
jcast92 Posts: 144 Member
About four years ago, I lost twenty pounds, going from 158 to 138. Two years ago, I lost 7 more pounds in a short amount of time (went through a breakup :p), ending up at about 131 pounds. I maintained this for about 3 weeks, then when summer came I gained. A LOT. By September, I weighed 148. I oscillated between 151 and 148 for a while, finally coming down to 145.

It's now a year since that occurred and I'm at 147. I Before Christmas, i was at 145, during September i was somehow 140, and now I can't even lose ONE pound!
Is there anything I'm doing wrong?

I'm trying hard to stay motivated but I'm really confused as to what I could be wrong.


  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    What is your plan? How many calories, are you consistently and accurately logging? are you measuring food, what are you doing for workouts, how are you calculating workout calories, are you eating them back? How long have you been doing it? Are you sticking to everything religiously? Is your diary open?

    Need a lot more information to help figure out what's up.

    ETA: nvm diary question, looking through it now.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    How tall are you? You look great in your photos.
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    Yea you're eating too much. That's the only reason you gained 16 lbs. Gotta track what you eat if you want to look thick, solid, tight.
  • jcast92
    jcast92 Posts: 144 Member
    I'll admit that during the summer I stopped working out, and since break I haven't done much exercise, but now that school has started up again I'm doing cardio 2-3 times a week, and weights 2-3 times a week. I always bike (not stationary, to get places) 5 days a week, and the other stuff is just in addition to it.

    Currently, I am sticking to this religiously and logging my calories as accurately as I can, overestimating if I can't figure it out.

    This particular time, I've only been at it for about 2 weeks. I ask advice now because I've given up before when nothing changes. :/
  • jcast92
    jcast92 Posts: 144 Member
    I'm almost 5'7"!
  • jcast92
    jcast92 Posts: 144 Member
    What is your plan? How many calories, are you consistently and accurately logging? are you measuring food, what are you doing for workouts, how are you calculating workout calories, are you eating them back? How long have you been doing it? Are you sticking to everything religiously? Is your diary open?

    Need a lot more information to help figure out what's up.

    ETA: nvm diary question, looking through it now.

    By the way, your photo is really inspiring!!
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    I'll admit that during the summer I stopped working out, and since break I haven't done much exercise, but now that school has started up again I'm doing cardio 2-3 times a week, and weights 2-3 times a week. I always bike (not stationary, to get places) 5 days a week, and the other stuff is just in addition to it.

    Currently, I am sticking to this religiously and logging my calories as accurately as I can, overestimating if I can't figure it out.

    This particular time, I've only been at it for about 2 weeks. I ask advice now because I've given up before when nothing changes. :/

    How often do you weigh yourself and do you eat about the same amount of carbs every day?

    But usually if you're not seeing the scale go down it's:

    1. You're not in a big enough deficit

    2. High sodium making you retain water, which is masking your weight loss
  • jcast92
    jcast92 Posts: 144 Member
    I'll admit that during the summer I stopped working out, and since break I haven't done much exercise, but now that school has started up again I'm doing cardio 2-3 times a week, and weights 2-3 times a week. I always bike (not stationary, to get places) 5 days a week, and the other stuff is just in addition to it.

    Currently, I am sticking to this religiously and logging my calories as accurately as I can, overestimating if I can't figure it out.

    This particular time, I've only been at it for about 2 weeks. I ask advice now because I've given up before when nothing changes. :/

    How often do you weigh yourself and do you eat about the same amount of carbs every day?

    But usually if you're not seeing the scale go down it's:

    1. You're not in a big enough deficit

    2. High sodium making you retain water, which is masking your weight loss

    I know there's variation, but I've been weighing myself almost daily. I do not eat the same amount of carbs every day, but overall I try to incorporate more proteins into my diet. I don't consume very many foods that are rich in sodium, so I think I'll try more of a deficit!

    Thank you for your input!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I'll admit that during the summer I stopped working out, and since break I haven't done much exercise, but now that school has started up again I'm doing cardio 2-3 times a week, and weights 2-3 times a week. I always bike (not stationary, to get places) 5 days a week, and the other stuff is just in addition to it.

    Currently, I am sticking to this religiously and logging my calories as accurately as I can, overestimating if I can't figure it out.

    This particular time, I've only been at it for about 2 weeks. I ask advice now because I've given up before when nothing changes. :/

    Your diary looks pretty solid. If anything I would try to get a little more protein- if you shoot for 100g a day it would be about right.

    What you should do is get a tape measure and take body measurements everywhere, and take several full body pictures in a bathing suit or tight workout clothes ASAP. For now, continue with your program and five it a few more weeks. Because you don't have that much to lose and you're simultaneously starting exercise, it's no surprise to me that you're not seeing much change right away. The people that get big results right away are generally starting from a different point than you are. The exercise you're doing causes your body to retain some water initially which can mask initial weight loss.

    Stick with your current program and don't weigh yourself for the next 2 weeks (or 3 weeks if your period is right around the two week mark) and after that time re-take your measurements and check in with the scale. Things should be moving by then. Most important is to keep logging and try to stay at your calorie limit- not over or under.

    PS- Thank you for the comment about my picture. :smooched:
  • jcast92
    jcast92 Posts: 144 Member
    I'll admit that during the summer I stopped working out, and since break I haven't done much exercise, but now that school has started up again I'm doing cardio 2-3 times a week, and weights 2-3 times a week. I always bike (not stationary, to get places) 5 days a week, and the other stuff is just in addition to it.

    Currently, I am sticking to this religiously and logging my calories as accurately as I can, overestimating if I can't figure it out.

    This particular time, I've only been at it for about 2 weeks. I ask advice now because I've given up before when nothing changes. :/

    Your diary looks pretty solid. If anything I would try to get a little more protein- if you shoot for 100g a day it would be about right.

    What you should do is get a tape measure and take body measurements everywhere, and take several full body pictures in a bathing suit or tight workout clothes ASAP. For now, continue with your program and five it a few more weeks. Because you don't have that much to lose and you're simultaneously starting exercise, it's no surprise to me that you're not seeing much change right away. The people that get big results right away are generally starting from a different point than you are. The exercise you're doing causes your body to retain some water initially which can mask initial weight loss.

    Stick with your current program and don't weigh yourself for the next 2 weeks (or 3 weeks if your period is right around the two week mark) and after that time re-take your measurements and check in with the scale. Things should be moving by then. Most important is to keep logging and try to stay at your calorie limit- not over or under.

    PS- Thank you for the comment about my picture. :smooched:

    Thank you!! I really appreciate this input. I'll take my body measurements now and take pictures as well. That's a great idea!

    I'll try my best to meet the calorie limit and I will definitely stick with this program. I'm motivated again! :flowerforyou:
  • lr0700
    lr0700 Posts: 4 Member
    if it makes you feel better i'm the same .... if you find help let me know thanks ;)
  • I'm looking for motivation! I'm new to the forums part of MFP & am starting all over. I've lost 60lbs since June 11th 2013 but wanting to lose about 30 more!
  • jcast92
    jcast92 Posts: 144 Member
    Let's help motivate each other! :)