Treadmill or Elliptical?

I'm aiming to lose weight and replace some fat with muscle. I have recently been using the elliptical but people have told me it's not as good of a workout. I hear it's better for your knees, but i don't have any knee issues, so i'm capable of using both machines. I just want to know which is better for fat burning/cardio.
Any thoughts?


  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    Bump...I am interested as well. I'm a treadmill girl. I've never used the elliptical. The only way to really know is for me to actually get on it and go the same amount of time on each. I burn (typically) between 600-700 calories for 65 minutes on the treadmill. (I use a HRM and don't go by the actual machine reading).
  • Enginefive
    Enginefive Posts: 5 Member
    that's smart since the machines can be way off. and wow, 65 minutes! I'd absolutely die
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    I have both machines but prefer the treadmill myself.
  • christinelyn
    christinelyn Posts: 85 Member
    I have both and like my treadmill better so I'm selling my elliptical, even though it's like new...oh well.
  • fitfan11
    fitfan11 Posts: 544 Member
    It comes down to personal preference really. With the right amount of intensity either machine will suffice. I like the treadmil over the elliptical because it keeps my intensity level up while the elliptical allows me to slack off a bit if I'm getting tired.
  • curt40
    curt40 Posts: 137 Member
    Treadmill is a better workout because it keeps your intensity up and you are supporting all your weight.

    But my joints have zero pain with the elliptical and I can use it a lot longer.
  • ROBJ3411
    ROBJ3411 Posts: 72 Member
    Look both can be a very good workout. It just depends on how hard you are working. I generally use a treadmill if I am indoors, but that's because I run alot. However, I do use an elliptical for a change of pace or injury recovery.

    The important thing is to get a workout. You see people get on the spin bikes or the elliptical machines with zero tension and go at a moderate to low pace for 10 minutes or so and get upset that they aren't getting results.

    If you like the elliptical use it, but challenge yourself. add speed or resistence. do some of the pre programmed workouts on the machines.
    If you are a non-runner/beginner, it would be wise to start with the lower impact and gradually build your time running
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Personally I won't set foot on a treadmill - I run outdoors. But people use them and nothing wrong with that. It just doesn't agree with my hips. I think variety is the key to improving fitness. Don't just do one or the other. Mix it up. I would recommend the stationary bike too. Alternate on all three.
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    Use whatever machine you fancy. Exercise is so much easier when you do something you enjoy.
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    I can throw up after working out on either! ;-)

    Which can you make more enjoyable and motivational. If I am not feeling motivated, I can 'dog it' easier on the elliptical.

    I have bad knees, so I go with the elliptical.

    ....and listen to your HRM.