Not hungry in the morning



  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member
    I can't believe some of the responses to this post. Aside from it being completely unhealthy to skip meals, YOU NEED TO EAT BREAKFAST, IDEALLY WITHIN AN HOUR OF WAKING UP or else your metabolism will be slow all day. If you do not "wake up" your metabolism early in the day, it will continue to go slow and your body will store more calories than it burns because it thinks you are starving.

    You need to eat something every four hours while you are awake or else your body will think it is starving and will start burning simple sugars and storing the complex carbs and proteins that you're eating because it slips into survival mode. If you don't eat breakfast, you're setting yourself up to gain weight throughout that day.

    The less often you eat, the more your metabolism slows down. The same thing happens if you are not eating enough calories. Obviously this is unhealthy, but even aside from that, it will make your weight loss more difficult.

    I've read that drinking 2-3 glasses of water before bed will help you feel hungry in the mornings, as well as getting enough sleep and not eating too late at night. Also, try starting the day with a cup of hot tea or water with a slice of lemon and/or a sprinkle of ginger. It will wake your belly up and prepare it for food. And, if you're still not hungry, try a breakfast you can drink, like Kefir or a Bolthouse Farms smoothie (you can buy them in the produce area).

    None of this is good advice. None!

    Skipping breakfast does not flip your body into 'survival mode'.

    Most people in the world don't eat breakfast, or have just coffee, and they are doing just fine.
  • rachelgarcia442
    Based on what is out there: if you are trying to lose weight, it does not matter when you ingest the calories as long as it is less than what is used (from BMR and exercise).

    Eating the calories at different times of the day does effect your metabolism. Ideally you want to metabolize all the calories you eat during the day so eating a big breakfast will do so. Since you didn't eat much during the day your body will kick metabolism late and then you want to eat when you wake up in the middle of the night.

    You would rather be hungry when you are active (during the day) than when you are sleeping.

    For me: I used to be a late eater and hate breakfast. When I started my weight loss I shook up my eating patterns and for 21 days ate breakfast within the first 2 hrs. Now I do not depend on coffee as much to give me energy in the mornings. Also the only way I eat breakfast is usually in a prepackaged frozen form ( I like Jimmy Deans turkey sausage bowl with egg whites). It makes it easy for me to count calories and easy to fix. I also ditched drinks (like tea and juices) for about 21 days too except my beloved coffee with nonfat milk. This led me to drink water. Now, I drink whatever but prefer water since it has no calories. What I have noticed is that I am not so hungry anymore at all at night any have my dinner 2-3 hrs before I go to bed. If I am craving something I will have a protein shake afterwards.

    Hope this helps.