I need friends please! 100lb+ to loose.............

Hi everyone! Louise (30) from London/kent here and I have 102lb to loose. Im 5ft 5.5 (that half inch is important!) and looking for friends to help me along (and for me to encourage as well) along my long journey. I am a very postive and on here daily. Thanks! :)


  • Prilla04
    Prilla04 Posts: 174 Member
    Request sent! :?)
  • redwan2001
    redwan2001 Posts: 286 Member
    Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. I keep myself motivated by setting new goals when I’ve reached one. I use to weigh 350lbs now I am at 176lbs still pushing hard so I can totally relate. So keep on pushing yourself. If you need an extra buddy feel free to add me :)
  • loobybooby82
    loobybooby82 Posts: 17 Member
    Fr accepted! Thanks :)
  • loobybooby82
    loobybooby82 Posts: 17 Member
    Wow Redwan, thats fab! Well done. You are right about attitude. I feel like i have the right one this time round (and mfp as well of course!)
  • kahlah23
    kahlah23 Posts: 16 Member
    Request sent! I am in the same boat as you so we can encourage one another!!! Good luck!
  • im trying to lose close to 100 pounds too!! im definetly going to add you!
  • loobybooby82
    loobybooby82 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks Kalhah and raystar. Lets do this! :))))
  • tara_seay
    tara_seay Posts: 171 Member
    hey girls.. I have about 100lbs to lose too..I am thinking maybe even 120lbs, who knows what my body can do right now! i am weighing in at 318, and am always looking for great, supportive faces on my timeline! :)
  • smithy85
    smithy85 Posts: 104 Member
    Sent a request, I also have over 100lb to go! If any other ladies here want new friends feel free to add me also! I try my best to encourage everyone daily :) lol
  • sanguinia
    sanguinia Posts: 31 Member
    I've lost 163 pounds so far and have 88 more to go! I sent you a friend request:) If anyone would like to add me, that would be fab! :)
  • llamb6698
    llamb6698 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey ladies...i'm right there with you. i've lost 34lbs but still have a ways to go. seems like i keep losing the same darn 5 lbs over and over again!! over the past few months it really stinks...
  • bailuna
    bailuna Posts: 56
    My longterm goal is lose over 100lbs, my shorter term is to lose about 55. Anybody can add me if they'd like to support and receive support back! :)
  • sanalva
    sanalva Posts: 13 Member
    Sending u a request....im in the same boat. :)
  • I am 5'5' as well and need to lose 105 lbs. Most of my friends are slim and my husband has never had a weight issue in his life. I know for me to complete this journey I need support. Want to be friends?
  • fayglet
    fayglet Posts: 72 Member
    Hey and welcome!
    I am back on after a while and have a lot left to lose too! Feel free to add me :)
  • hi there :) i have over 100 to lose too. fr sent :)
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    There are a lot of us in this. Any and all of you are welcome to check out the Let's Lose 100+ group:

  • I need to lose a lot of weight too so if you want you can add me so we can help each other :)
  • Tiranoua
    Tiranoua Posts: 24 Member
    I'm also trying to lose over 100Ibs :) I've sent a request x
  • :smile: feel free to add me. I have 100 to loose also. We can do it!