Stressing about upcoming schedule - advice?

Hi guys! I'm a full-time student, and "part" time worker. This semester I'm taking 13 credits and working 32 hours a week (AFTER unpaid breaks) on overnight shifts. I'm going to attempt to workout throughout, but I understand that it'll be hard. I'm thinking that my youth will help me to get through these months, but I'm still a little worried, wondering if I can handle this load without breaking down. I'm confident that the first month will be okay, but after that... Not so sure. So here's what my schedule will look like:

Work: Sun 10p to Mon 7a
Class: Tues 12:30p to 9:20p
Class: Thurs 12:30p to 9:20p
Work: Thurs 10p to Fri 7a
Work: Fri 10p to Sat 7a
Work: Sat 10p to Sun 7a

Working like this and going to class at the same time aren't what's stressing me out about this - it's the sleep schedule. I have a hard time making it if I get less than 7 or 8 hours of sleep (9-10 is optimal). The time is there to get my sleep in, but the 6-7 hour jumps in sleeping times mean that after a while I'm going to be a zombie.

My goals for this semester:
• Get adequate sleep
• Continue to make car payments, etc.
• Do my homework
• Work out 6 days a week (half an hour per day)
• Maintain my eating habits

Any advice on how to handle this? Other than finding a new job. Already thinking about looking for one (in-between everything else, of course!)


  • tntjones2011
    tntjones2011 Posts: 10 Member
    Get a structured workout program that you can do at home like T25 or P90X3. T25 is 25 mins. and X3 is 30. Plus the eating plan will fuel your body.
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    You set goals and that is a great first step! I was and still kind of am in a similar situation. What I learned is that there will just be days your body is exhausted, either go to they gym or don't but make a decision. We need rest just as much as a good workout. This week I made it to the gym but they weren't my best workouts and that is okay.

    Focus on eating healthy and getting sleep, that is going to be more beneficial and keep you feeling up to working, doing your homework, and making it to the gym.

    You are working overnights and going to school. I am not going to tell you its impossible to make it to the gym, but it is going to be hard after a while. Hold in there, go when you can but don't beat yourself up about it if it doesn't happen everyday etc.

    good luck!
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    Get a structured workout program that you can do at home like T25 or P90X3. T25 is 25 mins. and X3 is 30. Plus the eating plan will fuel your body.

    What a coincidence that you recommend the X3 ;) That's exactly what my 30 minutes of exercise is! :laugh:
  • tntjones2011
    tntjones2011 Posts: 10 Member
    Awesome! That's what I do. I work a lot and run a BeachBody business so I know how those crazy schedules go.