Seeking motivation to begin again

Hey everyone. I'm seeking some motivation to try dropping weight again. I lost about 11lbs this last summer, but then school started up, and I just fell out of the habit. By now, I'm sure that I've gained back all of that weight if not a little more. I suffer with depression, and a very major part of that is due to my body image. I've struggled with weight my entire life. I was bullied because of that from a very young age, and it's definitely left some emotional scars. As of writing this, I'm about 40-50lbs overweight. The thing is, I know how much happier I'll be if I lose weight, but I just can't seem to find the motivation to go to the gym and get started. Does anyone have any encouraging words or advice that will help to motivate me?

Also, I'm wondering if anyone can help me find the profile of another member here. I don't remember his name, but he's lost hundreds of lbs and had about 20lbs of skin removed. He keeps a blog about it outside of this community. His story was really inspirational, and I feel like seeing his pictures and reading his story again may help me.


  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    Getting over Bullying, overweight, emotional scars, poor self-image, that's a lot to take on by yourself, all at once. Take one step at a time.

    I suggest you start logging your food, set your weight loss goals but do not focus on the losses at first, just log your food. An odd thing might happen, you might start to recognize patterns, logging might pressure you into eating more healthy.

    When you are ready, seek out some counseling, it's hard to heal when all you see is the trees smacking your face, you need someone looking at you in the forest to help guide you to a safe place. Counseling is not for everyone but I suggest you give it a try, when you are ready.

    And that little voice in your head that will pop up when you are feeling good about your accomplishments, the one that says that you suck, you are a failure, why even try, you know it, right? Well, I believe that little voice is neither good or bad, it's more like a drill sergeant or a tough coach, it is there to either push you forward or weed you out, for your own safety. It wants you to feel safe, sound and secure. Listen to it carefully and decide for yourself if the Juice is Worth the squeeze.

    This is a long journey with a lot of destinations but no real end, take it one step at a time. Good luck finding your friend and stay vigilant, stay committed to improving yourself. Losing weight will not make you gain confidence, it will help, losing weight will help you gain health, make sure you heal the scars from youth too.
  • PatchFan
    PatchFan Posts: 19 Member
    I found the guy who lost hundreds of lbs who I'd mentioned earlier. Cybered321. That man is an inspiration. Perhaps I'll read through some of his blog and hit the gym.
  • meganlashbrook
    I totally understand where you are coming from. I lost about 30 pounds over the summer....then college started. I didn't gain back all of it, but I didn't exactly keep it all off. I know that it can be frustrating, but we can definitely do this. After all, if we were able to lose weight before, we can do it again now, right? I'd suggest setting some kind of goal that doesn't have to do with weight specifically. I'm trying to lose 60 pounds, but I have other goals too. I'm training for a half marathon. My only goal there is to finish. But I'm registered and psyched. I'm also doing Zumba as one of my classes. Don't give up, just think of why you want to lose weight to begin with. The people on this site can be supportive for sure. I had a different profile about a year ago, but needed a fresh start since I totally gave up on that one. Feel free to add me and other people too and we can all support each other :)
  • designdena
    I know the scars of bullying as my daughter was a victim of this awful act.Even as a parent it consumes you and you focus on others and forget about your own health.4 yrs ago I lost 48 lbs the good old fashion way ...1100 calories daily and worked out 5-6 days week. It took a year to lose but I kept it off for several yrs. My world was rocked when my 15 yr old daughter told me she was pregnant and I was so consumed with fear I let the work outs go and I stopped caring about what I put in my mouth. It all has worked out and now I'm ready to do it again. I gained about 25 of the 48 lbs back but now I'm much older ...44 to be exact and it comes off much much slower so I know I will need a lot of encouragement . Patch this is your time to improve you...don't let those bullies ruin your adult life as well they took enough from you...let's start this journey we can do it... My favorite part of the work out is the sauna at the end... Heehee