Looking for friends & motivation!

Hello everyone! I've decided I am tired of the way I feel and look, and decided to do something about it. This is my second time on a weight loss journey. The first time I lost 60 lbs, but I gained most of it back after a back injury at work and being on bed rest for almost 3 months.

Call me a bit old fashioned, but I love to cook, clean, and sew. I just wish I had more time to do more projects! I also love to read (mostly fantasy), watch TV shows (Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Sherlock...just to name a few), and play video games.

I would love to make a few friends on here, mostly because I need the motivation. I also enjoy helping people, and I would love help motivate others in their journey as well.


  • SuePin02
    SuePin02 Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome! I hope you like MFP as much as I do, this is my first time on a site like this and I find it motivating and very helpful! Best wishes on your weight loss journey! :happy:
  • You can start with a fitness blog of your journey, it makes it fun and you can follow others who do and motivate each other. Here's my fitness blog: http://strongisthenweskinny.tumblr.com/

    My goal is not losing weight but gaining weight, I'm too skinny and I would like to get more shape, to reach my goal I need to tone up my body and gain more muscles.....
  • melissasanchez20
    melissasanchez20 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello....I'm new here, just signed up. I actually started my diet last week but failed over the weekend. So much that when I weighed in this morning, I gained 2 pounds. So here I am, trying out something new in hopes that it will keep me focused.
  • Welcome to MFP, you'll find plenty of support on here everyone is pretty encouraging. I've had the app for a couple of months and it's pretty good, I feel like I've had more success after becoming a bit more involved with the community. Good luck on your journey:smile:
  • stat1124
    stat1124 Posts: 163 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me:)
  • 2dogzrule
    2dogzrule Posts: 245 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • joergwb
    joergwb Posts: 34 Member
    Feel free to add me. I log in daily.
  • feel free to add me if you like... good luck x
  • Hello....I'm new here, just signed up. I actually started my diet last week but failed over the weekend. So much that when I weighed in this morning, I gained 2 pounds. So here I am, trying out something new in hopes that it will keep me focused.

    For me, one thing I used to struggle with (and occasionally still do) is accountability. I used to think if people do not see me eating it, they won't know, so I wouldn't count it. I quickly learned that I was only cheating myself when I did that. I read a quote one time, "What you eat in private, you wear in public" and boy is that true! Now the biggest challenge is knowing that I am going to have my bad days, and that is completely okay. I just have to chalk it up to a bad day, or sometimes just a bad meal, and continue on. You can't let yourself get down about it, or it will backfire.
  • Lbean22
    Lbean22 Posts: 32
    Send me a friend request!!!
  • franci85
    franci85 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there. I'm new as well. Or at least to the forums. I would love to be friends and motivate each other. It seems that we have similar interests. If anyone wants to add me, that would be awesome too.
  • KarmieG
    KarmieG Posts: 15
    Welcome! Feel free to add me. This is the best place to stay motivated with positive people!
  • micervera
    micervera Posts: 114 Member
    You can add me if you would like. I love motivating people & receiving the same. It's important to have a support group. :)
  • feel free to add me!!! I am on a journey to lose 50 pounds myself!!
  • pursuittofit
    pursuittofit Posts: 97 Member
    Hi all, I just stared over few days ago as well, everyone is welcome on my friend list :bigsmile:
  • LourdesitaMaria
    LourdesitaMaria Posts: 58 Member
    Hello everyone! I hope that this new year finds all of you well! My name is Maria and I am back after being away from too long. Last year I was prepring for my wedding and I was able to lose approximately 45 lbs. of the 250 lbs. that I need to lose. Every step of the way was extremely difficult, between controlling my emotional eating and my interval training sessions that I worked so hard to get through. My wedding finally arrived and whirled past my very eyes last May, and even though I had not lost a huge amount, 45 lbs. made me feel so much better and it was visible. Since then, I have sadly gained back all of my lost weight and more, and discouragement has set in--I am not myself, right now.

    I was following a high protein and nearly no carb diet at the time--though I have tried nearly everything out there at one point or another in my life, as I have struggled with my weight nearly my whole life. I am now struggling to start a healthy weight-loss plan...struggling to know where to start, because I'm not in control of anything--my water in-take, exercise, food-intake, food group choices, amounts, etc.

    I was in a car accident two months ago and this along with a broken wrist and the weight gain have been truly discouraging, and I am out of recourses and inspiration. I hope that some of you can share ideas, suggestions and advice on what works for you--I need help and encouragement to move forward and embark on this long road to good health and weight-loss...I know that in the end my life and loved once and the possibility of strting a family in the near future depend upon it.

    Thank you, in advanced, for taking the time to read my story and for the pearls of wisdom that you might, kindly, share with me.
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Feel free to add me. Was wishing someone i could share my little victories with.
    Home with kids all weekend. Made cookies and ordered pizza. Kept portions small enough to still lose. Also swam 20 laps yesterday. Hoping not some delayed scale trick where tomorrow goes bad. Also joined local fitness challenge for extra motivation. Want to be fit by 40!