Time to put down the fork!

So I am brand new on here (literally by a few minutes).

I have tried so many diets and I have always failed after a week. I hate feeling like a failure. Tomorrow is DAY 1 of my new healthier weightloss lifestyle.

I am apprehensive. You know that feeling where you feel like you are going to fail before you start? That's me, but I HAVE to change! I am SO unhappy the way I am and in the mirror today I told myself, start losing it now and there will be less to lose.

I am unemployed as I gave up my job to move country (England to Ireland) and I KNOW that this is one reason why I have put weight on, I don't do a lot, housework, visit family....go shopping? and my eating habits are terrible. My boyfriend has terrible eating habits and I have got worse since living with him (not his fault I have NO self control with food). So the freezer is always chips, wedges, breaded chicken, burgers etc etc.

Is anyone in the same boat? Even if not if anyone has tips to give then bring them on.

(Forgot to mention I am doing Just Dance on PS3 everyday for an hour and 15mins, or I am from tomorrow. I was doing it but I fell out of it)


  • timmer74
    timmer74 Posts: 46 Member
    Feel free to add me if ya want some motivation.

    Why wait til tomorrow? :)
  • 3boysunder3
    3boysunder3 Posts: 35 Member
    Hey there,

    good on you for making that first step. Now it is just a matter of continuing that journey. I'll send you a friend request, motivations helps a lot =)

    ps: i have REALLY low self control too!!!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    If you've tried and failed lots of times before, try to look at what made you stop the other times, and what could you do differently this time? My guess is that you made the kinds of changes that weren't sustainable long term. Keep it simple and make small, gradual changes that you can live with forever. Hit your calorie goal, add in some exercise that you enjoy doing, and don't try to be perfect. Keep eating food that you enjoy, and track it all accurately. Don't see it as being on a diet, or even worse "on the wagon". If one day doesn't go exactly as planned, it doesn't matter; you just carry on.