100% dedicated but need some advice

I have spent countless hours researching and reading blogs, reviews and various books on weight loss. I swear by the time I reach my goals I'll be able to write my own! Anyway, about me. I am a stay-at-home Mom, most of my day is spent doing light house cleaning and caring for a 3 month old. I am 5'6 264.8 (18lbs down since November). I try to work out 30-40 minutes 5 days a week, never less than 30 minutes. I rotate between kettlebell, treadmill, Zumba and Insanity, usually a combination of 2 or more a day. I usually burn 330-500 calories a day. My BMR is 1971. MFP says I should eat 1710 calories a day. I find this completely ridiculous. It's nearly impossible for me to cram 1200 calories into my day, how am I supposed to eat 1710?! Despite my weight I am a very lite eater, I gained my weight with 4 kids and never lost it. It's been hanging around for 8 years lol

So my problem is this. if I eat the 1710 how much more do I need to add to my workout to continue to lose weight?

No I'm not starving myself. I eat healthy. Please don't be rude, I'm just asking for advice.


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    A calorie deficit is all that is needed to lose weight. If you are not losing weight, you do not have a calorie deficit.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Do you have a food scale? Do you use it for every item you possibly can? I'm not trying to be rude, but if you're struggling to eat 1200 calories, you wouldn't be over 200 pounds. My best guess is that you're underestimating how much you're eating and that's incredibly easy to do without diligently using a food scale. I've approximated a filet at 8 oz's when it turned out to be 13.9 oz (!) and I've guestimated 2 servings of mascarpone cheese when I actually had over 6 servings in the bowl. Just those two incorrect estimations would probably cause you to go from losing weight to stalling out. Your food log will only be truly useful for your weight loss when it's as accurate as possible.

    That said, if you can truly eat 1200 net calories per day without being hungry and feeling like you have low energy, I'd say go for it. People recommend a less aggressive deficit because what oftentimes happens is people set really aggressive goals, stay hungry/miserable for a few weeks, and then give up altogether. If you can stick with an aggressive deficit though without feeling hungry or lethargic, more power to you. Just make sure your 1200 calories is REALLY 1200 calories.
  • CassiLyn6626
    CassiLyn6626 Posts: 50 Member
    Well I'm over 200lbs because I've had 4 kids and ate whatever I felt like eating. I've been the same weight since I had my first child in 2005. It's easy to pack it on while you're pregnant but it feels nearly impossible to lose it afterward lol I do have a food scale but only weight foods that aren't labeled. Like fish, for example, the package says 4oz for 100 calories then I log 100 calories without weighing. Should I weigh foods even it's labeled a certain amount?
  • I had a similar question earlier today and had a lot of advise. Check it out: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1173206-1050-or-1200-before-or-after-exercise
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Well I'm over 200lbs because I've had 4 kids and ate whatever I felt like eating. I've been the same weight since I had my first child in 2005. It's easy to pack it on while you're pregnant but it feels nearly impossible to lose it afterward lol I do have a food scale but only weight foods that aren't labeled. Like fish, for example, the package says 4oz for 100 calories then I log 100 calories without weighing. Should I weigh foods even it's labeled a certain amount?

    If you're eating 1200 net calories now and you're feeling fine, just stick with it. Again, the reason MFP tells you 1710 is because it's taking a reasonable deficit from your TDEE, and for many people, they find themselves miserable if they eat at too severe of a caloric deficit. If you can do 1200 though (and make sure you get adequate protein), you will lose weight more quickly than at 1710. Just don't "suffer" to hit 1200 and fall into the trap of quitting a few weeks in because you feel miserable.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Well I'm over 200lbs because I've had 4 kids and ate whatever I felt like eating. I've been the same weight since I had my first child in 2005. It's easy to pack it on while you're pregnant but it feels nearly impossible to lose it afterward lol I do have a food scale but only weight foods that aren't labeled. Like fish, for example, the package says 4oz for 100 calories then I log 100 calories without weighing. Should I weigh foods even it's labeled a certain amount?

    It is 100 calories for 4 oz, but unless you weigh the food, you won't know how many ounces you're eating. I buy individually wrapped boneless, skinless chicken breast that has nutrition information based on a 3 oz serving, but each breast actually weighs 6-8 oz, making it double or nearly triple what the nutrition info says. If you're not weighing things out to ensure portion size, then you're probably eating more than you think.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    What I did to eat more in order to be healthy and lose weight/inches.

    ~ Eat more protein (i eat minimum 8oz of my protein serving with dinner usually between 10-12)
    ~ Eat less processed food
    ~ Add a salad to your lunch/dinner or both
    ~ Learn to love cottage cheese and greek yogurt.. they are SO versatile and healthy and high in protein!
    ~ Add chai seeds or flax seeds to salads/ recipes
    ~ Put avocado on salads
    ~ Cheese and Milk are your friends
    ~ Use olive oil
    ~ Drink a lot of water
    ~ Reduce salty and sugary foods
    ~ If you really want to be accurate weigh everything! (fish is not always the 4oz per filet that is noted on the packaging, I find it is usually a lot less then that per filet)
    ~ Cook from scratch so you know exactly what you are eating and how much.
    ~ Put a fruit or veggie with every meal and use as snacks.
    ~ Don't be afraid to eat carbs, carbs provide energy and are essential
    ~ You do need to eat more to lose more. I lose more when i eat between 1600-1800. I started out eating 800.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Are you sure it's your bmr that is 1971? How did you calculate that?
  • CassiLyn6626
    CassiLyn6626 Posts: 50 Member
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    If just adding 400-500 calories to your day easily with healthier items is your goal, simply have 2 tbsp peanut butter, an handful of almonds, an avocado, etc. Those are good in moderation, healthy and higher in calories ... but that's only if you really need those extra calories. And the weight didn't go on fast right ... so don't expect it to come off fast - it will take time, so stick with it :) Good luck!
  • CassiLyn6626
    CassiLyn6626 Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks so much for the advice, it's hard to retrain your brain that's for sure. Learning that not all calories are bad for you is probably one of the biggest hurdles so far. Who doesn't love peanut butter!