My body is destroyed

I feel like my body is unrecoverable. I am the healthiest and fittest I have been in ten years, but what to do with the extra? After two children and ten years fat, I have all of this skin. It drives me crazy, is it just me or is that common? It's very discouraging that I can't do anything about it after all of this hard work.


  • sarahjj1
    sarahjj1 Posts: 10 Member
    I have the same issue so I am very interested in replies to this. I have had three c-sections and I don't think the muscle tone in my stomach will ever be the same. It's like a large flap of skin that won't go away. I'm considering surgery after I lose the rest of this weight. But, if there is a natural way to do it I am gonna try.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Don't be discouraged, there are many things that you can do over time. You are young. First you can "hide" it, there are many products/Garments on the market that will "tighten" many parts of the body; (2) keep doing toning exercises...(3) Eventually you may want to have surgery on really tough areas that won't take to toning. Actually, losing the weight and being healthy is the greatest gift you have given yourself and your family. I know you want to look good but you are talking about substance vs. proud of what you have done and focus on maintaining it and enjoying life. There are many people with the same problem but manage to look good in their clothes, you can too.
  • alanmonks
    alanmonks Posts: 115 Member
    One of teh reasons that you may have the extra skin is because you lost weight quicker than your skin could keep up. Your skin is elastic and it will eventually go back to normal. You just have to keep working. There are creams you can get to firm it up and if all else fails and it is still an issue then speak to your doctor.
  • DeborahR
    I have had 5 children (no c-sections, though) and I, too am in better shape and eating clean but still have that lower abdominal pooch and loose skin. It is extremely discouraging :(
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    It is very common, especially among women who have had children. I have lost 150 pounds, am 48 years old and have sagging skin everywhere. I was lucky enough to be able to have the skin removed from my tummy but it is frustrating when I see my thighs and arms and know there is some beautiful muscle there but you can't see most of the definintion because of the sagging skin. Exercise does help with this to a certain extent, but - depending on your circumstances - generally not all. Anyone who tells you that you can do something about it other than plastic surgery is misinforming you. I, like you, just try to focus on the fact that I am the healthiest I have been since I was 19 years old and I lead an amazing life. Hoping someday that I will be able to get the thighs and arms done...
  • ambercole
    I was the same way. At my heaviest I was 250lbs and I lost 120lbs. I ended up having to have a tummy tuck to get rid of the extra skin (5lbs of skin total) YUCK!!! Best thing I ever did!!!
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    I have the same issue so I am very interested in replies to this. I have had three c-sections and I don't think the muscle tone in my stomach will ever be the same. It's like a large flap of skin that won't go away. I'm considering surgery after I lose the rest of this weight. But, if there is a natural way to do it I am gonna try.

    That apron may not go away on its own. My ex-wife even got a bad infection on that section of her tummy and had to have it removed. I think they cut away 16 lbs.

    I hope it goes away for you.
  • FitWithMae
    FitWithMae Posts: 68 Member
    I am with you both. I am in the best shape I have been in in 10 years yet this stomach is killing me. I have also had a c-section so it makes it even worse. It is very discouraging.
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Our bodies are amazing. If you lost the weight rapidly, give it a little time for your skin to adjust to your new size. If you're still not happy with it after a few more months, then there are other options. Just be patient and keep living the good, healthy life. :)
  • BillyLightening
    I feel like my body is unrecoverable.

    I feel the exact same way :(
  • smod
    smod Posts: 2
    Hi there:

    I just wanted to comment on the belly fab after childbirth. I work at a medical spa and work with a technology called VELASHAPE.
    It's non-invasive, non -surgical treatment. It's FDA approved and health approved.
    It uses 4 types of enegry 1) radio frequency 2) inferred light 3) tissue modilzation 4) suction

    Radio frequency/ Inferred- Heats up the fat cell and helps to break and shrink the fat cells
    Tissue Modilaztion- helps with renewing and repairing skin elasticy and helps to produce collagen
    Suction- Helps with blood circulation and bringing oxygen to the skin.

    It's able to treat cellulite, inchloss and body contouring. It's a once a week treatment and recommened 8-10 treatments depending on the suveratiy of the skin.
    It's an amazing technolgy and I've seen amazing results.

    Check out the website this may be the help your looking for,
  • mola71580
    I'm glad I'm not alone, my husband is getting fed up with me because I tend to be obsessed with it. I wish surgery was and option but money and recovery time it's not. Maybe one day it will be but at least for now I can remember I'm not the only one.
  • lazygirllosesweight
    You're not the only one, Mola.

    I understand the frustration. But I also think there is something to be said for self-acceptance... focusing on the positive and being happy with the progress you've made and letting the other stuff go.

    Life is never perfect. There are always bad things and good things.
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    I'm glad I'm not alone, my husband is getting fed up with me because I tend to be obsessed with it. I wish surgery was and option but money and recovery time it's not. Maybe one day it will be but at least for now I can remember I'm not the only one.

    DEFINETLY not alone...I too after loosing 57lbs and having 2 c-sections and an open tubal ligation....I feel that part of my lower abdomen is kinda dead and will never be the same again..and I also can't see spending the money on it....though if someone else were paying I'd be signing up in a flash...and I have the flapping skin on my upper arms too...and I don't believe any amount of exercise is going to rebound all that.....I agree if it's only a little bit, excercise may help but in most of our cases, this much extra skin will NEVER rebound......but atleast we are not alone and we are healthy now.....
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Truthfully, yes sometimes it will bounce back eventually, but sometimes, it never will. A friend of mine has had stomach skin for almost 4 years now and she does a lot of toning in that area. She has no fat to lose, there is just skin. She is saving for surgery. She did lose weight fat. She lost 50 pounds in 3 months. Remember giving time for your skin to bounce back is important which is why losing 1-2 pounds a week is the healthiest.
  • sarahjj1
    sarahjj1 Posts: 10 Member
    It's encouraging to see these other replies. I am losing the weight in a healthy manner - around 2 lbs a week - through healthy eating and exercise. I can see that my upper abdominal muscles are getting more toned, but I don't see much difference in the lower abs. This is right through the c-section scar where it is still numb after 9 years. I will keep working till I reach my goal weight and then time will tell if the "spare tire" will go away. I don't hold out much hope of a completely flat tummy. Realistically I never expected to get back to my before babies, high school weight. My main goal is to be healthy and fit. However, if the only thing left for me to lose is the loose skin around my lower abs, then I plan to have surgery to get it removed.