Still got a flabby stomach?

Hi. I'm almost underweight now, and I still have a really flabby stomach and flabby thighs. I try to do at least 20 jack-knives or crunches a day, and 3 times a week I do a whole ab workout. My net calories are always ate 1100-1200. Why have I still got all this flab?


  • steengod
    steengod Posts: 35 Member
    I guess you have lost your weight faster, than what your skin can follow.

    Your skin is elastic and will fit your body eventually. Being 18 it should not take very long.

    You should drink about 1/3 of your bodyweight in kilo in deciliters, from what I have learned, to give it the best chances.
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    it's probably the foods you are eating, and not the calories you're consuming. if you still have fat to lose, you need to figure out which food ( macros - fat carbs protein) you need to be eating in order to get rid of that fat. 'abs are made in the kitchen' meaning, 80% of fat loss comes from what you eat and 20% comes from what exercises you do. ab work outs won't do anything for the flab/ fat. you need to be doing fat burning work outs. lift heavy weights, do HIIT work outs..... cut out the junk, processed stuff, and pay close attention to your macros. it might take some time to figure out the right combo, but once you do you should shed fat pretty easily.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    It might be your imagination, or it could just be where you store fat.

    Try using weights and see if that doesn't make a big difference. Either do the big compound lifts everyone recommends, or weight your ab exercises. Cables are great, but you can also hold plates or weight your legs for leg raises, etc.

    A non-weight, unusual routine that works for me to get my obliques really cool looking and solid is belly dance. I really do it for spinal and mid-back health (I have a back problem), but I can't say I dislike how it makes my obliques look! It hits other parts of the abs, but mine take more stimulus like weights to look different compared to my obliques. YMMV. Some belly dancers look amazing and all they do is dance.
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    bump i got the same issue :(
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    it's probably the foods you are eating, and not the calories you're consuming. if you still have fat to lose, you need to figure out which food ( macros - fat carbs protein) you need to be eating in order to get rid of that fat. 'abs are made in the kitchen' meaning, 80% of fat loss comes from what you eat and 20% comes from what exercises you do. ab work outs won't do anything for the flab/ fat. you need to be doing fat burning work outs. lift heavy weights, do HIIT work outs..... cut out the junk, processed stuff, and pay close attention to your macros. it might take some time to figure out the right combo, but once you do you should shed fat pretty easily.

    No to everything except lifting heavy weights. Certain foods do not get rid of fat; a calorie deficit does. In terms of macros, yes those are important, but if she's eating at a surplus she'll gain even if her macros are good.

    OP, I would suggest you look into a strength training/weight lifting program. Since you're almost underweight, as you say, I would look more into body recomposition.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Eat more. If you are already underweight you should stop eating at a deficit. I would focus more on getting fit than losing more weight. Work out. Lift weights.
  • snowmaniac
    snowmaniac Posts: 600 Member
    Drink plenty of water, lift heavy and eat enough calories to build up some muscle. Also allow your skin some time to tighten up. Depending on how far it was stretched, it may need time to regain it's elasticity.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I have the same problem/areas/weight. I'm struggling to firm up inner thighs and get rid of the tummy overhang. Since Christmas I've kinda fallen off the wagon a bit but from previous research I reckon the best thing we can do is a lean bulk to try and recomp our bodies. Eat at a slight surplus and get lifting to build muscle. I'm hoping that will help firm things up and fill out my skin a little. Plus more muscle = more fat burning :o)
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member

    No to everything except lifting heavy weights. Certain foods do not get rid of fat; a calorie deficit does. In terms of macros, yes those are important, but if she's eating at a surplus she'll gain even if her macros are good.

    OP, I would suggest you look into a strength training/weight lifting program. Since you're almost underweight, as you say, I would look more into body recomposition.

    I coud not disagree more :-)