What are the best low cal foods to eat?

suzyjo Posts: 4
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Starting back to calorie counting (again) today!

Can anyone give me some help as to what they find are the best low cal lunches (suitable for taking to work - we have a microwave) and best low cal dinners which actually fill you up and are quick to make??

I always start off with good intent but find that hunger gets the better of me by the end of the day!!

Thanks! :)


  • bump
  • clahut
    clahut Posts: 211 Member
    Starting back to calorie counting (again) today!

    Can anyone give me some help as to what they find are the best low cal lunches (suitable for taking to work - we have a microwave) and best low cal dinners which actually fill you up and are quick to make??

    I always start off with good intent but find that hunger gets the better of me by the end of the day!!

    Thanks! :)


    I find the best thing for lunch is soup as that really fills me up. It is best to make a big pot at the weekend, and just take a tub in each day to microwave (or microwave at home and put in a flask). It is also a great way to make sure you are easting enough vegetables.

  • The key for me has been keeping a serving of sea salt almonds (28) in my purse. I pop one or two for a bit of protien and it does wonders. I also do shakes with 1c. strawberries, half banana a handful of ice, a half scoop of whey protien powder, and 2 splenda packs. The key is PROTIEN. 14 grams or more at breakfast is the key to start you day off right. Try it. It will make a difference. Best of luck. You are doing great!
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    I've been eating Innocent veg pots - around the 350-400 cal mark, but full of veg (obviously) and low in most everything else.

    Available in the UK, but I think in other places too?

    I tend to eat them in the evenings though and have fruit and low-fat sandwiches at work.
  • I pre cook a small jacket potato the day before and heat it up in the microwave at work and fill with some light cottage cheese and chive... ummmmmmmmm x
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    Make salads! Soup is great, but not if you're watching sodium. Sandwiches, especially with low cal wraps instead of bread..or no bread at all. I also portion off leftovers into correct serving sizes and freeze them that way you can just grab one and microwave it. For easy dinners you could pre cook meat, portion it off and freeze it that way when you want it just grab it with some veggies or a salad and you're all set it.
  • @clahut Soup is a great idea! am going to get some ingredients for vegetable soup on my lunch break!

    @noble1987 Cooking the potato the night before is a great tip, I always thought I could bring one in but the cooking time in the micro in work put me off.

    @Skinnyby29 Will try and start having wraps instead of bread as the bread really knocks up the cals - check out my lunch today, wonder what I could cut that down by with a wrap instead!

    @goron59 will keep an eye out for these in the supermarket!

    @KillingAurora How do you reheat your foods that you have frozen? Do you put them straight in the oven from frozen and for the likes of a lasagne how long and at what temp? OR do you just defrost night before (sometimes I am not that organised).
    Maybe this is a silly question but I'm a cooking novice!

    @paticap thanks for the protein tip I will have to try this in the morning and see if it works!
  • P.S. Keep the tips coming! I feel some motivation coming back! :)
  • Soup!

    Or... dont know where you are but I buy the under a £1 value ready meals from supermarkets (ie. Sainsburys/tesco/morrisons), they do all sorts like pasta, lasagne, shepherds/cottage pies etc. and they are generally under or just over 200 calories!!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Porridge (oatmeal) is one of my fav working day lunches. It not only fills you up for hours but its really warming on cold days like today. I like the Quaker oats so simple. It takes just a few mins in the microwave and you can add all sorts of toppings to keep it interesting, anything from fruit to dark chocolate chips!
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    I always have the ingredients in the house , lentils are really cheap, good for you and filling! Plus this is so quick and easy to make!

    Red Lentil & Tomato soup

    100g Lentils
    1 large onion choppped
    1clove garlic crusshed
    1 vegatable stock cube
    1Carrot chopped
    1 can tomatoes

    In a pan onoin crushed garlic and stock cube, enough water to cover them, and simmer

    in a spearate pan place the lentils enough water to cover them, and simmer

    When the lentils are cooked add to the first pan and blend add more water , seasoning as required.


    makes 3 servings 187 calories each! my whole family love this one .


    Butternut Squash Soup
    Serves: 6
    400ml water
    500g butternut squash
    1 onion
    1 carrot
    1 veggie stock cube
    1 clove garlic
    1 tsp olive oil
    tiny dash of cayenne pepper(optional)

    Cut the squash in half length ways and remove the seeds and fleshy bit. Then bake in the oven for 40 mins.
    Once baked and cooled, just peel the skin off, it should come off no problem. Make sure you don't waste any fluids that have accumulated in the squash, pour them into the sauce pan.
    Fry the onion and garlic in the oil and any fluids from the squash until softened.
    Add the Stock and water as well as the chopped carrot.
    Cook for 20 mins and then chop the squash and add this. Also add the cayenne pepper at this point if you dare, but be careful you only need a tiny amount to make a huge difference.
    Cook for 10 mins more then remove from heat and blitz.

    80 calories per serving, 1.8g F, 0.2g SF, 16.0g C, 3.7g S, 2.8g Fb, 1.8g

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