Unsupportive Family

For a while now I've been trying to lose weight. Since its now 2014 I decided to give it my all. You know the whole "new year new me" thing. Well now being only about a week into it, I noticed a drastic difference between a couple of my family members. The way they act towards me. They know I'm trying to do this and yet they CONSTANTLY offer their junky food to me. Now it's not that I don't have enough self control to say no. It's just that when I do it's like they're offended. Same thing with not wanting to eat fast food. It's not like they can't. I just don't want any part of it. Is that too much to ask?

Everyday, breakfast and lunch is up to ourselves, dinner we all eat the same thing.(I just watch my portions) So when I'm making my own food, food that nobody else has to eat, why do I they roll their eyes at me? I don't understand, trying to better yourself is not a bad thing.

On top of that, the scale has magically gone missing.

Now I understand there's the "unintentional diet sabotaging" but this doesn't seem unintentional to me.

What do you guys think? Is it just in my head or what? What would you do about it?


  • TristansHawk
    TristansHawk Posts: 114 Member
    That sucks. However, did they constantly offer you junk food before you started your healthy change? If so, it is possible it doesn't cross their minds when they do or they do not want to leave you out by not offering. Eating healthy does not mean you can't have a treat once and a while, right?

    If the scale has magically gone missing, by your own, keep it in your room and don't tell them about it....

    Or, depending on your family dynamic, you could always sit down with them and talk to them about it and how you feel.

    Whatever you do or don't do, keep going!
  • nataliejulie
    It's hard to have an unsupportive family, but please don't let it deter your goals!

    My parents eat SO VERY unhealthy. They pick on me for the foods I eat (no bread, no sugar). They pick on me when I use exercise DVDs.

    At first, when I would go visit my parents (I live alone), my dad would buy my favorite junk food. My mom would cook my favorite meals. I felt as if they were trying to sabotage me.

    But ya know what? My mother is at least 30lbs. overweight and my father is borderline obese. Me? I've lost 35lbs in 3 months and can do things with my body that I never thought I'd be able to do (I can run 3 miles!).

    So what do I do? Buy your own groceries. Make your own food. Make a space for yourself in the kitchen for all your healthy food. Even make a space in the fridge (mine is called the "health shelf").

    Good luck :)