Clean Eating Help

I have just joined MFP and have been clean eating for a week now.
I have completely cut out all bread and dairy (apart from a spoon of lite greek yogurt in my morning smoothie)
I tend to have trouble sticking to diets for too long, but this time have decided that its not a diet its a lifestyle change!
Just wondering if any of you out there are also doing the clean eating thing? would love some motivating friends who are in a similar position to me :smile:


  • Shines01
    Shines01 Posts: 26 Member
    I am doing clean eating and gluten free. Feel free to add me.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member

    Ice cream, beer, pizza, chocolate all part of my diet daily.

    No need to restrict myself of anything that I am not allergic to.
  • jlady2013
    What is a typical Clean Eating Day for you Shines01?
  • jlady2013
    Henwoosa, I am new with the Clean Eating too. It's always good to have others to follow along with. Count me in.