Any Advice or Food tips...

...that had helped you with your weight loss efforts?


  • bkmuush
    Well, this is my 2nd time around on this, I lost 100 lbs a few years ago and then had baby #2 but the biggest thing I've learned through it all - this is not an all-or-nothing journey! I think the biggest hang up I have and many others seem to have is that once we slip or slide a little we let it turn into an avalanche...if you go over, you go over...move on...but don't let it turn in to a food frenzy with the lines "I'll start over tomorrow".

    Anyway, not sure if it is helpful but that has been my very biggest challenge so therefore my very biggest tip :) Have a healthy day!
  • wills2be
    For me having a weekly plan helped for exercise also when you start seeing results you don't really want to ruin it by eating alot of junk. I also have a smaller plate which helps, you could also try having 5 smaller meals a day with healthy snacks ie carrot sticks, yoghurt etc. Other things like cutting back on portion sizes, having a glass of water before you eat is supposed to help too.

    Hope this helps :)
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    For a treat I love the 60 cal jello mousse temptations. The dark chocolate and the caramel are awesome!
  • carmaybabay
    carmaybabay Posts: 6 Member
    -submit the foods you plan to eat INTO YOUR FOOD DIARY the day before ! you'll know what you won't regret eating&it works for me, cos' i'll be too lazy to go back and change my entries(;
    -NO SODA !!! i gave up soda a year's a WASTE of calories ! it bloats you, and dark soda stains your teeth
    -when eating at home, use your smallest plates . if you're still hungry and want seconds, fine . but it'll help keep your portion sizes smaller&you'll have time to realize you're actually full instead of js trying to clear off your huge plate
    -DO NOT EAT AFTER 6:30 ! i don't eat after 6, but everyone has different schedules . 7 p.m. is okay if necessary .
    -buy one of those belts to wrap around your stomach while you work out, you'll sweat more
    -if you know you're going to regret it, don't eat it . i know that sounds impossible, but you'll be soo happy with your choice later.
    -if you can't run, speedwalk . i run for sport, not for fun ! so when i work out, i walk ! everything counts !
    -jumping jacks burn tonssss of calories !
    -fiberone bars are amazing ! fiber makes you feel full&they taste delicious !
    -at parties, focus more on dancing than the food .
    -don't drink alcohol ! wine and champagne are okay .

    these are all random tips that i have follow , and they work ! good luck(:
  • Determinedchica
    Determinedchica Posts: 17 Member
    Well, I have a hard time fitting vegetables into my diet. I find what works for me, is to make a huge pot of cabbage soup on the weekend - you can find recipes on the internet for the cabbage soup diet. That way if I get in a bind and I'm super hungry I have that ready to go to curb my appetite Although, I just use the soup...NOT the diet. Kill two birds with one stone.... I tend not to over eat and I fit my veggies in for the day!
  • Cristy_AZ
    Portion control has always been my biggest challenge. Tracking not only what you eat, but how much, and really paying attention to portions sizes is a big help! A couple other tricks that have worked for me for snacking is lots of raw veggies (they take time to eat and fill me up), 100 calorie popcorn bags (same reason), and grapes, I read somewhere that they have a chemical that makes you feel full, and it seems to work!!
  • fitnwhole
    For a treat I love the 60 cal jello mousse temptations. The dark chocolate and the caramel are awesome!

  • fitnwhole
    -DO NOT EAT AFTER 6:30 ! i don't eat after 6, but everyone has different schedules . 7 p.m. is okay if necessary .
    -fiberone bars are amazing ! fiber makes you feel full&they taste delicious !

    Fiber One bars are great! They really help me during PMS (I know

    When I get hungry late in the evening I usually drink water and crunch on ice or if I desire something a little sweet I'll have diet hot cocoa or coffee with splenda and skim milk. It seems to help me not go for the cookies.
  • Andi_Mo
    Andi_Mo Posts: 243
    Well, this is my 2nd time around on this, I lost 100 lbs a few years ago and then had baby #2 but the biggest thing I've learned through it all - this is not an all-or-nothing journey! I think the biggest hang up I have and many others seem to have is that once we slip or slide a little we let it turn into an avalanche...if you go over, you go over...move on...but don't let it turn in to a food frenzy with the lines "I'll start over tomorrow".

    Anyway, not sure if it is helpful but that has been my very biggest challenge so therefore my very biggest tip :) Have a healthy day!

    This is sooo true! I have also lost close to 100 lbs before and then gained weight back after two babies! I so agree with this and most of the tips above! Great thread Fit : ) Thanks!