Hot Humid weather

:smile: Does the weather help to burn calories more?? Its 34 and 99 percent humidity.


  • ru_there
    :smile: Does the weather help to burn calories more?? Its 34 and 99 percent humidity.
  • rperr30
    rperr30 Posts: 35
    I would have thought the hotter it is the more we perspire so therefore the more weight we can lose!

    Your lucky i live in England and it is about -1 at the minute FREEZING!!!

    I will have to wait until summer to see if taht works!!
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    I wish it was hot. -10 in Vermont USA.
  • rperr30
    rperr30 Posts: 35
    Oh i couldnt cope with that i am cold not at these temperatures!!!

    It will soon be summer and then salads will seem so much better hopefully. Its too cold at the min all i want to eat is stew and dumplings yum! But weight watchers hotpot works a treat and only 209 Calories. perfect ffor my dinner!
  • zarzoo
    zarzoo Posts: 21
    i wish it was warm here to, england is cold and wet like alway even in summer it rains.
    well they have give out snow this week?
  • rperr30
    rperr30 Posts: 35
    We have had some snow but it did not stick which is a real shame!! might have got off work it has warmed up a little bit today! Where are you from zarzoo?
  • kewlmama
    hello lucky person....its way below zero here today....i'll trade u for awhile :)...not sure if it burns calories though...the hot weather ....good luck ...looking forward to getting to know you :)
  • JoyceDoerr
    I lived in the midwest most of my life and have now been in Florida for about 6 years. In my experiences, the whether really hasn't made that big of a difference. The only thing that has helped about having the hot, humid weather, is that you do drink more water than what you would in the cooler weather.
  • zarzoo
    zarzoo Posts: 21
    sorry rperr30 i did not answer earlier
    im from stoke on trent in staffordshire.
    do you know it
  • dinosgirl
    dinosgirl Posts: 157 Member
    I feel like a wimp. I live in Las Vegas, NV where right now it is about 50 degrees with very little humidity - and I am freezing! I couldn't handle anything below that. :ohwell:

    I don't think the weather makes too much of a difference. Although when it is extremely hot and humid, you will need to increase your water intake as a PP said since you will sweat more readily. You also need to be careful when working out outdoors in the heat, you could become a victim of heat stroke.
  • rperr30
    rperr30 Posts: 35
    Yes i know stoke on trent not that close to me though i live in west yorkshire!
  • ru_there
    :laugh: hi sorry to confuse you 34 celcus is very very hot. Usually in and out of the pool during the day to try and keep cool. Or better still stay indoors in the air conditioning. I've nearly lost 500 gms this week - I think thats close to one pound. Hope you hare having as much good luck. cheers
  • ru_there
    :smile: Hi , dont know if I could cope with very cold temperatures... never seen snow!!!
  • ru_there
    :smile: would love it to rain here, so we can get some respite from the drought. No green grass in the gardens. Leave air conditioned home to go to air conditioned car to go to air conditioned work./ shops... amazing how everyone lives in different climates/ regions/ countries.
  • antnterrsmommy
    Joyce...where in Fl?? I live in Palm COast...its on the east coast