friends on here, fellow SWer's would be great. :-)
  • zezelryck
    zezelryck Posts: 251 Member
    Jen just type slimming world into your facebook search (assuming you have it) and you will find loads of groups.

    2 groups I use are:

    Slimming World food Diary's

    I help admin the second group. Add me as a friend if you like :-)
  • hello my name is helen i started slimmimg world late september lost over a stone