Phlegm and Running

Anyone else have this issue? I tend to get a pretty sticky throat on account of allergies, and running makes it almost unbearable. I'm constantly trying to sip while I run, clearing my throat, and I cough quite a bit afterward. Anyone have tips that might help me out?


  • the_texreb
    the_texreb Posts: 138 Member
    Hock a loogie. I have the same problem. I don't always spit, depending on where I am, if I'm running alone, on a treadmill (ok, I sometimes spit on the treadmill, but only to display my masculine dominance to a hot chick), etc. I just clear my throat the same as if I was sitting at work and deal. When I'm running in the woods? Game on. It does suck because it dries my throat, but I don't run more than 40 minutes, so I can deal and make sure to drink water afterwards. Or, get a camel bak and you can sip with ease.
  • amilemon
    amilemon Posts: 17 Member
    LOL. Definitely not something I would do on the treadmill. xD At times today it was hard to breathe, which got frustrating. I'd jump onto the side of the tread, clear my throat and take a sip but it kept happening. Annoying. I just didn't know if this was a common thing or what.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Based on what you are supposed to drink I am going to give you terrible advice.

    I drink barely any water when I run. I mean if I run for four hours for a marathon training run I may drink 12 oz of water, if that. The less i drink, the drier my throat - but not in an uncomfortable way. I honestly can't seem to stomach a lot of water so this is what works for me and prevents the phlegm buildup.

    I'm not saying to go to extremes but maybe try an dclear your throat, cough without drinking unless you need that? Otherwise, do you have any other acid problems that could be causing it? Does it depend on the time of day or what you eat before you run?
  • krist3ng
    krist3ng Posts: 259 Member
    I get this, sort of, but with a massively runny nose while I'm running outside. Maybe it's just trying to keep up with me? :smokin:

    Not sure why my nose runs so much...
  • amilemon
    amilemon Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for the advice. It would be nice to run with feeling like I'm choking...
  • beatnik236
    beatnik236 Posts: 120 Member
    I get a lot of phlegm running in the cold. I spit and also I bring a bandana for a hankie with me for the snot bubbles. lol. Sometimes I forget and have to use my sleeve. Yes I am shameless! but that is what a washer is for.