What I Did about My Never-Ending Battle with Binge-Eating



  • gypsycaravan
    gypsycaravan Posts: 12 Member
    interesting post, thanks for sharing. i really relate to your point of view because i don't think it is something that i can ever stop completely. the times i've tried to have led to more uncontrolled binges. and i don't really even think it is something to be ashamed of, those of us that have this issue are the only ones that can really understand what it's like in my opinion. i do the same thing as you now where i plan a binge once every 3 or 4 weeks, and it's enough to get a fix of my cravings but i don't feel out of control, and it's not enough to affect my weight. i don't even feel guilty on these days since they are planned out. it's actually probably my favorite day of the month, ha.
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    I'm only halfway through my journey and my binge eating seems to be in the past, but in four months time I should get to target (I hope I make it by then!). I must admit that I'm more worried about maintenance than about the weight-loss phase, I will keep this strategy in mind if the urge to binge reappears. Thanks for sharing,
  • mwooderson
    mwooderson Posts: 254 Member
    Thank you.
  • David_273
    David_273 Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you. This is just what I needed to read today. Just went up 2.5kg in 2 weeks.
  • So glad to find this post, this is me too. Yesterday was another bad day for me, I have tried time and time again to stop or even reduce but nothing has worked. It may sound awful but I enjoy a good binge despite feeling immensely guilty and disgusted with myself afterwards. I might try your tip and allow myself a pre scheduled binge day too....something has to work as my weight has gone out of control this year.
  • losttogain
    losttogain Posts: 84 Member
    This is a brilliant idea! I've always been the, "well I already messed up today, might as well just eat whatever I want" kind of person. Hopefully this will help!
  • I realize it's been about 2 months since this thread's been active, but I wanted to jump in and tell my story...I, just like you, lost weight initially the right way--I didn't worry about how fast the weight loss was, and I didn't even count calories. I wanted a lifestyle change. I used intuitive eating methods--I realized I felt best eating lots of fish, lots of vegetables, a variety of fruit, with a sprinkling of (what I came to consider) "healthy" fats (avocado, olives, etc.)

    As time went on, I found I could not stop craving cookies. One day, I had baked a batch of cookies for a friend's birthday, and an uncontrollable urge came over me and, before I knew it, I had devoured 2 of the cookies. After that, it was hard to prevent myself from giving in to what I was craving, UNTIL I had the brilliant idea to sequester the cravings. I started giving myself 1 day per week (Saturdays) to indulge in whatever I wanted. i continued to workout, eating healthy 6 days a week, and i lost all of the weight I had originally wanted to lose plus more, without even noticing (I did not have a scale). I ultimately went from a size 6-8 to a size 0. I felt no deprivation, and my confidence and physical health (according to my doctor) was great. I maintained this low weight for over 2 and a half years without even thinking about it. I loved Saturdays, but I loved every other day too.

    I hit a snag when my binges starting getting bigger, and I would be left feeling uncomfortable a few days afterwards. That was when I decided to quit binge eating, even though my schedule was truly my lifestyle for over 2 years. When I told myself I wouldn't binge again, and instead practice moderation every day of the week (I was very excited about this plan!), I immediately began binge eating more than once a week.

    Two days a week turned into three, turned into five, and the weight starting piling on--rapidly. It has been 1 year since I told myself i would stop binge eating, and I have piled on all of the weight plus more (after easily maintaining a size 0 for over 2 years, I can no longer fit into a size 6, and I'm guessing an 8 would be snug). I don't have a scale, but I'm guessing I have gained about 35-40 pounds.

    Now, I am at a loss because I need to lose the weight (this weight is much too high for my body and frame, and i am never comfortable), and the only way i have ever successfully lost weight was by incorporating "free" Saturdays. Should I do the sequestered weekly binge days, as this is the only way to control the binge monster? It's comforting to know that others play by this rule too. Is it worth a shot, as it's the only way I have EVER been able to prevent random, unpredictable binges?

    Reading your story convinces me to go back to this lifestyle, before I pile on any more weight and become any more depressed (by the way, I have seen a counselor in this past weight-gaining year, to try to prevent the binge eating. I went into it with an open mind, but I didn't find any solace or improvements by talking to the counselor).

    Anyways, i don't know if I'm expecting a response, but I wanted you to know this post hit home, and I am looking forward to getting back on track, even if that means including pure indulgence days (which my family and friends certainly disapproved of throughout the two years I was proudly eating whatever I wanted every Saturday).
  • LvLite
    LvLite Posts: 102 Member
    I was doing pretty good until today...Although I think I have had 4 days where I either choose to eat foods that trigger or plain ole binged in the past 3 months. Prior to getting serious I was out of control, daily/weekly .. was awful

    I have been slipping lately, and even though I don't like the food all that much or the way it makes me feel there is definitely a stress factor involved. I oftentimes (and actually until I started typing) forget that I am stressed out about anything - sounds weird, but my body has always been the bearer of that news for me.

    Getting in touch with the source of the desire to numb-out and feel artifically "high" due to the sugar response is key for me. So is remembering all the side effects of being bound and gagged by the cravings and binge (like horrible mood swings, self-loathing, fear.. really nothing at all good).

    Great thread and glad I am not alone, I believe there is a way through it. The Ogre may try to take us out, but we can be stronger and continue to get stronger, so when it does come we can beat it.