

I started my diet on 2nd Jan and weigh myself every Thursday, last week I had already lost 9 pounds and have my next weigh in to come this week!

I'm not following any fad diet, just eating better and exercising and cutting out all the rubbish like bread, cheese etc

My one thing that i have cut out is Chocolate and this is particular hard for me as I work for a chocolate distrubutor so have it in abundence here!!!

My problem is, is that i'm really craving it lately and so far have resisted, but my willpower is really being tested, is there anything i can have instead that will stop these cravings?


  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Congrats on your loss already! But why are you cutting out anything? Wouldn't it be much easier to learn portion control, moderation and patience. Which will make you not have serious cravings because you aren't depriving yourself of anything.

    When you start restricting so much all you do is focus on the things you are saying are bad, and this is when you cave and eat all the chocolate or bread or whatever, than say well this diet doesn't work and give up.

    So instead of labeling any food as good or bad, set yourself up with a reasonable calorie deficit, get a food scale, learn portion control, moderation and again PATIENCE!

    Good luck

    Edited to add: Go read this thread it might help you
  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    eat em once a week and send em to me 6x/week. i will eat it for you. hehehe!
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    I eat chocolate everyday and I still lose weight.

    The trick is get only a small portion and eat only that portion.

    I usually get dark chocolate.

    However, if you think once you start eating you will just pig out then be careful.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    eat em once a week and send em to me 6x/week. i will eat it for you. hehehe!

    Hey share it with me!!! :)
  • richardsadler500
    Hi Guys,

    Just to clarify, I'm not completely cutting everything out! Just the stuff that were my previous vices that I eat in abundance! I've been doing a portion control diet and had a little bit of cheese the other night, but nothing like i had previously!!

    I've just had a few buttons of chocolate and its satisfied my urge, it was a very small amount so not enough to do any damage!

    Thanks guys, bit of an amateur to all this, so any helps is greatly appreciated, im getting married next year so trying to get in shape so i look good on the day, and also because I'm 27 years old and weighed 22 stone before i started my diet. Very much a wake up call and something that shook me badly, so I'm determined to get down to 16 stone ( healthy size for me as im 6ft 3 and very broad)
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    If your diary is a correct representation of your food intake you should probably be eating much more. 1200-1500 cals is not enough for a 27 yr old male. Eat back your exercise calories as MFP instructs and perhaps you won't have cravings.

    Also, a more sensible calorie intake will allow you to eat the foods you love, just be mindful of portions and be sure to weigh and log everything you eat.
  • DMicheleC
    DMicheleC Posts: 171 Member
    You could try curbing your sweet craving by having low fat yoghurt or sugar free jelly. These have helped me and I really love chocolate.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    If your diary is a correct representation of your food intake you should probably be eating much more. 1200-1500 cals is not enough for a 27 yr old male. Eat back your exercise calories as MFP instructs and perhaps you won't have cravings.

    Also, a more sensible calorie intake will allow you to eat the foods you love, just be mindful of portions and be sure to weigh and log everything you eat.

    ^^this you are also really tall so listen to this lady and you will have a much easier time losing the weight.
    Don't see it as a diet, see it as a lifestyle change
  • Brabrat
    I am a chocolate addict too, It stabilizes my moods, some days the cravings are intense it rules my day, I cant think I get angry , overemotional and get irrational but I resist the temptation despite the pleas of my family "EAT some chocolate for Gods sake ". After reading this Im thinking next time I have a chocolate craving attack I should have a little. Seems like the most logical way to deal with it . Thanks for posting