Hi! Getting back into it. Interested in motivating friends!

Hi lovely MFP peeps!

I've been around here for awhile. I joined about 2 years ago, lost nearly 70lbs through hard work and dedication, but a few bad "cheat" days threw me off and a year later, I'm back where I started. I'm a single mom of 2 young kiddos and I work full time. Focusing on my health was not always at the top of my priorities. It's hard to focus on that when you get in a rut. Stressed, tired, cranky...I wasn't connecting the fact that I was overweight with how bad I felt. Since I've been back into it and exercising everyday, I can't even believe how much happier I've become. I'm SOOO incredibly excited to be back at this again! It feels so good!

I have about 100lbs I want to loose, so if you are in the same boat feel free to friend me and we can motivate each other!

A little more about me:
-I love to run. It's my favorite exercise and in 9 months I'm hoping to be able to join some races.
-I'm a fitness and food information junkie. I read all the time. I love reading about the science of the body and how it works. I love reading about food and how your body uses the amazing nutrients found in it, and how everything is processed. It's fascinating to me. I can't stop researching. I NEVER just believe a fitness rumor. Ever. I will challenge you on every fitness myth you dare spit at me because I need to know the science behind it.
-My boys are 5 and 3 and waaay too big for a jogging stroller, which is kind of embarrassing but I really have no choice if I want to go running. Equally embarrassing is they have become fond of yelling at me to, " GO FASTER! FASTER, MOMMY!!!" pretty much the entire duration of my runs, which I'm sure attracts the attention of the other joggers at the park, and also makes me feel kind of like a horse pulling a chariot.

1. First is obviously to get to my goal weight. I'm 5lbs down and 95 to go. :/
2. NO MORE OBLIVIOUS EATING. I vow to always do my best to know what is going in my body. During my darkest fat days, I would purposely avoid looking at the nutrition labels on packaging because I didn't want to know the damage I was doing. That was messed up, and I don't want to be that way anymore.
3. NO MORE CHEAT DAYS. There is no such thing, because my intention is to eat in a way that wont require me to "cheat". I may have, "You were being stupid" days, or "Don't you dare eat that much cheesecake ever again" days, but I think for some reason the idea of cheat days makes people feel like they are being so punished by the way they eat that they feel it necessary to eat bad once in a while. If you choose food carefully, you can have all those delicious things you want without being excessive.
4. Eventually run a half marathon. This is a rather new goal, but I figured why not.
5. Be an inspiration to my kids when it comes to health and food choices so that they will not struggle the way that I did.


  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    I could also use some motivation! I have been at this off and on for years, before I even came here. I am currently at my lowest weight that I can remember. Have 20 to lose and will reevaluate at that time. I was running a few years ago and then I got pregnant. Will start up again after I am done breastfeeding (end of this month). I log every day.
  • I am brand new here and in some serious need of motivation. I always promise myself that I'll start tomorrow, but end up screwing it up. I need a serious wake up call and some SERIOUS motivation.
  • I just found 100 reasons you should be motivated to workout. I kind of want a poster of this:


    My biggest reasons:
    1. Look amazing in skinny jeans
    2. Be able to run without looking like a jogging jello mold
    3. Get rid of the pain in my back, knees and ankles, and try to extend their life by not forcing them to carry so much weight
    4. Prevent heart disease which runs in my family
    5. Be happier...exercise stimulates endorphin production
    6. Be more confident in myself and not feel uncomfortable in my own skin
    7. Look better in other people's eyes. This is important to me at work because overweight people are often perceived as being less intelligent or less qualified for promotions.

    What are your biggest reasons for wanting to loose weight? That should be your motivation. :)
  • artichokehorse
    artichokehorse Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I am also back at it again. 70lbs is inspiring. You can definitely do it again!

    I also love to run, but enjoy lifting weights the most. Additionally, I love wine, which is where most of this belly fat comes from. ;-)
    I am interested in moderation of eating and learning to eat to fuel my body better.

    I plan on starting today unofficially, but starting tomorrow officially. I am going to give this a week's try and hoping the community can provide some community. Otherwise, I am considering Weight Watchers, which I have never tried before, but know there is a financial investment versus this free and wonderful tool.

    I too find "cheat" days ridiculous and binge inducing. I want to live and eat in moderation- enjoying life evenly versus dieting and indulging.

    Let's do it!!!!
  • ladymissdana
    ladymissdana Posts: 8 Member
    I could use some support too
    But am not really sure how to use this app
    How can I add people to my support network?
  • will2lose72
    will2lose72 Posts: 128 Member
    Hello! Brand new here too, on Day 5, but loving it thus far! I decided to log my food for a week without making any other drastic changes. I've mostly been eating the same things just less of it. After reading a few tips, one of which was to preload my food diary, I am proud to say I actually made some good choices over the last 5 days. I was going to be over my calories one day and the kids and I were having Subway so I actually skipped the cheese on the sandwich and the chips and came in only 12 calories over! Soo excited! Ok, if I'm that excited over that one thing, I should be able to do this right??

    I'm a single mom as well but my kids are a bit older at 14 and nearly 11. It's still tough to struggle work schedule, school and activity schedules, and all the 'home' work too. I've lost this weight more than a couple of times in the last few years and really need some motivation to do it again AND keep it off! Would love to lose 40lb and re-evaluate.

    I'm not a runner but did try Couch to 5k before and did pretty well. Need to get back in to that but think I'll wait for a bit warmer weather. Thinking about doing Body Rev for a couple of months.

    Let's do this!!
  • HSokol
    HSokol Posts: 67 Member
    I'm also interested in gettign back into the swing of things, the holidays have thrown me off my regular schedule. Anyone from this post can feel free to add me.
  • I'm with you. I need to lose 100+. Would love the support also! :flowerforyou:

    My reasons for losing it:
    1. Health
    2. To be able to have children (PCOS)
    3. To feel better about myself, to be happier
  • I need some real folks who are not going to judge me, so far so good. My support system is not so great and I think that is a big reason why I keep on failing. But, no one is gonna get me down this time!!!!!
    0 down and about 50 to go!
  • lucypeaks
    lucypeaks Posts: 96 Member
    Hi! I'm looking for motivated people to keep me on track. Lost 50lbs over the past year and now need to maintain this weight and still improve my fitness. I'm hoping to do a charity trek next year and want to push my physical limits. I too am a mum, my daughter is 3 and a half. I am on here pretty much every day!
  • muderfocker
    muderfocker Posts: 83 Member
    Looking for motivated people also. feel free to add me. :)
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I am working on losing 70 lbs., just started last Wednesday. We can both do it! I wish you well.
  • Tydeclare44
    Tydeclare44 Posts: 572 Member
    Feel free to add me anyone!
    We're all in this together!
  • I can use motivation, and I do like to motivate. Add me! Actually, anyone can add me! Thanks so much, and best wishes on here.

  • cindy326
    cindy326 Posts: 70 Member
    im also looking for more supportive friends..I am a daily user sometimes more when i need it. Looking for friends who will tell me like it is. :happy:
  • Csy4242
    Csy4242 Posts: 210 Member
    Please feel free to add me! Support system and motivators are key in success!
  • Hiya, just turn fifty, looking for buddies to help and inspire me to lose some weight and keep active, been over for a good couple of years now, time for change :)
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    My kids are 6 and 4 and I think yours are Great in the stroller and cheering you on!!!!

    Sounds like you are On this!!!!!

    Feel free to add me if you'd like

    Welcome back!
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    Always looking for new motivating friends, I like to think that I am a pretty motivating person as well! I am on here daily and just got back into logging my food daily. I had lost 42lbs from Sept 2012 to April 2013 and since them have put about half back on, just getting back on track to lose again and hit my goal weight this time! Feel free to add me!
  • I'm always looking for more motivational friends! I lost 35 on my own, but gained back about half so I am back at it again. Hoping to lose about 50 this time, but doing it in 15 lb increments so it feels more attainable. Feel free to add me anyone!