my days been meh

I joined here because I quit smoking and I figured I didnt want to get any bigger..
After using the app i realised that I could stick within the cals for weight loss..

So everyday but 1(only over by around 100 cals I didnt go wild) i've been within my 1200 calorie limit, i've started walking an hour a day this has only just started 5 days ago but i've done it every day, Im drinking an average of 2litres of water a day which is always a bit more than the 8 x 200ml cups recommended..

Im getting a little disheartened.. Im still not smoking which is absolutely brilliant and mabe trying to focus on this is helping.. but without being any lighter I wonder if i could still just quit the *kitten* and go back to the way I was.. I feel like im deprived and not seeing any results.. Its a bit sad.. youd think the water and the walking alone would have seen a couple of pounds come off but if im the same weight eating anything and not doing much is there any real point?

I do want to stick to this for at least another week or 2 but if there is no results think i'll bin it.. my app annoys me too telling me "if every day is like today in 5 weeks you could be" great thanks for that...

Has anyone else found that its started really slow and did it ever pick up?


  • healthy14me
    healthy14me Posts: 2 Member
    I don't know what your intake was originally, but maybe your calories are too low. I had a low intake in the beginning and when I added 200 calories per day, I started seeing changes. Stick with it another week and see if anything happens. And a HUGE congrats on quitting smoking!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I know that a lot of people here report that it takes a few weeks before they see any weight loss, but it sounds like you're pretty miserable with the way you have the app set up. Did you set it for one pound a week loss or two? Most people set it to lose the most weight it will allow, but that may be too aggressive for you. You might want to reset it to one pound a week and see if you're happier with the extra calories it adds.

    And don't forget to log your walking and eat back some of the extra calories you earn. I was never able to eat below 1400 calories without being a complete jerk to the people around me. I decided that I would rather lose the weight a little slower and be happier than lose it all quickly and be miserable.

    Whatever happens, best of luck to you. And congratulations on giving up the smoking! :flowerforyou:
  • The app told me for a 2lb weight loss a week i should be 1200 calories.. I could easily go over it but i've stuck to it just to see..

    I will try another week but if there is no difference in my weight then i could be having a cosy night in with a film and takeaway and still be same weight and not have to avoid chocolate just dive straight in.. I never really ate too much anyway i dont think i was eating at night before but probably not over 1500 cals a day at a guess i wouldnt say i totally pigged out all the time but i ate more and no exercise and never drank water.. its just a bit sad...

    Thank you i am very pleased with myself.. you may be right though after another week if this doesnt work i'll change the goal in the app to lose either 1lb or to stay the same and see if that helps.. its just very strange.. maybe im at the weight im meant to be - for years now i've been within half a stone either way of my current weight but stopping smoking at the top of it i just figured i dont want to put heaps of weight on and i am overweight so if i can manage to lose weight too it would be a huge bonus
  • sanfly
    sanfly Posts: 207 Member
    Good job on quitting smoking!

    If you feel deprived, increase your calories a bit. I have mine set to 1400, and its amazing how much that extra 200 cals does for me - it means an extra healthy snack or two - or the occasional glass of wine :) If you feel too deprived, you might find this harder to stick to.

    To be fair though, even with a slightly higher calorie goal than yours the first few weeks still left me feeling deprived - but that's really only because my diet was so crappy beforehand! Any improvement in what I was eating would have made me feel that way! Now it works pretty well for me, usually when I do get hungry and want to snack its really more boredom than anything.

    If you succeed at this it will be hard. You will get tired. You may have to try a bunch of different stuff to see what works for you. You will most likely slip more than once - but you need to be in it for the long haul.

    Get the right tools as well - are you weighing/measuring all your food?
  • honigbubble
    honigbubble Posts: 22 Member
    Come on you are a size 10 wannabe! Stick with it, I have been so so good the past week and the scales haven't budged. It's a marathon not a sprint! :)
  • I know that a lot of people here report that it takes a few weeks before they see any weight loss, but it sounds like you're pretty miserable with the way you have the app set up. Did you set it for one pound a week loss or two? Most people set it to lose the most weight it will allow, but that may be too aggressive for you. You might want to reset it to one pound a week and see if you're happier with the extra calories it adds.

    And don't forget to log your walking and eat back some of the extra calories you earn. I was never able to eat below 1400 calories without being a complete jerk to the people around me. I decided that I would rather lose the weight a little slower and be happier than lose it all quickly and be miserable.

    Whatever happens, best of luck to you. And congratulations on giving up the smoking! :flowerforyou:

    I did set it to lose 2lb so if one more week of this does nothing i will change it, in fact i might change it to 1lb sooner.. Im always eating the walking calories, think thats half of why im walking so i can eat a bit more.. i like eating, i like eating a lot lol

    Im hoping that maybe somehow im a slow starter but if not i'll increase my calories but i really do think if in a few weeks nothing changes i will probably go bck to how i was, maybe try keep up the walking and water drinking..

    I think i noticed it because i signed up to lose 1.7lbs a week challenge and today will be my starting weigh and then next week i would aim to lose that but its like your failing when your trying.. either way i guess just now the thing i MUST do is stop smoking, i've been this size for years so if need be i will stay this size for another year i just really dont want to get any bigger
  • deannasueknutson
    deannasueknutson Posts: 38 Member
    I have had the same issue. When I was training for a 5K. I was running 3 miles 3 times a week, plus doing other exercises. I was eating a net of 1200 calories as well. However, I gained weight. I believe that I was burning fat and gaining muscle. They say muscle weighs more than fat. Even though I was gaining weight, my clothes were fitting better and friends said that they could see changes in my body cause I was working out so much. I really haven't lost weight, but I have lost inches at my waist, hips, etc.

    I would say that is what is happening to you too. Plus it's your first week, I'm sure you're just adjusting to a new routine. I would also double check that you are acurately counting calories. That could make a difference too. Hope this helps. Keep at it. I'm sure you'll see results soon.
  • Come on you are a size 10 wannabe! Stick with it, I have been so so good the past week and the scales haven't budged. It's a marathon not a sprint! :)

    your right i am a size10 wannabe!! i will try keep going just some days makes you wonder why!!
  • sanfly
    sanfly Posts: 207 Member

    I will try another week but if there is no difference in my weight then i could be having a cosy night in with a film and takeaway and still be same weight and not have to avoid chocolate just dive straight in..

    Have that cozy night! Do it once every couple of weeks! Don't go crazy, but you need to think about how you're changing your lifestyle for the better for the long run. That will mean that sometimes you'll have takeaways, just don't have as much or as often.
    I never really ate too much anyway i dont think i was eating at night before but probably not over 1500 cals a day at a guess i wouldnt say i totally pigged out all the time but i ate more and no exercise and never drank water.. its just a bit sad...

    If you really do have 45lb to lose and you weren't losing or maintaining on your previous intake, to be completely honest with you, you must be underestimating this quite a bit and potentially underestimating what you are eating now. I would recommend getting more accurate with your logging - weigh and measure everything that goes in your mouth (where practical) and get a Heart Rate Monitor for your exercise.
  • I have had the same issue. When I was training for a 5K. I was running 3 miles 3 times a week, plus doing other exercises. I was eating a net of 1200 calories as well. However, I gained weight. I believe that I was burning fat and gaining muscle. They say muscle weighs more than fat. Even though I was gaining weight, my clothes were fitting better and friends said that they could see changes in my body cause I was working out so much. I really haven't lost weight, but I have lost inches at my waist, hips, etc.

    I would say that is what is happening to you too. Plus it's your first week, I'm sure you're just adjusting to a new routine. I would also double check that you are acurately counting calories. That could make a difference too. Hope this helps. Keep at it. I'm sure you'll see results soon.

    I am doing the calories correctly, the app lets you scan most things which really is great and it isnt too hard, i have digital kitchen scales too which helps if im making anything..

    im on 12hr shifts just now so wont see my family or friends for another couple of days so i will see what they think.. you might be right though yesterday i was quite up because i could feel a bit of space between my thighs which ive not felt in quite a long time but my clothes dont really feel any looser.. i also think i've got pmt so maybe this is bloating me a bit and wont be helping my moods any, i didnt notice the space feeling today either that might have helped me be a bit more pleased lol

    maybe im just in a grump and need to snap out of it and stick to what im doing.. i've been pleased with myself i just wish so much the scales or clothes were pleased with me :)

  • I will try another week but if there is no difference in my weight then i could be having a cosy night in with a film and takeaway and still be same weight and not have to avoid chocolate just dive straight in..

    Have that cozy night! Do it once every couple of weeks! Don't go crazy, but you need to think about how you're changing your lifestyle for the better for the long run. That will mean that sometimes you'll have takeaways, just don't have as much or as often.
    I never really ate too much anyway i dont think i was eating at night before but probably not over 1500 cals a day at a guess i wouldnt say i totally pigged out all the time but i ate more and no exercise and never drank water.. its just a bit sad...

    If you really do have 45lb to lose and you weren't losing or maintaining on your previous intake, to be completely honest with you, you must be underestimating this quite a bit and potentially underestimating what you are eating now. I would recommend getting more accurate with your logging - weigh and measure everything that goes in your mouth (where practical) and get a Heart Rate Monitor for your exercise.

    I believe that for years I have not been eating often enough.. thats why i gained weight and never lost anything.. i would eat for a week then when im off work at home i would eat something between 8-9pm with my partner when he finished work, i would just drink tea or diet vimto and smoke.. i really did not eat too much but eating 2 meals a day for 7days then eating 1 a day for 7days (2days a week we would share a takeaway)

    i still intend to have my takeaway with him this weekend, that wont change and i will still share the same as we always had, one of the first things i did was preplan how many calories that is and sharing a curry really is not that much..

    I am defonitely eating more now than i was and if i want to eat net of 1200 calories a day i'll need to eat more when im off and not just stick to dinner when he's home and washed..

    I have no need to pretend - i have weight to loose but often i've been told if you dont eat enough your body stores as fat as it doesnt know when its next meal is coming and i totally believe this, when i was thin i ate a lot and often but changes in work have changed my eating habbits, im hungry at night and almost all of the time i will wait until night to eat unless i have to go out for lunch etc but thats no more than every 2months.

    Of course there was days i would eat a whole pizza to myself and 2 chocolate bars but not every week and even when we did overeat again it would not be something we spent the day doing none of us bother until the evening
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    1. patience is SO key in this. it takes a little while to get the ball rollin'
    2. you may very well not be eating enough. go here calculate your TDEE and eat 75-80% of that for healthy weight loss. mfp is notorious for setting the calorie allowance too low for people who wanna lose 2lbs a week.
    3. ?
    4. profit.

    also, as you continue to success, it can be harder to see movement on the scale. get yourself a tape measure and/or body fat calipers. take these measurements and track progress that way as well.

    weight loss is RARELY linear....there will be peaks and valleys, but stay focused, be patient, and enjoy the rewards!

    congrats on quitting smoking too!
  • jennifer_255
    jennifer_255 Posts: 86 Member
    are u under on your sugar n fat intake that may have an effect also x
  • honigbubble
    honigbubble Posts: 22 Member
    Come on you are a size 10 wannabe! Stick with it, I have been so so good the past week and the scales haven't budged. It's a marathon not a sprint! :)

    your right i am a size10 wannabe!! i will try keep going just some days makes you wonder why!!

    Definitely seeing as all the size 10s i know don't have to work at it lol !
  • 1. patience is SO key in this. it takes a little while to get the ball rollin'
    2. you may very well not be eating enough. go here calculate your TDEE and eat 75-80% of that for healthy weight loss. mfp is notorious for setting the calorie allowance too low for people who wanna lose 2lbs a week.
    3. ?
    4. profit.

    also, as you continue to success, it can be harder to see movement on the scale. get yourself a tape measure and/or body fat calipers. take these measurements and track progress that way as well.

    weight loss is RARELY linear....there will be peaks and valleys, but stay focused, be patient, and enjoy the rewards!

    congrats on quitting smoking too!

    Thank you i will have a look at the URL and see if my goals on here are accurate.. what is TDEE?
  • are u under on your sugar n fat intake that may have an effect also x

    Im over on sugar, mostly about right on fat sometimes a bit over though :(

    with stopping smoking i've not had tea or coffee because it will make me want a *kitten* so im having 2 hotchocolates a day as a treat and they are just what i need i look forward to them and i really cant give them up, the hotchocolate and oranges are the only cravings i've had instead of *kitten* and they are much better for me and since starting this im having 2 hotchocs instead of 4 so even if this is the cause i wouldnt be able to give them up now until im over the smoking x
  • 04ward
    04ward Posts: 196 Member
    bump to read later
  • My advice - patience!

    First off - a lot of big changes, starting with the quit smoking. Contrary to all the media tries to tell you (or fellow smokers, or even lies you've told yourself), nicotine is an addictive substance. It's going to take time just to get over the cravings and if you don't give into the cigarette cravings, then you're going to want to reach for something else, anything else. Then you decided to take it a step further and be proactive and lose weight. I applaud that. But remember, the weight doesn't go on instantly, so it won't come off instantly either, no matter what MFP recommends for a 2 lb a week weight loss.

    2nd - you've been at it a week. Any number of things can keep that desired 2 lb loss from happening. If you're not weighing and measuring, you could be over or underestimating what you eat. Also, walking daily, you do burn calories. MFP calorie estimate is based on what you normally do, so if your day involves a lot of sitting and computer time, then it's going to calorie deficit you based on no exercise. You need to eat back some of the calories you expend during the day if you have added exercise. Good news - it means you get to eat more. I go with eat back around half of my exercise calories, so if I burn 200 calories walking, I can eat back up to 100 of those calories burned.

    Also, remember what MFP gives you is a recommendation. You may need to eat a little more for your body and how it burns calories. Not eating enough is usually the #1 reason for super slow weight loss. It's some trial and error at to what works for you.

    This is a lifestyle change much like choosing not to smoke. It takes time and you might stumble along the way. But you can do it, you can succeed.
  • My advice - patience!

    First off - a lot of big changes, starting with the quit smoking. Contrary to all the media tries to tell you (or fellow smokers, or even lies you've told yourself), nicotine is an addictive substance. It's going to take time just to get over the cravings and if you don't give into the cigarette cravings, then you're going to want to reach for something else, anything else. Then you decided to take it a step further and be proactive and lose weight. I applaud that. But remember, the weight doesn't go on instantly, so it won't come off instantly either, no matter what MFP recommends for a 2 lb a week weight loss.

    2nd - you've been at it a week. Any number of things can keep that desired 2 lb loss from happening. If you're not weighing and measuring, you could be over or underestimating what you eat. Also, walking daily, you do burn calories. MFP calorie estimate is based on what you normally do, so if your day involves a lot of sitting and computer time, then it's going to calorie deficit you based on no exercise. You need to eat back some of the calories you expend during the day if you have added exercise. Good news - it means you get to eat more. I go with eat back around half of my exercise calories, so if I burn 200 calories walking, I can eat back up to 100 of those calories burned.

    Also, remember what MFP gives you is a recommendation. You may need to eat a little more for your body and how it burns calories. Not eating enough is usually the #1 reason for super slow weight loss. It's some trial and error at to what works for you.

    This is a lifestyle change much like choosing not to smoke. It takes time and you might stumble along the way. But you can do it, you can succeed.

    thanks for taking the time for this advice..

    I can handle staying the same weight if i have to.. but if im staying the same weight i might aswell just be a non smoker and be the lazy bum i was..

    i've been eating back ALL my exercise calories pretty much every day - maybe i should lessen this but i will see how the next week goes i dont really want to lose 150cals, i kinda prefer your idea of increasing them!! I will give it another week and see what happens before i alter anything i think maybe im just looking for it too soon

    i am very inactive and i did set my mfp to show that im inactive.. maybe now im walking i should say the second worst option?
  • I have done one of those TDEE calculators and it shows i should have between 1304-1391 calories a day to lose fat.. perhaps i should increase my calorie intake from what MFP says.

    I put my activity down as little as i do have a desk job which is 12hr shifts - if im going to walk to work every day (or most) should i change that to light exercise and get 1495 calories a day?
  • sanfly
    sanfly Posts: 207 Member
    I would keep the activity level at little, and add the walking in as exercise as you do it.
  • ok thanks