Two weeks and no loss

Hi all-

Is it normal to be working out and logging food for 20 days without seeing a loss? I am so frustrated. My jeans seem loose but I am dying to see numbers drop on the scale.


  • Sweetredpoison
    Sweetredpoison Posts: 66 Member
    Hi fellow long islander! I'm going to predict what most people are going to say.. that is your diary is closed so we can't help you examine your food choices. =)
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Are you seeing any fluctuation at all? If not, step on the scale holding something heavy. Re-weigh and see what you get.

    (This is the unlikely answer, but since your jeans feel loose, worth a shot. Some scales have a "reliability measure" that will make them display the same weight if it's close together.)
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    It is normal if you're not eating at a deficit.
    Make sure you are weighing, measuring and logging everything!
    Make sure you are not underestimating your caloric intake and overestimating your caloric burn from exercise!
    The weightloss will happen.
  • nikkih1288
    nikkih1288 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi fellow long islander! I'm going to predict what most people are going to say.. that is your diary is closed so we can't help you examine your food choices. =)

    How do I open my diary?
  • kimberlycarlile
    kimberlycarlile Posts: 7 Member
    If your body is like mine, it takes about 3 weeks for it to realize you're up to something new. I don't lose weight in the first three weeks of a new regime, but then it starts to drop steadily and satisfyingly. I would bet you're a day or two away from seeing the numbers move. Just keep at it.
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Go into "My Home" then click on "Settings" then Diary Settings and make it public....Good morning all and another fellow Long Islander here also
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Are you eating enough? Have you calculated your TDEE? I had the same problem when I was only eating 1200 cal, but when I ate 20% less my TDEE I have lost (its slow, but I didn't gain overnight either).
    Are you drinking at least 64oz water? You will retain water if you don't drink enough.
    Are you consuming too much sodium?
    Just some things I've learned along the way :) Hope this helps!
  • nikkih1288
    nikkih1288 Posts: 26 Member
    Ahh I figured it out now my food diary is public :::cringe::::
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    I would add not to focus solely on the number on the scale. If your clothes are getting loose, it would seem that you are going in the right direction. I've been at it for 15 days now and just in the last day or two the scale is starting to move. I've read other posts that it takes a little bit for your body to adapt once you start eating differently and working out, that your muscles retain a bit of water until they get used to the changes so that may be part of it too.
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Hi all-

    Is it normal to be working out and logging food for 20 days without seeing a loss? I am so frustrated. My jeans seem loose but I am dying to see numbers drop on the scale.

    To answer this A your a females. We lose more slowly then men. B if you body is new to exercise then its repairing it self by holding onto water aka water weight so once it does youll lose. C ovulating/ that time of the month? D make sure you measure and log everything. E its possible to over do the calorie burn on here so invest in a fitbit or a HRM so you can make sure that you are getting the correcut burn. F if you are eating back your exercise calories make sure to only eat back a little of them right now so you know that you arent over eating those calories
  • Sweetredpoison
    Sweetredpoison Posts: 66 Member
    Go into "My Home" then click on "Settings" then Diary Settings and make it public....Good morning all and another fellow Long Islander here also

    ^^ This and hello!!! =) New MFP group in the works?
  • Pippuccia
    Pippuccia Posts: 8 Member
    I takes a while of eating within your calorie limit, drinking 8 glasses of water and excersice before the scale budges favorably. Two weeks for me and I just saw the scale drop today. Also, for me as a woman, I tend to gain weight during that time of the month. Don't give up..let's keep at it together.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I looked back through several days in your diary - either you skip meals frequently or you're not logging accurately. Either way most days you're significantly under your net calorie goal, one day even with under 1000 calories net! You need to eat the fuel your body needs. Skipping meals itself is not necessarily the evil we've been brought up to believe - meal timing actually has no impact on weight loss - but amount of intake definitely does, and accuracy of logging makes a big difference there. Especially if you're eating meals that you're not recording, how do you have any idea how much you're REALLY eating; how are you sure you're REALLY in a calorie deficit?

    You can think of it kind of as a travel analogy:

    You need to drive to a city 500 miles away (your weight loss goal)
    You need 15 gallons of gasoline to get there (your calorie intake target)
    You only put in 10 gallons (how much you actually eat)
    OR, you put in all 15 gallons, but then you siphon off 5 gallons (exercise calories burned) and and don't replace them
    are you going to make it partway to your destination? Sure, absolutely, and your "car" will run fine and seem like it's in great shape. But at some point your "car" will run out of fuel and stall out, just as your body eventually will.
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    I've been logging steady for a couple of months with no loss. It just happens sometimes.
  • nikkih1288
    nikkih1288 Posts: 26 Member

    I'll add more food. I am logging everything that goes in my mouth. I even have the app on my phone.;
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    I looked at your diary for the last week or so, and based on what is in there, you should see a change on the scale after 2 weeks. Are you sure you are logging everything? Are you weighing everything? You have a lot of skipped meals - we all miss a meal sometimes, but you don't seem to have lunch very often. If you are not losing, you are eating at maintenance. I would guess that you are underestimating your caloric intake.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I looked over the last handful of days of your diary and I'm a bit stumped. First off, I agree...YES, you should be eating more...getting closer to your calorie target. however, in the early part of your weight loss journey, that shouldn't be an issue. So, here are some ideas...

    1.... I'm not a woman, don't know much about TOM, but I know it causes water retention and scale does funny things around TOM

    2.... For reasons other than TOM, your body could be retaining water. Primarily to repair muscles. So, if you weighed in the day after working out, part of your scale weight is retained water.

    3. ... Some folks go overboard on exercise, particularly early. Yes, you should push yourself....but you should push yourself for YOUR CURRENT fitness level. 1st graders aren't expected to do algebra (or calculus). There's no reason you need more than 3 good, 30 minute workouts a week right now. none. And those workouts shouldn't be anything crazy when you're starting. No reason for it. It only increases the risk of injury and burnout....and also doesn't give your body enough time for repair and recovery.

    4. Aim for 12-16 cups of water a day. The more water you drink, the more water you flush from your system. Plus, drinking more water helps your body metabolize food more efficiently.

    5. A comment about your food aren't getting a ton of nutrients every day. Your body will function better when you're eating more nutrient rich foods (as opposed to wine and potato chips). Granted, you should still lose weight (at least early) when you're eating at a deficit, but if you're looking to turn your body into a fat burning'll want to start transitioning to more nutrient dense foods (meaning switching from processed foods to real foods).
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I've been logging steady for a couple of months with no loss. It just happens sometimes.
    You may be eating at maintenance. I would drop 100 cals a day and reevaluate.

    ETA: or make sure you're logging, weighing and measuring accurately.
  • randrews0407
    randrews0407 Posts: 216 Member
    Take measurements to monitor progress

    I'm one of those people where the scale is always slow to budge ... I'll lose inches, my body fat percentage will get lower, my clothes will get loose but the scale will remain the same :grumble: