lactose intolerant or just lactose sensitive...

I have noticed that milk products cause some bloating. I don't have pain or any other symptoms that would merit a "lactose intolerant" diagnosis (in my opinion). I know many people take lactase (lactaid) for lactose intolerance, but would that also be helpful/safe for people with just benign sensitivity to lactose? I have tried to eliminate milk from my diet, but dairy (milk products) offer so many things I need, calcium and protein to name two. I have supplemented with other products to some extent, but without milk products I just don't see my diet being healthy. [Note: I do not consume unfermented soy products--so that puts me at a disadvantage with respect to not consuming milk products.]


  • vienna_h
    vienna_h Posts: 428 Member
    Lactose intolerance can be severe or mild, you may not be able to tolerate it at all, or you can tolerate it to a certain degree. Only one way to know: take a hydrogen breath test.