Tips on how to stop mindless eating?



  • new_bella
    new_bella Posts: 199 Member
    One thing I learned about myself and mindless eating is that often I mistake thirst for hunger. I like green tea so when I "feel" hungry when I think I shouldn't be, I"ll have a cup of green tea instead of reaching for food first. It seems to work well for me. I also keep almonds or walnuts at my desk and low fat greek yogurt in the fridge at work so there are healthy options for me for those times when I really do need to have a snack.
  • jtyler83
    jtyler83 Posts: 28 Member
    Sugarless gum is your friend

    You will fight cravings for a looooonngg time
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    Agree with (a) logging everything BEFORE you eat it; (b) staying hydrated (drink plenty) - and if all else fails, you might try fasting for a day - pay attention to what actual hunger feels like…and once you break the fast, look for that feeling before you eat.
  • CrystalStarstorms
    Ok... First off you dont need to STOP mindless eating because if you like mindlessly eat lettuce... 0 Cal. Broccoli unknown but my point is if it has 0 cals then go for it carrots are great raw veggies are my FAV but i mean come on. Also Go for a walk,You could be a volenteer? Get apart time job like me. Get a friend and say hey can you be my buddy? I had a workout bud and she was AMAZING We would talk about everything, We ended up being like Sisters because we were so much in each others life. I know how hard it is being inside and board trust me a mother of 4. a wife and To give you an idea i got a part time job to get out of the house okay. So i know boardem. Anyways, in the summer i have a 200 ft by 60 ft Garden I love it but thats my hobbys you just have to figuare out what you want? and GO FOR IT!!! With all your heart
  • gypsyone96
    gypsyone96 Posts: 61 Member
    Keep food out of sight! It's the only thing that works for me.
    I used to work on the dining table and found that working on the couch makes me think of food less. Especialy because I'm also farther away from the kitchen (no smells)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    get busy doing other stuff. are you doing it because you're bored? if so then get some hobbies .

    it also helps to not keep food you can easily snack on in the house. for instance most of the food i keep requires me to cook it or assemble it. the reason i dont buy chips, cookies, candy, etc anymore (unless they are the snack sized bags) is because they are too easy to mindlessly eat.
  • kezzola
    kezzola Posts: 65 Member
    Try brushing your teeth. I find that stops me from snacking afterwards because food tastes terrible with a mouth full of toothpaste flavour.
  • hol_lou85
    hol_lou85 Posts: 46 Member
    i agree with Kezzola - thats exactly what i do - or i will log snack foods first - and then distract myself or drink some water - if i still want it it could be because im hungry - but most of the time its because im bored.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Step 1) get rid of all junky snacks out of your house full stop, even things like cereal so you actually have to prepare food if you want to eat it, easy access food is such an easy trap to fall into.

    Step 2) (what works for me) is get some sugar free gum, lollypops, fruity ice lollies (check the cals or make your own) in which are usually only a few calories a pop (these are full of sweeteners though so not technically healthy but this is what helps me) I also have low cal hot chocolate in so I'll have a 40cal mug of that to stop chocolate bar cravings. If you want to chew on something substantial raw veggies like carrots, cucumbers, peppers and celery are okay as you have to eat a shed tonne before they add up to triple figure calories.

    Step 3) occupy your hands if you're watching telly, whether it's playing a 3DS, reading the forums on MFP or knitting, alot of eating in front of the tv is just out of boredom or restlessness.

    Also don't eat again until 30 mins after dinner so your body can register with your brain that you are no longer hungry, and also make sure you have plenty to drink and have a full drink next to you, sometimes you may just be a little dehydrated rather than actually hungry.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I do the same thing so firstly don't buy the cookies and stuff like that all the time. And log it before you eat it. It helps me at least
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I was (Still am sometimes) a compulsive emotional eater. I have an anxiety disorder and don't like being out in public and the first thing I turn to is munching on something to take my mind off it. If I could just 'not do it' I would, but I haven't figured that out yet. So what I do at work is keep a huge bag of baby carrots on my desk, I can munch on these all day. If I can eat 15 oz of baby carrots, go for it. I don't really like them though, which is kind of important. I also keep things like fresh baby tomatoes (the bitterness makes me not want to eat them) and those are my only two choices. At home is definitely harder since I pass all these lovely little restaurants on the way home. It's pretty normal for me to leave my debit card at home so I don't go out. Once I'm home and I think about the cold I don't really want to leave again.

    Learning to not do it is very important, but I had to start by tricking myself. Lol.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm in the 'log before eating anything' camp. I used to eat all day too but once I figured out how much it impacted my calorie goals, I mostly stopped. Now at least I (mostly) stay within my calories.