Food Programs

Hi, just wondering if anyone recommends a food program such as Nutrisystem or other pre-packaged meal plan. Cost isn't necessarily a factor, but I want something that works. I'm away at college but I want to start using something during the summer when I'm not on a mealplan at school. At school I have access to a full salad bar and all that so I know I can try to start utilizing that, but once I come home I gorge on all of the bad foods. Honestly, my grandmother wants to buy me this program because she thinks I need to lose weight. But I'm not going to make her buy Nutrisystem if there is something better. Thanks in advance, Bri.


  • mengmoua2010
    mengmoua2010 Posts: 11 Member
    Don't buy any of that stuff. Just find your daily maintenance calories and and eat around 80-95% of those calories to lose weight, depending on how fast you want to drop the weight. Just make sure you get enough protein and fats, then fill the rest with carbs.
  • brihanson4
    Awesome! Thank you so much! Pretty sad my gradmom is telling me I need it. Since I'm on the food plan at school she wanted to wait until summer to buy it for me. Lets see what happens until then. Haha. Thanks again!