Busy college commuter looking for friends and help!

Hello, MFP! Please read my profile to learn a little about me. In a nutshell for the board, I am a very busy college student studying education. I also commute for quite some time every single day, five days a week. I have an extremely hard time creating a healthy diet being busy and away from home, especially with no access to microwaves, stoves, etc. while I am at school. I am looking for friends, especially those who are in a similar position as me as far as dealing with college and trying to lose weight. The best thing ever would be to meet people who can help to learn and grow with me OR who can guide me far as what to eat and how to fit in any exercise at home (but food is the big one--I always feel starved when I try to pack healthy foods for school!). I want to lose about 40-60 pounds--before summer would be AMAZING!

Please add me!!! I would love to talk to anyone or just simply follow each other's journeys! Oh, and if you keep up with your diary, I would love to be friends just to be able to get healthy ideas from your diary!

Also, add me on Instagram: apfitlife. I follow many inspirational and helpful accounts, and I am constantly looking to connect with more!


  • vahine03
    vahine03 Posts: 214 Member
    Bump! Ta help you out. =)

    I don't go to college. I should get back to it but decided it could wait. I do, however, have similar goals as far as losing weight and the why's. But it seems your looking more for someone who is Health Savvy (and a coach/trainer). I'm not that person. I'm still learning! I'm standing in the low-mid 180's and my goal is to reach a healthy 135-145 lbs. If you're interested in being friends, I'd be glad to accept...haha
  • apfitlife
    apfitlife Posts: 13 Member
    Ah, yes, I should have made it sound more casual. I guess I'm just so tired and frustrated as I write this and do all kinds of Googling and finding information on my own. It just makes me want to scream, "I need a free trainer and nutritionist!" Haha. Seriously though, I'd just be glad to be able to learn to lose weight with others. This girl needs to create some day-to-day meal plans as she commutes and remains at college!
  • poponastick302
    poponastick302 Posts: 77 Member
    I am a busy medical science student based in Australia - we're on summer holidays at the moment, but I often work full days and always pre-pack a healthy morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. I haven't logged today (naughty cheat day :S) but feel free to check out my diary for some ideas. I don't have much variety in my diet on working days, because it is hard to think of new and different ideas.

    I usually go for garden salads (with tuna or leftover chicken, tuna on crackers or leftovers for lunch. I usually have flavoured tuna (Mango Chilli is my favourite, but there are sooo many to choose from), so I don't use any other dressings. When I have chicken, I go for cottage cheese because it's still creamy but low calorie. If you don't eat meat, a plain garden salad with balsamic vinegar and olive oil is delicious. Experiment with other herbs, like oregano, parsley and basil for a bit of extra flavour without needing dressings.
    You can put whatever veg you want in salads, really. I often replace lettuce with baby spinach because I don't eat a lot of red meat and want to make sure that I'm getting enough iron. If you're a fan of raw vegetables, experiment with things like raw cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage. baby spinach and dinosaur kale (if you can find it). Or even if you steam some veg and bring it in with a portion of stir-fried chicken, a tin of tuna or even a small cup of brown rice or noodles.

    For morning & afternoon tea it's fruit, yogurt or quark (similar to cottage cheese), or a combination of all of them. I've been obsessed with grapes lately, because they require zero preparation - just rinse them and put them in a bag or a container with some yogurt or quark! Frozen blueberries, strawberries and cut-up peach also go amazingly with yogurt. If you're on a tight budget (as many of us students are), buy a big tub of cottage cheese and yogurt at the beginning of the week. A tub of each usually lasts me 2 weeks+.
    If I'm too lazy/busy to prepare yogurt and cut up fruit, have some ready-to-eat fruits like mandarines and bananas on hand. I have braces, so things like apples, peaches, plums need to be sliced up, but if you aren't a metal-mouth, those are quick, easy and tasty, too.

    Veg sticks with dips like hummus or tzatziki are also great - again, braces, so eating carrots is hard! Celery, cucumber, zucchini or wholegrain crackers are good. Or any other raw veg, for that matter.
  • apfitlife
    apfitlife Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you so much for the suggestions! I'll definitely check out your diary! Love what you said about yogurt. While I am a picky eater, I absolutely enjoy yogurt and fruits. What I struggle with most is vegetables. However, I recently discovered the beauty of a blender, so I currently plan to get my veggie intake with some fruits, almond milk, whatever I can in the blender! I am just concerned as to how full juicing would help me to feel, compared to the physical food itself. I don't have too much knowledge about such a thing yet, but I need to get on that so I get my veggie intake in some way at all! (I would totally appreciate it if anyone reading this could inform me about "juicing" a bit... I've checked out various documentaries on Netflix that support it for dieting!)
  • poponastick302
    poponastick302 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm happy to help! I also just had a read your profile.

    I totally understand about feeling too tired to go to the gym. Is going in the morning an option? I know that early wake-ups absolutely suck - I used to wake up at 5am to get to the gym before heading to work/Uni. I've found that I feel pretty much the same at the end of the day - if anything, a gym session helps to wake me up in the mornings.
    If your problem is a lack of sleep, unfortunately, the only answer is to get more sleep! It may mean some sacrifice in the area of study or leisure, but it really is important to sleep enough, both for your health and your college performance. In the scope of things, an extra hour of much-needed sleep is worth much more than an hour of tired studying.

    No support in person is annoying, and I know what you mean with that too. My friends and family aren't fitness freaks, except for my brother, who is TOO fit for me to exercise with. Having an exercise buddy is a great plus, but online friends are almost as good! :)

    Juicing and blending is an awesome idea. From my experience, juicing definitely doesn't fill you up as much, and also takes out some of the fibre from veg, but it's still better than no veggies at all. Blending is good because you don't remove any of that stuff. I bet you could make some yummy soups with a blender as well.
    With that in mind, while I've never been a big fan of freezing meals, if you feel so inclined, you could make a big batch of blended goodness and freeze it in containers to take out whenever you're too busy to prepare something. If you don't have access to a microwave at college, try makings things that aren't too bad to eat cold, like gazpacho, and take them out of the freezer the night before.
  • poponastick302
    poponastick302 Posts: 77 Member
    Other ideas I just thought of are nuts and museli bars (be careful of sugar content and GI, though). I lived off of them before I got braces.

    And if you want something to help fill you up, poached/boiled eggs are quick, easy and veryyyy filling.
  • iamwilso
    iamwilso Posts: 1,955 Member
    Welcome, I'm sure everyone can at one point in their own journey relate to your situation, we've all been there. The best piece of advice I can give you is to meal prep, on Sunday get into the kitchen and prepare your lunch meals for the week, make 2 or 3 different dishes so you don't get bored eating the same food day in day out, doing this will ensure you don't get caught out at lunch time looking for something. As for your question about juicing just be carefully with your fruit/veg portions, it takes a lot of oranges for example to get a glass of juice, more than you would normally eat. So watch your portions and mix it out with water and or ice cubes
  • apfitlife
    apfitlife Posts: 13 Member
    I'm happy to help! I also just had a read your profile.

    I totally understand about feeling too tired to go to the gym. Is going in the morning an option? I know that early wake-ups absolutely suck - I used to wake up at 5am to get to the gym before heading to work/Uni. I've found that I feel pretty much the same at the end of the day - if anything, a gym session helps to wake me up in the mornings.
    If your problem is a lack of sleep, unfortunately, the only answer is to get more sleep! It may mean some sacrifice in the area of study or leisure, but it really is important to sleep enough, both for your health and your college performance. In the scope of things, an extra hour of much-needed sleep is worth much more than an hour of tired studying.

    No support in person is annoying, and I know what you mean with that too. My friends and family aren't fitness freaks, except for my brother, who is TOO fit for me to exercise with. Having an exercise buddy is a great plus, but online friends are almost as good! :)

    Juicing and blending is an awesome idea. From my experience, juicing definitely doesn't fill you up as much, and also takes out some of the fibre from veg, but it's still better than no veggies at all. Blending is good because you don't remove any of that stuff. I bet you could make some yummy soups with a blender as well.
    With that in mind, while I've never been a big fan of freezing meals, if you feel so inclined, you could make a big batch of blended goodness and freeze it in containers to take out whenever you're too busy to prepare something. If you don't have access to a microwave at college, try makings things that aren't too bad to eat cold, like gazpacho, and take them out of the freezer the night before.

    Going to the gym in the morning could be an option for me about two or three days a week. I can go undoubtedly on Saturday and Sunday mornings. I didn't go before because I had no motivation--so here I am! I also get out of class early on Fridays, so I can surely go then, too. Otherwise, it would have to wait until after all my classes the rest of the week. On these days, I would like to know that I have some sort of home workout available to me when I truly do feel too tired. I just don't know what to do.

    I appreciate all of your tips! I think I will end up preparing my entire school week on Sundays. I'm just here figuring out what to do now and finding my options for foods.
  • apfitlife
    apfitlife Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome, I'm sure everyone can at one point in their own journey relate to your situation, we've all been there. The best piece of advice I can give you is to meal prep, on Sunday get into the kitchen and prepare your lunch meals for the week, make 2 or 3 different dishes so you don't get bored eating the same food day in day out, doing this will ensure you don't get caught out at lunch time looking for something. As for your question about juicing just be carefully with your fruit/veg portions, it takes a lot of oranges for example to get a glass of juice, more than you would normally eat. So watch your portions and mix it out with water and or ice cubes

    I think I will end up trying to meal prep on Sundays! Thank you for the tips; that was helpful! You are certainly right about portions for juicing. I will have to find some sort of recipe ideas to find out what I can do without going overboard!
  • apfitlife
    apfitlife Posts: 13 Member
    These responses are great! I also appreciate all of your adds, too! The support here is awesome as well! Keep it coming, MFP world! :-)

    Anyone know any great places to find sample menus? Perhaps even in my case for the on-the-go college student? How about great places to find blending/juicing recipes?

    Any home workout routine ideas? What should I be doing in the gym--any routine plans there?

    I would like to find some good sources for that information--perhaps through the web or maybe it's already on some message boards here! I come across things now and then but I just never know if it is right for me.
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    I'm a college student as well. I'm studying business and I will graduate in May. I know how it can get when you have a full semester, work, and for me I am a care taker for both my grandparents and my mother. I personally like some routine. I usually always have the same breakfast. I know it fills me up and gives me a nice boost. I plan lunches usually a day ahead and snacks. I'm on a different boat I can eat healthy and feel fine but I can't motivate myself to exercise. Feel free to add me. I do my dairy daily. My snacks change and my lunches will vary.
  • Steelrose43
    Welcome to MFP, I have been using it off and on for many years and when I stick to it I have success. I am also a full time college student so time is precious, on top of school I also work and have teenage kids. I have gained many pounds over the last year and now nothing fits me. I refuse to buy bigger clothes so here I am again. I have not had friends to help keep me motivated as I am usually to busy, but I am going to try again here. I will add you as a friend and hopefully we can help each other.

    My name is Angela and I live in Washington State, I am 37 years old and I need to loose about 25-30 pounds.
  • apfitlife
    apfitlife Posts: 13 Member
    I'm a college student as well. I'm studying business and I will graduate in May. I know how it can get when you have a full semester, work, and for me I am a care taker for both my grandparents and my mother. I personally like some routine. I usually always have the same breakfast. I know it fills me up and gives me a nice boost. I plan lunches usually a day ahead and snacks. I'm on a different boat I can eat healthy and feel fine but I can't motivate myself to exercise. Feel free to add me. I do my dairy daily. My snacks change and my lunches will vary.

    I'll definitely add you! I would be happy to check out your diary! Thanks! I appreciate routine, too, and that's why I want to actually develop plans and have that in front of me, so I can stick to it! That includes food and exercise!
  • apfitlife
    apfitlife Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome to MFP, I have been using it off and on for many years and when I stick to it I have success. I am also a full time college student so time is precious, on top of school I also work and have teenage kids. I have gained many pounds over the last year and now nothing fits me. I refuse to buy bigger clothes so here I am again. I have not had friends to help keep me motivated as I am usually to busy, but I am going to try again here. I will add you as a friend and hopefully we can help each other.

    My name is Angela and I live in Washington State, I am 37 years old and I need to loose about 25-30 pounds.

    We can do this!!! I'll go accept your request right now!
  • nataliejulie
    Welcome!! :) I'm a grad student, moving into medical school territory. I've lost 34lbs in 3 months and in more shape than I ever have been in my life.

    You've been added... Good luck!!
  • apfitlife
    apfitlife Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome!! :) I'm a grad student, moving into medical school territory. I've lost 34lbs in 3 months and in more shape than I ever have been in my life.

    You've been added... Good luck!!

    That is AMAZING! Congratulations! I will accept you and send you a message--I would love to learn about your journey!
  • graceflower33
    graceflower33 Posts: 11 Member
    I pack my kids lunches everyday (for food intolerance and health reasons) and we use lots of thermoses. They take leftovers, soup, any kind of hot food. We add boiling water to warm up the liner, dump it out and add hot food. It works the same for cold, they like frozen yogurt in their lunches. It lasts about 5 hours.
  • Andy_83
    Andy_83 Posts: 270
    happy to help where i can. Even if hungry i find there's no excuse for biscuits/chocolate as we all know it doesn't fill you up, so even if not ideal i'll eat a sandwich or something just to ensure i cut picking at snacks under the excuse of being peckish out of my lifestyle.
  • apfitlife
    apfitlife Posts: 13 Member
    I pack my kids lunches everyday (for food intolerance and health reasons) and we use lots of thermoses. They take leftovers, soup, any kind of hot food. We add boiling water to warm up the liner, dump it out and add hot food. It works the same for cold, they like frozen yogurt in their lunches. It lasts about 5 hours.

    I recently purchased a large thermos, so this helps to know so much! I really should get some more in different sizes! Thank you!
  • apfitlife
    apfitlife Posts: 13 Member
    happy to help where i can. Even if hungry i find there's no excuse for biscuits/chocolate as we all know it doesn't fill you up, so even if not ideal i'll eat a sandwich or something just to ensure i cut picking at snacks under the excuse of being peckish out of my lifestyle.

    Definitely good to remember! I need to find healthy sandwich ideas. I was never too into sandwiches but if I can find something to be interested in I could so do it!